Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: "shotty driving"-ds First day of college - 08/29/06 07:29 PM
Well I just got out of my first class on my first day of college, I was 30 min late and I'm already bored out of my next class starts in 5, type more later.
Posted By: frenchblueC2_dup1 Re: First day of college - 08/29/06 07:31 PM
The first day is always a blow off day.

Discuss the syllabus, confirm you have the correct text or which is the correct one to buy, then possibly a reading assignment from the text, buhbye.

Posted By: 00SVT_dup1 Re: First day of college - 08/29/06 07:32 PM
Originally posted by "shotty driving"-ds:
Well I just got out of my first class on my first day of college, I was 30 min late

Getting off to a fantastic start, I see...

I'll set the over/under on Academic Probation at 3 months.

Seriously, good luck. I'd LOVE to be able to go back.
Posted By: TexasRealtor Re: First day of college - 08/29/06 07:35 PM
Be sure to check out Fraternity Rush. Are you going to U of H? I'll have them rush you.
Posted By: MxRacer Re: First day of college - 08/29/06 07:44 PM
i loved being a freshman in college. best seven years of my life.
Posted By: The Digital Slacker Re: First day of college - 08/29/06 08:24 PM
Originally posted by TexasRealtor:
Be sure to check out Fraternity Rush. Are you going to U of H? I'll have them rush you.

Yay! Lets pay to get friends!!!
Posted By: 00SVT_dup1 Re: First day of college - 08/29/06 08:58 PM
Originally posted by The Digital Slacker:

Yay! Lets pay to get friends!!!

Wow... it took almost an hour for this lame response to get posted. That must be a record.

If the only thing you get/got out of being in a fraternity was the fact that you paid for friends, you missed out. Granted, they're not for everyone, but at least let the kid check them out and decide for himself.

Posted By: The Digital Slacker Re: First day of college - 08/29/06 09:08 PM
I just graduated. My father was in a frat so I know how their junk works. Anyways, there are only two reasons for frats.

1. You are not 21 yet and have the urge to drink cheap beer.
2. You are unable to get friends normally and enjoy being somebodys [censored] for a period of time just so you can do it to others.

No thanks. I make fun of frat brothers just because they think they are badass ;0
Posted By: Fmr12B_dup1 Re: First day of college - 08/29/06 09:25 PM
Originally posted by The Digital Slacker:
I just graduated. My father was in a frat so I know how their junk works. Anyways, there are only two reasons for frats.

1. You are not 21 yet and have the urge to drink cheap beer.
2. You are unable to get friends normally and enjoy being somebodys [censored] for a period of time just so you can do it to others.

Frats are great. They also look great on your resume. The community serivce events and team building activites mean a lot to your future employers.

People who [censored] on frats have no idea what they are truly about

Frats of 25yrs ago are differnt than todays Frats. It's no longer Animal House every weekend.

Frats help motivate you to keep your grades up, manage your schedule, get you involved in school spirit, tutor you and the like.

Posted By: KingpinSVT Re: First day of college - 08/29/06 09:27 PM
Thank you! Not all frats are meatheads.
Posted By: hotdimmes Re: First day of college - 08/29/06 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Fmr12B:
It's no longer Animal House every weekend.

The hell it isn't! Go Huskies! Woo Woo!
Posted By: Batmobile_dup1 Re: First day of college - 08/29/06 09:42 PM
Originally posted by Fmr12B:
It's no longer Animal House every weekend.

Yep, it's true. The University of Oklahoma became a dry campus a couple years back and I cant even recall the last time I saw a flyer for a party at a frat house.
Posted By: 00SVT_dup1 Re: First day of college - 08/29/06 09:54 PM
Originally posted by The Digital Slacker:
Anyways, there are only two reasons for frats.

1. You are not 21 yet and have the urge to drink cheap beer.

Actually, I drink cheaper beer now than I did when I was in college. So you're wrong there.

Originally posted by The Digital Slacker:

2. You are unable to get friends normally and enjoy being somebodys [censored] for a period of time just so you can do it to others.

I never went through hazing of any kind, and never put anyone else through it. I will swear on a stack of Bibles to this fact. Plus, I had plenty of friends before I joined a fraternity and many of those people (non-fraternity) are still friends to this day.

Originally posted by The Digital Slacker:

No thanks. I make fun of frat brothers just because they think they are badass ;0

Which makes you equally as badass, I'm sure. Nobody in here that was in a fraternity is ragging on people that weren't in one (it's funny how that is the case 99.9% of the time)...
Posted By: 00SVT_dup1 Re: First day of college - 08/29/06 09:59 PM
Originally posted by Fmr12B:

Frats are great. They also look great on your resume. The community serivce events and team building activites mean a lot to your future employers.

This is true. I was involved in a TON of community service with mine. It looks great on a resume, especially to a kid coming straight out of college with no real work experience.

Originally posted by Fmr12B:

People who [censored] on frats have no idea what they are truly about

It's been my experience that the people that talk s*** about them never joined one because they were too worried what their friends might think.

Originally posted by Fmr12B:

Frats help motivate you to keep your grades up, manage your schedule, get you involved in school spirit, tutor you and the like.

