Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
this guy!

warning: this thread may not be work safe for some people

see, that's why you should keep those types of pics OFF THE [censored] INTERNET!!!

thats awesome!!
LMGDAO! Could you imagine the look on his face?
Originally posted by todras:
LMGDAO! Could you imagine the look on his face?

actually, yeah I could imagine it.
It wouldn't be one of those saucy, bathroom mirror faces though...
OMG. This just proves my theory that Cobra owners are narcissistic bastids.
haha this is awesome!!! x100000

on a side note...that site makes me glad that we arent getting sig pictures on our updated site. i couldnt tell where the sig ended and the actaual thread started! (except for a few select photos ahahah)
Originally posted by MadMerc97:

50 points for spelling it correctly!!!!

Yeah, that was pretty funny. I couldn't figure out what the big deal was at first, since the first half of the thread was pretty much empty. Funny stuff at the bottom though!
Definitely one of the best owned evar! I hope this doesn't end up like the black butt lady or the girl kicking!
OMFG, I bet he absolutely sh** a brick when he saw what he had done. LMGDAO!
Did everyone forget these threads?

CEG Ownage!!
since the pics were down by the time most of got to see them....


probably NWS for a few people...

damn i wish i had photoshopping skills

that thread is all over Australia now.
Pics aren't down, someone has them saved and they appear half way down the first page.
only one pic. check out that cobra homo page i linked. it has the other pics that were removed by the model hisself.
I don't know about you, but I counted 6...
Looks like that thread got deleted!

Sweet. I viewed b4 da lock!
Originally posted by svtizzle4stizzle:
this guy!

warning: this thread may not be work safe for some people

is there a direct link to this?? not registered @ svtperformance.
You didn't have to be, but now the thread has been deleted.
Originally posted by The Spelling Nazi:
Sweet. I viewed b4 da lock!

you can still the pics the guy mistakenly posted at the link i posted above. cobra homo /\

and for the people that missed it, the guy posted a thread awhile back about his new rims. later, he apparently switched the pics to the ones linked above but forgot to change the link addy(?) so his nudo posing pics showed up in his rims thread. someone happened to be trolling through the old thread i guess and saw them. in ONE day that thread spread across the country and all the way to Australia! over just about every major car forum online! poor dummy

at any given time, even in the early morning, there were up to 700+ guests viewing the thread at one time
AHahahah...oh man, that's great!

Another funny that AF says hi, God I still remember that from a while ago. See kids, don't steal bandwidth. Does anybody remember that one w/the guy's fist (yeah, I'll leave it at that). Grossed the $^$# out of me when I saw it on here.
You told me you liked goatse.
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