Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: MLuko Computer help! (pc) - 09/01/06 04:35 AM
When i try to hook up my ipod to my dell (windows Xp profesional) It makes the sound that something has connected but then nothing happens.. I've tryed all the tips that apple has on there support page except for the hotfix for the service pack 2.. I never updated anything like that.. and my Ipod was able to connect to my computer not even 2 weeks ago.. now it does nothing.. HELP ME!!!

Posted By: Toadster_dup1 Re: Computer help! (pc) - 09/01/06 04:44 AM
Originally posted by MLuko:
When i try to hook up my ipod to my dell (windows Xp profesional) It makes the sound that something has connected but then nothing happens.. I've tryed all the tips that apple has on there support page except for the hotfix for the service pack 2.. I never updated anything like that.. and my Ipod was able to connect to my computer not even 2 weeks ago.. now it does nothing.. HELP ME!!!


have you tried other USB ports?
Posted By: MLuko Re: Computer help! (pc) - 09/01/06 05:00 AM
yea.. still the same.. I forgot to include that after the ipod being plugged into my computer for a while, Autoplay comes up and is like searching folders and then it quits..
Posted By: Snipey Re: Computer help! (pc) - 09/01/06 06:39 AM
mine does autoplay too, i think that might be windows media player auto-syncing your ipod to your WMP library (turn it off in WMP)

do you have the newest itunes installed? can you see the icon in the taskbar after the noise is made? usually it pops on the taskbar as soon as the pc recognizes it/noise is made.
try looking in 'My Computer' for the removable storage/disk too.

if nothin else works maybe its a defective cord or even ipod
Posted By: The Digital Slacker Re: Computer help! (pc) - 09/01/06 01:59 PM
get anapod explorer
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