My GPA was higher during the period I was in a fraternity than during the time I was in school and not in one. With the way the house GPA worked, if I slacked off I wasn't just screwing myself, I was screwing everyone else. Also, when you're taking 15+ credit hours, working 2 jobs, studying AND trying to fulfill fraternity duties, you learn damn fast how to schedule your time.
Posted By: hopalong Re: First day of college - 08/29/06 10:42 PM
Good post. My daughter is a college senior this year, and she pledged a sorority last year. They are extremely service oriented and have done a TON of community service. And she's having a blast while doing it. She's now vice prez and she's become their project coordinator.

She has already made lots of networking contacts, and we're sure her sorority service/affiliation helped her get a seat in grad school. I know darn well it didn't hurt.

Scoff if you must, but frats/sororities definitely are NOT just animal house revisited.

That resume will go a long way, especially if your prospective employer is a frat brother/sister.
Posted By: starjammir Re: First day of college - 08/29/06 10:45 PM
Community college FTW!!
Posted By: 00SVT_dup1 Re: First day of college - 08/29/06 11:29 PM
Originally posted by hopalong:
My daughter is a college senior this year, and she pledged a sorority last year. They are extremely service oriented and have done a TON of community service. And she's having a blast while doing it. She's now vice prez and she's become their project coordinator.

You'll get out of it exactly what you put in. Whether the naysayers want to admit it or not, this kind of stuff looks REALLY good on a resume. And the contacts never hurt either.
Posted By: TexasRealtor Re: First day of college - 08/30/06 12:01 AM
Originally posted by hopalong:

Scoff if you must, but frats/sororities definitely are NOT just animal house revisited.

I just revisited my old frat at Texas State last week (I helped them buy a new house last fall). I had to wade through all the beer cans and unconscious actives(although it was at the crack of noon).

....I miss college
Posted By: Big Daddy Kane Re: First day of college - 08/30/06 12:25 AM
Aren't frat chicks usually hot too? Well, at least not the nerd frats...

If they try to force-shape me (i.e. force me to cross train to a different career field that sucks or get out) at the end of my enlistment, I'm going to use my GI Bill and try to get a Bachelors in EE.
Posted By: Fmr12B_dup1 Re: First day of college - 08/30/06 12:47 AM
Originally posted by Big Daddy Kane:
Aren't frat chicks usually hot too? Well, at least not the nerd frats...

They be called Sorority chicks...............
Posted By: "shotty driving"-ds Re: First day of college - 08/30/06 12:52 AM
Woooh man what a long day.... I'm takeing all my classes on tuesday and thursday, still not sure if that was a good or bad idea. To late now so here's the run down of my day. (1-7:30)

Gov't I was late to but thats alright cause it was all kinds of boring.

I had a lot of fun in psychology.

Math class, I think I pissed off my teacher. I don't know what it was, I think it was just the way he pronounced certain words but I could not get the image of one of my old co-workers "chinaman" impression (one of the funniest things I've ever seen) out of my head. So the entire time he was lecturing I sat there desperately trying to not break out in laughter. I don't think he appreciated it very much.

English was alot like high school, sat in the back and joked around. need to work on that

Oh and almost forgot, nah not UofH. I'm taking my basics at Cy-fair college then transfering for my degree. (Wayyy cheaper and it's literally like 2 min from my house) Although I'm starting to think I'll miss out on the whole "going off to college". So I'm contemplating transferring to a university next semester or next year.
Posted By: Kremithefrog Re: First day of college - 08/30/06 01:07 AM
Originally posted by "shotty driving"-ds:
Although I'm starting to think I'll miss out on the whole "going off to college". So I'm contemplating transferring to a university next semester or next year.

You can be drunk and broke all the time later on in life. Stay at the place you're at as long as you can (I mean while getting school work done, not staying by failing).
Posted By: rouar Re: First day of college - 08/30/06 01:51 AM
Originally posted by "shotty driving"-ds:
Woooh man what a long day.... I'm takeing all my classes on tuesday and thursday, still not sure if that was a good or bad idea. To late now so here's the run down of my day. (1-7:30)

Gov't I was late to but thats alright cause it was all kinds of boring.

I had a lot of fun in psychology.

Math class, I think I pissed off my teacher. I don't know what it was, I think it was just the way he pronounced certain words but I could not get the image of one of my old co-workers "chinaman" impression (one of the funniest things I've ever seen) out of my head. So the entire time he was lecturing I sat there desperately trying to not break out in laughter. I don't think he appreciated it very much.

English was alot like high school, sat in the back and joked around. need to work on that

Oh and almost forgot, nah not UofH. I'm taking my basics at Cy-fair college then transfering for my degree. (Wayyy cheaper and it's literally like 2 min from my house) Although I'm starting to think I'll miss out on the whole "going off to college". So I'm contemplating transferring to a university next semester or next year.

Ugh core req's! I'm so glad I went to a private college and got to skip those - we dove straight into Calc 1-4, physics, music and CS classes my freshman year. Almost makes the debt worth it.

