Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: SVTcontourSVT Interesting last night....... - 07/02/06 06:19 PM
Two years ago, one of my friends got sent away to a two year rehab program in New York. He had a huge drinking problem that at the time me or none of my friends really noticed, hey we all partied alot. Well he got into some real serious trouble with the law and after some jail time ended up going to this rehab (he was 16 at the time he left). Long story short, 2 years go by with no contact from him. I was 16 when he left and am now 18 like he is. Well last night my friends sister (Jill) and I decided to go out to eat and they she decided to go to chilis's last second. She enters and says hey, that looks like Jason....and I surely didnt believe her as we saw a guy that looked just like him a few weeks ago that made us sad. Well this time it was him. We both couldent believe it. He was with his AA group. It was so strange seeing him, after I had almost given up all hope of ever seeing him again. I almost didnt believe it. The new Jason's alot different. A kid who in my mind (before leaving for rehab) would have no chance in succeeding now had been accepted into UNCW. It was weird seeing him because he was no longer the kid I knew and hung out with, I knew he was uncomfortable seeing me and Jill as it brought up alot of old memories of what he was suppose to forget in rehab. I could tell he was happy but really uncertain. The best we could do was say bye, and gave him a number to contact us at but I almost wonder at this point if he'd waste his time with old friends that helped put his life in the ditch before he left. None of us want to party with him but would just like to talk to him and see how hes doing and to try and catch up on the 2 years we missed him. But we may never get that chance, but I guess if theres any thing good that came from this is the fact that we at least have closure on his life. At least I know hes safe and has his head on straight. Just felt like I had to get it out, not much point in the story but it was just really random, and he was sombody I'd never though I'd see again. -Stu-
Posted By: RobSVT-t Re: Interesting last night....... - 07/04/06 05:40 AM
It's good to see that he's getting his life on the right track. Also, it's good that you now have piece of mind about his well being. Hope all turns out well for everyone. Good luck.

Posted By: RT and his SE_dup1 Re: Interesting last night....... - 07/04/06 06:49 AM
One of the misconceptions about rehab is that you should separate yourself from your past and friends. Your past is part of who you are and what has brought you to this point and should always be remembered. Recalling some of your past foolishness can help keep you straight.
His uneasiness was more than likely do to his not knowing how you would react. People in recovery need friends now(right after rehab) more than ever. Now that doesn't mean take him to a party where lots of boozin's going on but by letting him know that you're not bailing on him because he's "weird" now.
Loneliness is all it's cracked up to be and an easy excuse to relapse. I've been sober for almost 10 years now and when I quit drinking my supposed "friends" took off on me like I had Ebola. I started to question whether I'd done the right thing. I now know that I did but at the time mmm well like I said loneliness sucks!
You might want to get his phone number and call him that way he knows you're there if he needs you and if he can't handle being around you without feeling tempted he'll let you know and you'll know that you made the effort to help out an old friend.
Posted By: SVTcontourSVT Re: Interesting last night....... - 07/04/06 05:05 PM
Well he had only been out for a week, so he had no number and I have a feeling he is living in a group home right now. We gave him a number that he could reach us at, and we let him know before we left that we wanted to talk him somtime with no bad influences around. He let him know that we really wanted to help him and do anything to help. Now it's on him to get ahold of us. Thats why its sad, and even worse for my friends sister because she was so close to him before he was sent to rehab and now even though just seeing him, has no way of ever contacting him again. As I said if theres anything good about seeing him is that I know hes put himself on the right track and is safe.
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