Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: TRicker HELP~! front subframe nut spinning! - 08/19/06 10:18 PM
well guys. i searched every post with "subframe" in it. i cant find it.

i need to locate the nut on the DRIVERS side that the front driver side bolt goes into for the subframe. it is about 3/8" loose right now there is a gap, i never noticed before because when i bolted it up the jack was under it and the bolt felt tight. it wasnt. the nut is spinning on the other side. i found the way to get to the rear nuts, but i cant seem to find a way to locate the front one. any help??? pleeease haha
Posted By: TRicker Re: HELP~! front subframe nut spinning! - 08/20/06 12:04 AM
it was nothing a 1" hole saw couldnt fix. ha!
Posted By: Pale Horse Re: HELP~! front subframe nut spinning! - 08/22/06 01:35 AM
I broke out the SawZall when that happened to me. Cut just enough to get the Box end wrench in there...Fun experience.
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