Take your courses seriously, but don't break down if you don't do so well at first. I got on academic warning by failing six out of 12 courses throughout the year 2003 (freshman and soph semesters). It took switching my major, summer courses at local colleges and overloading a few terms to make it up, but I still graduated on time as the Class '06. College had its ups and downs but I don't for a moment regret any of the experiences throughout my years.

I had legacy with a certain fraternity at my college (father went there) but never rushed. All of my friends were rather surprised when I informed them of this fact ... but truth be told, I was having enough fun in school as it were and had made many close friends my freshman year. I think NECEG knows I fall apart in crowds anyway, having so many people in close proximity all the time would bother me.

I only wish I had discovered the APO co-ed community service fraternity earlier on. By the time I rushed my senior year I was so busy with school and work that I ended up not getting in. It was a fun time doing the service though, reminded me of my high-school years. The same goes for all sorts of other "groups" like the campus ministry and Mac users groups, I wholeheartedly regret not having participated enough when I was able.
Posted By: TexasRealtor Re: First day of college - 08/30/06 02:39 AM
Originally posted by Rouar:
The same goes for all sorts of other "groups" like the campus ministry and Mac users groups

But you miss all the drunk naked titties.
Posted By: TexasRealtor Re: First day of college - 08/30/06 02:44 AM
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
You can be drunk and broke all the time later on in life.

Uhhh, wrongo! College is the ONLY time you can get away wid dat sh!t. Just go to class, get decent grades and party. Life will come at you fast enough.

...and now you even have the morning after pill over the counter......beotches!
Posted By: TexasRealtor Re: First day of college - 08/30/06 02:47 AM
Originally posted by "shotty driving"-ds:
Although I'm starting to think I'll miss out on the whole "going off to college". So I'm contemplating transferring to a university next semester or next year.

If you transfer to Texas State I will definitely hook you up with the party scene.
Posted By: Kremithefrog Re: First day of college - 08/30/06 02:52 AM
Originally posted by TexasRealtor:
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
You can be drunk and broke all the time later on in life.

Uhhh, wrongo! College is the ONLY time you can get away wid dat sh!t. Just go to class, get decent grades and party. Life will come at you fast enough.

Meh, I'm drunk pretty often (less now by choice since Albany just sucks) and still broke and not in college.
The thing is, being drunk all the time can and for many does interfere with grades.
Posted By: TexasRealtor Re: First day of college - 08/30/06 03:03 AM
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
The thing is, being drunk all the time can and for many does interfere with grades.

Since when? My freshman year was the best two years of my life.

...although somewhat fuzzy.
Posted By: ancientsanskrit Re: First day of college - 08/30/06 03:12 AM
How aren't you expelled when you fail 6 of 12 classes????

Yeah, I don't know about other schools, but if you fail most of your classes in a semester at mine, you're out. Regardless of academic probation or the below 2.0 line.

You'll definitely determine your difficult classes from your blow-off classes by the first day of class. If you're discussing the syllabus and introductions, it's a fun course. Well, at least that's my general rule of thumb. Humanities are the best, you play stupid name games and crap. I still remember my intro English course, we did ice-breakers for the first three classes, what a joke!
Posted By: ancientsanskrit Re: First day of college - 08/30/06 03:15 AM
Just thought about the question I had. I bet you were at a school where you could retake the course and it would substitute the grade...

I still can't believe some schools allow this and some don't. Doesn't make any sense. Plus I'm jealous b/c I never had such an option.
Posted By: PacificTourG Re: First day of college - 08/30/06 05:35 AM
I didn't go to a community college like you, but to an IT school. Besides the main classes, the class I hated the most was Economics. I couldn't stand stand that class because I found it extremely boring. I found myself daydreaming a lot in there. I couldn't wait for class to end. I'll be done very soon.
Posted By: aAandHt Re: First day of college - 08/30/06 05:43 AM
My college starts in a week...Community college to be exact. Though its suppose to be one of the best in the state. Kinda feel like I'm missing the going away stuff too, but I have friends that are letting me crash at their dorms when I dont have classes the next day
Posted By: rouar Re: First day of college - 08/30/06 12:13 PM
Originally posted by ancientsanskrit:
How aren't you expelled when you fail 6 of 12 classes????

That involves a very long explanation regarding the expectations at my college (failing two courses is common and practically expected), the degree of a failure (they don't go on your transcript) and the accelerated scheduling (7 week terms instead of 14 week semesters). I failed one class a term for three terms and snowflaked a term. (More info. ) Like I said before it involved a LOT of work to pull myself out of that hole, including regular meetings I set up with academic advising my soph year, and my financial aid was damaged badly (read: tons of loans), but since that time I had not failed a class or even done badly in a term. With the help of summer courses, overloading and working more hours a week, which helped me get scheduling together, I was able to graduate on time. Almost graduated with honors as well - only thing stopping me was one professor's screwing a project team over (gave us a bad grade due to circumstances that were his fault - though that's another long story in itself!)

The work was well worth it - I have now landed a great job, have my own apartment, and am strongly thinking of taking evening courses in pursuit of my MBA starting next year or so.
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