Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: GTO Pete Beware of this seller - 04/23/04 10:48 PM
A new CEGer is selling parts on Ebay and apparently screwed someone over on another forum:


Originally posted by: **name withheld**
...this somewhat breaks the rules, but i ask the mods to allow it as it is important
this guy is a fraud, i won those items last week in an auction and he lied about where its location was, and then about how much shipping was, and then decided to cover himself and charge 50 bux handling, and then when i said i've got a friend who lives right by ya that can pick it up(after he agreed to do this) he re-listed item and totally stopped contact with me. BUY AT YOUR OWN RISK:
Ebay link
he also has a set of heads/cams on eBay that i'd be careful of buying


Originally posted by: **name withheld**
this is the reply that i got to his email

> Dear gsxr907,
> why are you relisting this item when someone has
> already won it? it seems like your screwing people
> over.
> Thank you
> **name withheld**

I know who you are and I am happy that your friends
with other guy but you do not know what happened
just his side so before you take your one sided
friends view think that he might be wrong I take back
the [censored] you your just an [censored] like him
fu not fyi

I'm not trying to say he's ripping people off or anything, just wanted to give fellow CEGers a heads up of this incident given the number of rip offs occurring in Classifieds and Group Buys.

Posted By: JB1 Re: Beware of this seller - 04/23/04 10:55 PM
i think we as a group need to pound on or otherwise reprimand all these frauds i keep hearing about. i have not been taken myself but such behavior is just out of the question.
Posted By: ssmumich00_dup1 Re: Beware of this seller - 04/23/04 11:08 PM
i hate ebay now, I bought a set of heads from some guy, got a GREAT price. . .and lo and behold, he "broke them" when he was taking them to ship, at least he refunded me the money, but I've been waiting to see if he relists them. . .I thought this listing (the same guy has heads and cams listed) was suspicious. . .whatever, I got scammed on ebay once, NEVER again. . .
Posted By: gsxr907 Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 04:17 PM
Originally posted by SVT ST PETE:
A new CEGer is selling parts on Ebay and apparently screwed someone over on another forum:


Originally posted by: **name withheld**
...this somewhat breaks the rules, but i ask the mods to allow it as it is important
this guy is a fraud, i won those items last week in an auction and he lied about where its location was, and then about how much shipping was, and then decided to cover himself and charge 50 bux handling, and then when i said i've got a friend who lives right by ya that can pick it up(after he agreed to do this) he re-listed item and totally stopped contact with me. BUY AT YOUR OWN RISK:
Ebay link
he also has a set of heads/cams on eBay that i'd be careful of buying


Originally posted by: **name withheld**
this is the reply that i got to his email

> Dear gsxr907,
> why are you relisting this item when someone has
> already won it? it seems like your screwing people
> over.
> Thank you
> **name withheld**

I know who you are and I am happy that your friends
with other guy but you do not know what happened
just his side so before you take your one sided
friends view think that he might be wrong I take back
the [censored] you your just an [censored] like him
fu not fyi

I'm not trying to say he's ripping people off or anything, just wanted to give fellow CEGers a heads up of this incident given the number of rip offs occurring in Classifieds and Group Buys.


Mister smartie pants you have no idea what your speaking about.
The guy did not want to pay the shipping thought he was getting scammed.
Even after I told him on a Saturday and Sunday(when the post office is closed) that I did not make up the shipping charge up. I just just plugged in his zip code and sent him the ebay invoice. Not me ...the ebay shipping calculator!

Then I told him that if the shipping was less I would forward back any left over$$$ (-) my packing charge to him.
He said that adding packing charges was against ebay .....
NO ITS NOT! and I set the auction up to included a 15 dollar packing charge.

Pete this did not happen to you and I have not screwed anyone.

Beware of yourself its very easy to try to make a person
look bad.
Thanks for being a super guy that you are....
I heard the world was going to end when y2k happened
guess what : lie
Do everyone on this site a favor talk only facts.
For your info mister smartie pete I am meeting this guy's friend to complete the sale .....while your doing the news in the world why don't you report that.
Posted By: gsxr907 Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 04:23 PM
also you with-hold the name of the other people but not me....thanks for that
Posted By: RyeLou Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 04:30 PM
Your grammar is possibly the most incoherant drivel I've ever come across on these boards. Attacking Pete (which is what I think you did, but I can't really be sure...) is useless. He is simply trying to protect the interests of other CEGers, which I see no problem in doing so. On top of that, he even said he wasn't sure if you were ripping people off or if there was just some incorrect information in there. Relax.
Posted By: MxRacer Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 04:35 PM
i like how you're keeping bidders id's private on the new auction.... thats something scammers are known to do.

also, pete didn't say you were a scammer. all he was doing was passing along the facts as he knew them. you, however attack him and call him names? and you expect us to think you're not the one pulling crap here??

