Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Pre98 Stuck between a rock and a hard place. - 05/07/06 12:00 PM
Do you ever hate calling in just because you know you have to deal with their whining? Management at this job of mine knew about my new availability for 3 weeks now and they still scheduled me hours that I cant work anymore (shifting priority over to my real job) They didnt see that as a reasonable excuse, and I quote "you were with us first".

Don't get me wrong, I like working for Target: Girls My issue is being an [censored] enough to pretty much tell them "No, you scheduled wrong, I can't come in", effectively screwing them over.

Like I said, if I could work the shift I would, but they are so hard edged about their own mistakes that it'd be my fault for not showing up. Any suggestions? I don't want to burn bridges, but it would feel so damn good I am tempted to do it anyways!
if you gave them prior notice of your intent to cut down on hours, and gave them a schedule of hours you can work, then you did what you needed to do, and if they scheduled you for those hours, they are retarded. bring it again to their attention about how you told them you were cutting down, and you can't work certain days/hours.
Posted By: touredon Re: Stuck between a rock and a hard place. - 05/08/06 02:03 AM
Quit, and apply at Walmart.
Posted By: muntus Re: Stuck between a rock and a hard place. - 05/08/06 02:09 AM
Originally posted by touredon:
Quit, and apply at Walmart.

Impossible. He speaks English.
Bill you need to remember that a company doesn't want to be a second to someone else, I would expect as much from Target. I am sure they don't like the fact that you have another job, as like I said as far as they are concerned they should be it. It might be an attempt to get you in trouble so they have a reason to let you go, but who know as this has happened to my gf before when she was working two different retail jobs. it stupid no matter how you cut it
I would agree with last post. Be nice and also firm as you don't want to burn bridges and you want to get work out of them.

Good luck!
Posted By: NO 4 EVR Re: Stuck between a rock and a hard place. - 05/08/06 09:02 AM
I agree with Brapple. Especially a big company like target, they dont want to be second to anyone else. If you dont show or call off the shifts you cant work, i'm sure you would be fired at either job. in that case you'd have to weigh consequences and decide which job to stick with. or try reasoning with one or the other, some managers are reasonable, so find one of your managers that will understand.

Its stupid the fact that these large companies do realize that their employees have needs. Don't want to dive into Marx, but they kind of exploit their labor force for their own gain. If it were possible to outsource retail/cashier/stock boy/truck diver jobs they would....
You are worried about burning bridges at Target?? Who cares? There are many more retail jobs where that one came from...ARRRGH!!
Posted By: FFE_dup1 Re: Stuck between a rock and a hard place. - 05/08/06 01:29 PM
Originally posted by BrApple:
Bill you need to remember that a company doesn't want to be a second to someone else, I would expect as much from Target. I am sure they don't like the fact that you have another job, as like I said as far as they are concerned they should be it.

However walmart is forcing there part timers to get other jobs. Alot of Walmart employees are part time during the school year, whether they are students of teachers. This year Walmart corporate isn't letting there part timers go full time during the summer months. Walmart is basically holding everyone to less than 33 hours. In return they are trying to hire more part time employees.
Originally posted by FFE:
Originally posted by BrApple:
Bill you need to remember that a company doesn't want to be a second to someone else, I would expect as much from Target. I am sure they don't like the fact that you have another job, as like I said as far as they are concerned they should be it.

However walmart is forcing there part timers to get other jobs. Alot of Walmart employees are part time during the school year, whether they are students of teachers. This year Walmart corporate isn't letting there part timers go full time during the summer months. Walmart is basically holding everyone to less than 33 hours. In return they are trying to hire more part time employees.

I have seen that as a tend recently, alot of stores do not want any full time employees as when this is the case they don't have to pay for benifits and the like, mostly the managers are full time and everyone else is full time.

but that still doesn't negate the fact that a company wants an employee to themselves and not to share time with another company.

