Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: WorldTour_dup1 SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/30/06 08:16 PM
Ok Here are the available dates in May of 2007 that we can hold Spring Zing 2007.

Available SZ07 Dates
May 3-6
May 10-13
May 17-19
May 24-27 (This is Memorial Day Weekend)

I will leave this up through the end of July, that should give everyone enough time to help us decide on a set of dates.

Posted By: beyondloadedSE_dup1 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/30/06 08:24 PM
i say its going to be close for the last 2 weekends, but will probably end up being the same weekend as SZ 04,05,06. I personally voted for memorial day weekend. Everyone in college and high school should be out by then. Not to mention, its it a little bit longer for the weather to warm up and be nicer. The only thing that may cause a problem for memorial day weekend is the people that want to go to Carlisle.
Posted By: RawBurt Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/30/06 08:28 PM
SZ on memorial day weekend is a bad idea. Attendance will drop for sure, I wouldnt want to go to SZ on a holiday... Thats for sure.
Posted By: Airforce Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/30/06 10:31 PM
Originally posted by RawBurt:
SZ on memorial day weekend is a bad idea. Attendance will drop for sure, I wouldnt want to go to SZ on a holiday... Thats for sure.

why not??

Anyway I voted for the week before memorial day because it would be the best for two groups of people. The college and HS kids and people who need to give there vaction time request in advance(6-8 months)but can't get off memorial day weekend due to other people and senority
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/30/06 11:33 PM
Holidays are bad for alot of people, but I'd like to suggest another option, any weekend is fine
Posted By: todras_dup1 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/30/06 11:36 PM
I'm glad we discussed this. Dates are going to depend on when the tracks events etc. Why are we using a poll when we know everyone is not going to make it. It's a year away. I don't even know what I'm doing next month. Mark and Jim went ahead with what was best and attendance was great.
Posted By: WorldTour_dup1 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/30/06 11:57 PM
I posted this because everytime I went ahead and set a date people freaked out and complained. At least this way we can have a concensus of what people want.

Posted By: GreaseyMonkey Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/31/06 12:20 AM
not the same weekend as bike week in myrtle beach. that's all i have to say.
Posted By: beyondloadedSE_dup1 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/31/06 12:31 AM
Originally posted by GreaseyMonkey:
not the same weekend as bike week in myrtle beach. that's all i have to say.

how many CEG'ers are going to that?

Mark, you know every weekend there is, someone is going to say "I cant do it that weekend, so make it another weekend", but you just have to pick the weekend with the best attendance. Im preaching to the choir. You know how it goes. Chances are your best bet will be the 17-20 unless of course, you wanted to do it two weeks after Carlisle and youll pretty much be guaranteed nice weather. Either way, im down for any weekend.
Posted By: hetfield_dup1 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/31/06 12:53 AM
I would've loved for SZ05 to be on a different weekend since I was graduating from college that Sunday, but that's life. I was able to attend this year, and it more than made up for missing last year. I put my two cents in on the poll, but honestly I'll just go with what's decided.
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/31/06 12:55 AM
I like the weekend before Memorial Day....long weekend for SZ then a long weekend for Memorial Day.
Posted By: ZoomZoom Diva Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/31/06 01:06 AM
Memorial day weekend will make travel more of a bear, and interfere with many family activites. Really early May gets dicier with the weather (late April Rotary meets have been freeze events).

I would shoot for the middle two, IMHO, depending on how everthing else fits.
Posted By: todras_dup1 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/31/06 01:16 AM
GR on Memorial. Good luck with that. Everyone from S of MI pretty much goes up 131 to camp up north.
Posted By: m!key Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/31/06 02:38 AM
just say "no" to voting.
Posted By: Y2KSVT Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/31/06 04:46 AM
You don't have an option for June. We lucked out the last two years with awesome weather. '04 wasn't so nice, and it wasn't just because of the rain. We can keep our fingers crossed, but if I had to do it all over again, I'd go with June. More people out of school, most Weddings take place in May so there'll be less people complaining about that, and the weather is bound to be warmer. I'm with Jim, and think 2 weeks AFTER Carlisle would be perfect!

Memorial Day weekend = Crazy traffic, jacked up gas prices, lots more cops out and about, and the chance of some places not being open such as a track.

Oh, and whatever you do, no baby blue t-shirts or I'm not coming!

Posted By: Klasse Act Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/31/06 05:29 AM

Oh, and whatever you do, no baby blue t-shirts or I'm not coming!