Posted By: gsxr907 Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 04:39 PM
oh so yourgirls friend with svt pete now!
no the people that bid on my stuff dont need emails from someone like your self making them think that something not true.
Posted By: gsxr907 Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 04:41 PM
Originally posted by MxRacerCam:
i like how you're keeping bidders id's private on the new auction.... thats something scammers are known to do.

also, pete didn't say you were a scammer. all he was doing was passing along the facts as he knew them. you, however attack him and call him names? and you expect us to think you're not the one pulling crap here??

also a fact is something that happens to you not to some one else....first hand not third.
Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 04:42 PM
Ok, coming to this guys defense. If he is a scammer, then I would be happy to drive to Indian and take car of [censored].
Pete, I have been on your side, but listing his name and not the buyers is pretty one sided...
Looking at his record, he appears to be a very good seller. There are two sides and the latter was not presented well whatsoever.
Posted By: gsxr907 Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 04:50 PM
I not here to slam pete or anyone
He did not pm me to see what the deal was!
I have all of my ebay emails between this guy and myself.

And I am not looking to FuC_ any one this is how I make money for my race car.

If you mess over one person then every one finds out.

I told the guy when he made the threat that I would never be able to sell on the wed if I did take his b.s. and meet some guy... did not feel right!

Look I have sold stuff to people on this site with out the protection of ebay for them... and have not screwed anyone!
If they read this they will come forward.
Posted By: Freakshow Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 04:52 PM
Pete I appreciate what you tried to do...god knows there's been enough people scammed just in our GB section alone lately. My only problem with this is that maybe you should've pmed him and asked what the deal was before you posted all of this. Maybe that way you would've found out that there was just some miscommunication or something and all this anger and flaming could've been avoided. Just my opinion on it.
Posted By: SAV Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 04:52 PM
I appreciate your attempt, Pete, to provide a "heads-up" to everyone, but man...there are better ways of doing so.

Next time, PM/IM the guy before you stick your feet in dicey situations like this one.
Posted By: RogerB_dup1 Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 04:54 PM
I don't want to take sides, here, but it is very easy to misinterpret events, and fill in the details.

Ebay is somewhat of a frontier, and there are just as many unscrupulous buyers as there are sellers. I have learned a few lessons, and have had to carefully craft some stock disclaimers to add to my listings so that I don't get screwed by some yokel who comes back and tries to cry foul.

Gsxr's grammar is not so good. That could really hurt him on ebay, as people are always trying to parse out your listing to take advantage of you.

Also, as I follow the link, it is very clear to me that I, as the buyer, will pay for shipping, and that if I want to know how much that will add to my cost, I can calculate it easily.

The rest could be chalked up to poor communication, or a breakdown in communication between two parties with whom I have no contact.

Certainly not enough evidence for me to take the buyer's side and start spreading gossip about the seller.

Posted By: gsxr907 Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 05:07 PM
ok you all are correct(my grammar) I work and sell parts and dont have time to sit and be mister harvard I sell parts on the this web site ebay and a few others answer emails add looking at porn and cubs games and 3 girl roommates ...I just dont spend the time to be correct.
I type with one hand I have a broken wrist.
Pete I should not take that out on you don't know.
But I am like most of you, a guy whom loves cars.
I buy cars to part them out to make money.

I will go back to school someday and get a masters in english!

Posted By: RyeLou Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 05:22 PM
I don't think it's Pete's fault at all for what he posted. It seems like he didn't even know this guy was a part of these forums. I didn't anyhow, and from reading what Pete posted that's the impression I got. Posting the name/email address of the other guy involved is pointless. Pete wasn't asking us to solve this problem between them, but to simply give the name of someone who may have questionable business ethics, if nothing else. The name or email address of the other guy would have been useless information. I took what Pete posted as simply a warning, which I think it was meant to be. He didn't say anyone did anything wrong, just said something wasn't right with the situation.
Posted By: gsxr907 Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 05:33 PM
Originally posted by RyeLou:
I don't think it's Pete's fault at all for what he posted. It seems like he didn't even know this guy was a part of these forums. I didn't anyhow, and from reading what Pete posted that's the impression I got. Posting the name/email address of the other guy involved is pointless. Pete wasn't asking us to solve this problem between them, but to simply give the name of someone who may have questionable business ethics, if nothing else. The name or email address of the other guy would have been useless information. I took what Pete posted as simply a warning, which I think it was meant to be. He didn't say anyone did anything wrong, just said something wasn't right with the situation.

yeah the guy thought I was going to take him to the bank on shipping! But I got emails from his friend that said I was a prick!
He did not tell them that I said:
BEFORE HE SAID I think this is a SCAM!
So I took the stuff to the post office NOT UPS and it was less to ship! And it was not 2 day it ground(us mail)
And as bad as my grammar is the difference between us mail
ups is big.
this auction was set up to go out UPS
So I will pay the price now to go down in CEG history as a
bad person but at least now I have place to give my side!
Posted By: hetfield_dup1 Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 05:40 PM
Originally posted by RyeLou:
I don't think it's Pete's fault at all for what he posted. It seems like he didn't even know this guy was a part of these forums.

