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Posted By: starjammir New Job help please - 05/29/06 03:48 PM
I am a lifeguard at two places. One I have been at for 5 years and one I just started yesterday. The one yesterday, is from 10 am to 7pm with NO brakes. I have to sit outside in the sun all this time and get nothing to eat all this time and no break to even take a piss. Also, I cant sit under a umbrella because the patrons get pissed if they dont get one. Hello! I am sitting outside for 9 hours straight. On top of that, yesterday I come home (my mom is a nurse) and throw up two times. My head is hurting beyond belief and i cant sleep because it hurts to bad. I was wearing sunblock with a SPF of 38 and put it on every 30 mins. Sun poisening my mom and I believe. My legs and arms are burned beyond belief (it hurts to even take a shower in cold water) What do I do? I can easly get the same hours at the other job and it is in doors. What do I do guys? Also I make 8 bucks at the new job/hr
Posted By: rouar Re: New Job help please - 05/29/06 04:00 PM
Originally posted by starjammir:
I can easly get the same hours at the other job and it is in doors. What do I do guys? Also I make 8 bucks at the new job/hr

This sounds like a no-brainer. Are there any advantages to the new job that make it remotely desirable to stay at? I'd quit on the spot if I could get the same hours at the other job. Unless by 8/hr you mean that this pays better than your old job .. but I think the cost-to-benefit ratio is too high to make it worth keeping.
Posted By: frenchblueC2_dup1 Re: New Job help please - 05/29/06 04:11 PM
check with your local labor laws. Those hours with no breaks just doesn't seem right to me.

If you really want to keep the job, talk with your employer about working some breaks into the job.
Posted By: RobertD Re: New Job help please - 05/29/06 04:13 PM
You should have at least 2 breaks and 1 lunch break in an 8 hour shift, at least that is the way it is in south dakota. Contact your local labor board to find out what you are intitled to during an 8 hour shift. Sounds like this is an unsafe work environment. If this was me i would quit the new job and find another job, my health is worth alot more then a couple of bucks an hour.
Posted By: starjammir Re: New Job help please - 05/29/06 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Rouar:
Originally posted by starjammir:
I can easly get the same hours at the other job and it is in doors. What do I do guys? Also I make 8 bucks at the new job/hr

This sounds like a no-brainer. Are there any advantages to the new job that make it remotely desirable to stay at? I'd quit on the spot if I could get the same hours at the other job. Unless by 8/hr you mean that this pays better than your old job .. but I think the cost-to-benefit ratio is too high to make it worth keeping.

Well my other job is different in ways. I go in there for 3 hours and im done for the day, I do this 5 days a week+15 hrs on the weekends. The new job is 9 hrs a day 6 days a week. Which is nuts for a 19 year old in the blazing sun. Also its going to be 95�º here today and was 90�º yesterday... happy holidays to me. Also Kim, I am going to check into the laws because that does not seem right. At my new job, I get a 15 min break every 2 hrs and its in doors and its pretty cool (as in temp)
Posted By: MaddMike2 Re: New Job help please - 05/29/06 04:24 PM
I did the Life Guard gig for two summers, It was outside at a privae lake. We got a 15min beak every hour and 30min lunch and if we had to pee we got the roving patrol to sit our chair and we all had our own umbrella. This was in N.Canton Ohio I do not think Mich. labor law is to far removed from Ohio's. Just from a common sence stand point I would not work for them my health is more important.
Posted By: Ray_dup1 Re: New Job help please - 05/29/06 04:35 PM
How do they expect you to dive in the water, and swim to save anyone's life when you are physically hurting, exhausted, and delirious? (throwing up, etc)

I'll PAY you two bucks and hour difference to go to your other job, man! It simply ain't worth it.

Posted By: jlanger_dup1 Re: New Job help please - 05/29/06 05:01 PM
Heck when I worked for Valley Fair for a summer (which was a sweatshop btw) I got a 15 min break for every 4 horus I worked. Usually I worked 10 hour days and they'd give me an extra 15 minutes. That is complete BS for you to not be able to take a break. Is this at a country club or something?? If they won't let you take a break, I'd quit. There are many lifeguard jobs out there and none are worth risking your life/someone elses life(If you pass out trying to do a save) for.
Posted By: starjammir Re: New Job help please - 05/29/06 05:23 PM
Ya, it is at a country club.. damn rich people... and to be honest with you, they are all stuck up little pricks
Posted By: FFE_dup1 Re: New Job help please - 05/29/06 05:28 PM
- First off no umbrella is nuts, just because the patrons want an umbrella doesn't mean they can't protect there employees. I'm sure they don't want there employees to have heat stroke then need to save some one.

- I've been searching the internet for the Mi labor laws, didn't find the exact law but from the way it sounds like its legal in Mi to have no lunch and no break

So I say drop that job like a rock. They don't seem to care about your health get out of there.

Posted By: loggerbomb Re: New Job help please - 05/29/06 07:33 PM
Originally posted by Ray:
How do they expect you to dive in the water, and swim to save anyone's life when you are physically hurting, exhausted, and delirious? (throwing up, etc)

I'll PAY you two bucks and hour difference to go to your other job, man! It simply ain't worth it.

exactly what id have said, well, minus the paying you the difference part!

Id have a little chat with however is in charge there, you cant be working all day with no breaks or cover from the sun, I dont care what age ya are, youll end up dead. If they dont come around tell them to shove the job.
Posted By: B.Brattina Re: New Job help please - 05/29/06 07:46 PM
or you could find a lifeguard job at an indoor pool (lifetime, etc. ) -- i worked as a lifeguard at an indoor pool and taught lessons yadda yadda for a summer--

someone did mention about the hours and no breaks-- that doesn't seem fair, i'd get up and leave wether or not i had a new job lined up for me
Posted By: TGO Re: New Job help please - 05/29/06 08:13 PM
wherever you are, it's illegal for yu to work a shift without breaks, not even to go to the bathroom.

I can't even believe you're saking here what you should do!

Either quit...or go to HR or whoever's in charge and tell them what you require, and if you don't get it you will be filing a nice complaint against them.

And if they fire you, that's even more ammo.

Posted By: Tom Thumb Re: New Job help please - 05/29/06 08:27 PM
You could wear a giant hat like the Mexicans wear. Can you go into the water to cool off and relieve yourself?
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