How about pink LOL!
Posted By: Livinsvt_dup1 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/31/06 05:36 AM
Mark took the words out of my mouth. We get lucky every year with the rain. June would be my vote, I understand track availability will have its effect on timing.
Posted By: striker2 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/31/06 11:37 AM
you need to find out what weekend(s) the track will be available to us and then go with that. obviously no matter what date is picked people will complain about it.
Posted By: WorldTour_dup1 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 05/31/06 12:51 PM
The problem with June is that its after one of the largest travel weekend of the year. You're going to run into people who travel with their families on memorial day weekend and over-extend themselves financially and then back out of SZ because of that. I'd rather have people come to SZ07 and back out of holiday travel! Plus having a 3 day weekend shortly after SZ to recooperate was actually pretty nice!

Posted By: GreaseyMonkey Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 06/01/06 03:07 PM
Originally posted by beyondloadedSE:
Originally posted by GreaseyMonkey:
not the same weekend as bike week in myrtle beach. that's all i have to say.

how many CEG'ers are going to that?

it's not that the rest of CEG goes to myrtle that week, it's that i do with 20 other members of my family for golfing (because that is one of the least-golfed weeks in myrtle beach, so we plan for it, and get crazy deals cuz the courses want business). that's where i was this year, and would really like to not have to miss again next year because of it, but alas, i'm just one of those people going "not that weekend, no, i can't go that weekend, aghhh"

oh well.
Posted By: GTO Pete Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 06/01/06 03:22 PM
It's a landslide. May 17-19, 2007 in Grand Rapids!
Posted By: WorldTour_dup1 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 06/01/06 03:30 PM
Originally posted by GT-Slow Pete:
It's a landslide. May 17-19, 2007 in Grand Rapids!

I'm still leaving it up for a couple months...
Posted By: Pole120 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 06/01/06 03:39 PM
Originally posted by GT-Slow Pete:
It's a landslide. May 17-19, 2007 in Grand Rapids!

Only 3 days?
Posted By: todras_dup1 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 06/01/06 03:52 PM
We really can't take you for more than 1.
Posted By: Pole120 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 06/01/06 04:00 PM
Originally posted by todras:
We really can't take you for more than 1.

Posted By: WorldTour_dup1 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 06/01/06 04:32 PM
Originally posted by todras:
We really can't take you for more than 1.

Glad someone other then me said it! LOL
Posted By: Frosty Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 06/02/06 01:22 AM
I was hoping you would plan it on the week prior to the 17th because there was an SVTOA event that had to be missed as well as an event at Road America I was considering attending. I look forward to it wherever it falls though
Posted By: Pre98 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 06/02/06 02:31 AM
Guys, can't four days be had? Why only 3? That's like driving my car to Michigan to have it stall eleventy billion times and have no time for (drunken) grievances

Posted By: WorldTour_dup1 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 06/02/06 03:02 AM
Originally posted by Gr8 Po0ntour:
Guys, can't four days be had? Why only 3? That's like driving my car to Michigan to have it stall eleventy billion times and have no time for (drunken) grievances

should have read 17-20, IIRC. I must've looked at the calendar cross-eyed or something.

Eitherway, like I said earlier, voting will stay open for quite some time so just because something is in the lead after 3 days doesn't really mean it will be the final date.
This poll is more to gauge everyone's preference at this point.
Posted By: DARKONE Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 06/02/06 02:30 PM
But u also have to think alot of people are gonna be with family members that weekend.
Posted By: Huntervf_dup1 Re: SZ07 Dates - VOTE HERE - 06/02/06 02:55 PM
There are so many car events these days that inevitably one event will fall on--or be a week away from--another event. People will just have to choose which event they'd rather do and understand that there's no way to set a perfect event on a perfect date. Trying to plan around other events will only lead to complete and utter frustration.

I think earlier in May would be best. You can have rain ANYTIME, and while the possibility for cooler weather in MI still exists at that point the odds are in favor of warmer weather, and the track events in theory should be easier to schedule. Getting close to Memorial weekend would be a disaster, never mind holding it that weekend. Memorial weekend is good for a single-day event, but increased travel + family oriented holiday + the amount of single day events that take place would leave SZ hurting. Even holding it the weekend before may be a bad idea; I see people faced with a bunch of driving and a spent weekend for SZ only to turn around and have the same thing for the following weekend. May be fun for some, but for those with fairly busy schedules it could very quickly become overkill.

The 1st or 2nd weekend in May is generally a nice time of year in MI. This year was odd, what with the below average temps and above average rain, but coming from someone who's lived in MI for pretty much all his life, I don't think weather for early May should be a concern. Hell, we did SZ 01 and 02 in freakin' April and had great weather.

My .02.
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