Originally posted by SVT ST PETE:
A new CEGer is selling parts on Ebay and apparently screwed someone over on another forum

Either way it looks like this is just one big misunderstanding on everyone's part. Let's not all get our panties in a knot.

Move along now, nothing to see here.
Posted By: frenchblueC2_dup1 Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 05:41 PM
proper grammar is taught in elementary school.
You don't need to be an english major to make a complete thought in sentence form.

If you don't have time for proper grammar, then you obviously don't care much about making money.
You need to convey your messages more clearly for your customers.
If you just slowed down a little bit and reread the things you write to be sure they make sense before you hit enter, you'd have less confused people nagging you to clarify.

If you're clear to begin with, it'd save you all that trouble of trying to clarify what you meant.
You'd probably put in less time rereading and fixing your initial comments than the time it takes to defend yourself afer no one can understand what you're saying.

Posted By: RyeLou Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 05:42 PM
Again, no one is saying you did anything wrong. Take a second and think about it. Someone posted that you POSSIBLY might have tried to cheat someone out of their money. Pete wasn't accusing you of anything. He posted what he heard from somewhere else in everyones best interests. You saw it, came on here and told us your side of the story. You don't have to go down in CEG history as anything, just relax. You say it's not the whole story? Fine, its not the whole story. Life will go on. Thank you for making clear what we were all confused about though.
Posted By: gsxr907 Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 05:45 PM
Originally posted by frenchblueC2:
proper grammar is taught in elementary school.
You don't need to be an english major to make a complete thought in sentence form.

If you don't have time for proper grammar, then you obviously don't care much about making money.
You need to convey your messages more clearly for your customers.
If you just slowed down a little bit and reread the things you write to be sure they make sense before you hit enter, you'd have less confused people nagging you to clarify.

If you're clear to begin with, it'd save you all that trouble of trying to clarify what you meant.
You'd probably put in less time rereading and fixing your initial comments than the time it takes to defend yourself afer no one can understand what you're saying.

Thanks TRUMP for business 101. I am not a better person.
Posted By: RyeLou Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 05:46 PM
Originally posted by hetfield:
Originally posted by RyeLou:
I don't think it's Pete's fault at all for what he posted. It seems like he didn't even know this guy was a part of these forums.

Originally posted by SVT ST PETE:
A new CEGer is selling parts on Ebay and apparently screwed someone over on another forum

Posted By: RyeLou Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 05:47 PM
Originally posted by gsxr907:
Thanks TRUMP for business 101. I am not a better person.

"Thanks TRUMP for business 101. I am NOW a better person.
Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 05:49 PM
Idk, I knew exactly who this guy was. He was looking at getting Fast4doors car a while back. Also I emailed him about the moonroof that he has. Being close enough for me to go out on a pissed off roadtrip is my safety curtain when buying sh!t. I think this will be resolved.
Posted By: frenchblueC2_dup1 Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 05:50 PM

I wouldn't do business with you cuz you're an a$$hole, not because of Pete's warning.

Posted By: gsxr907 Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 05:56 PM
Originally posted by frenchblueC2:

I wouldn't do business with you cuz you're an a$$hole, not because of Pete's warning.

thanks....thats the best you have.
Posted By: gsxr907 Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 05:57 PM
Originally posted by RyeLou:
Originally posted by gsxr907:
Thanks TRUMP for business 101. I am not a better person.

"Thanks TRUMP for business 101. I am NOW a better person.

Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: Beware of this seller - 04/28/04 05:59 PM
Originally posted by gsxr907:
Originally posted by frenchblueC2:
proper grammar is taught in elementary school.
You don't need to be an english major to make a complete thought in sentence form.

If you don't have time for proper grammar, then you obviously don't care much about making money.
You need to convey your messages more clearly for your customers.
If you just slowed down a little bit and reread the things you write to be sure they make sense before you hit enter, you'd have less confused people nagging you to clarify.

If you're clear to begin with, it'd save you all that trouble of trying to clarify what you meant.
You'd probably put in less time rereading and fixing your initial comments than the time it takes to defend yourself afer no one can understand what you're saying.

Thanks TRUMP for business 101. I am not a better person.

Ooo I didn't see that, you are bein a dick now.
I would prob still buy from ya tho, I am an a s s hole too!
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