I think it is a really low move to schedule a person when they have already told them that they can't work those times ...
Posted By: Pre98 Re: Stuck between a rock and a hard place. - 05/08/06 02:31 PM
The issue is that HR has my scheduling, which is bottlenecked at 15 hours, after 5pm. Considering I'm (most often) the closing guy with the most experience, I didn't think this would be an issue because they hired a few more guys who are actually good workers.

Also, this is just a side job guys. It's just something to keep me running around physically while I sit behind a desk for ten hours at my real job. I guess some of you know what I mean, but really it's to stay in touch with ze girlies
a) most companies do have a policy about not scheduling against your availability, and if they write you up, go to a regional manager (or the equivalent) about it and it'll probably "go away".

Originally posted by BloodyTomFlint:
You are worried about burning bridges at Target?? Who cares? There are many more retail jobs where that one came from...ARRRGH!!

that's the stupidest thing....while you're right, there are hundreds of retail jobs that are all pretty much the same, you NEVER know what could come up, and you may be in a situation where you need to get a job and start working TODAY. it happened to me once, and I had places I could go back to and start working within 24 hours. don't burn bridges!!!
Posted By: touredon Re: Stuck between a rock and a hard place. - 05/10/06 01:10 PM
Originally posted by BloodyTomFlint:
You are worried about burning bridges at Target?? Who cares? There are many more retail jobs where that one came from...ARRRGH!!


I dont think there is anything he could do (short of stealing) that would haunt him into his career down the road... target, walmart, mcdonalds, etc... it's well known they do not treat their employees with anything that resembles respect, why should you give them any?
Definitely stick it to them Bill. You need to tell them to reschedule you or your not coming in. You gave them your availability and that it. Target will walk all over someone like you if you let them, trust me I personally know! They won't fire you over this, your inthe right they're in the wrong and they know it.
Originally posted by touredon:
Originally posted by BloodyTomFlint:
You are worried about burning bridges at Target?? Who cares? There are many more retail jobs where that one came from...ARRRGH!!


I dont think there is anything he could do (short of stealing) that would haunt him into his career down the road... target, walmart, mcdonalds, etc... it's well known they do not treat their employees with anything that resembles respect, why should you give them any?

Ahh, someone who thinks clearly...

Also, they would probably hire you back after a month or two anyway if you wanted to go back. ARRRGH!!!
Sorry guys, but which ever job pays more is the priority. The lower paying company should understand that you need to pull more time where ever you make more money. Shouldn't matter where you were first. I'd go in, talk to the store manager, explain the situation. If they aren't going to work with you, quit. Says you can't be two places at once and you are doing both a dis-service by working too much or skipping shifts because they won't work with you.

Do you guys really think that the big wigs at Target care about somone's working hours. It's a pride thing of the manager who he's dealing with. They may just be trying to get him to quit or justified firing.

Knowing Bill i'd say its just a manager on a power trip. They would be stupid to fire him.
Posted By: svt4stv Re: Stuck between a rock and a hard place. - 05/10/06 04:50 PM
dont worry about burning bridges with target cuz by the time youll need to use them at a reference half the staff will have already been cycled through the revolving door. aka, no one who will be working then will even know who you are.
Just stick to your guns, I worked in retail for a few years when I was doing my undergrad and more than once they scheduled me to come in outside my availability, when I had class. Just have to tell them that your availability is what it is, and you don't have any flexibility in that regard. From my retail experience unless you steal or do something major it is hard to get fired from retail.
i used to work at target and the same thing happened to me, i just took the easy way out though and quite,
btw just a funny input
that target was the 90th worst target in the US

pre98, what position are u? LOD?
Posted By: Pre98 Re: Stuck between a rock and a hard place. - 05/10/06 10:54 PM
No I'm not an LOD. I'm just a stockroom guy who's been the unofficial supervisor during evening shifts. I'm well compensated though, for retail anyways, so the pay isn't a complaint.
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