Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: KyleH When your boat just isn't big enough.... - 04/22/06 02:26 PM
dayyyyyyyyyyyum! I bet the smell of poop was in the air after that!
Originally posted by Sl33stak:
dayyyyyyyyyyyum! I bet the smell of poop was in the air after that!



I bet it was his Ex-Wife that took the picture too.

I've kayaked around the Florida Keys quite a bit and have had a few Nurse sharks check me out in shallow waters, but they are easily spooked and fairly small (always smaller than the kayak). Hell, I've taken a pony bottle with me to dive down and peek at small groups of them hovering in sandy hollows...

That, however, would have had me projection-spewing bodily fluids from multiple orifices simultaneously. Curiosity for many sharks is circle, smell and then take a nibble if they don't flee or wander off in the first place; curiosity for Great Whites is skipping all of those steps and just shredding the Hell out of the object of curiosity. At least that's been my fishing experience with them.

I bet the guy never goes ocean kayaking again without a .12 gauge or concussion grenades...

That pic just gives me the freaking heebe-jeebes every time I look at it...
Posted By: KyleH Re: When your boat just isn't big enough.... - 04/22/06 07:02 PM
Originally posted by JaTo:

I've kayaked around the Florida Keys quite a bit and have had a few Nurse sharks check me out in shallow waters, but they are easily spooked and fairly small (always smaller than the kayak). Hell, I've taken a pony bottle with me to dive down and peek at small groups of them hovering in sandy hollows...

That, however, would have had me projection-spewing bodily fluids from multiple orifices simultaneously. Curiosity for many sharks is circle, smell and then take a nibble if they don't flee or wander off in the first place; curiosity for Great Whites is skipping all of those steps and just shredding the Hell out of the object of curiosity. At least that's been my fishing experience with them.

I bet the guy never goes ocean kayaking again without a .12 gauge or concussion grenades...

That pic just gives me the freaking heebe-jeebes every time I look at it...

Makes me glad I kayak on the great lakes. Though in July, we're planning on kayaking in Alaska. Only have to worry about the whales there though.
There was a photoshop image of a huge shark behind a sufer in a wave but the closes thing I found was this:

Posted By: Derk-xB Re: When your boat just isn't big enough.... - 04/22/06 07:23 PM
Where's that pic from, Kyle?

That situation would scare the crap outta me, no doubt. If I lived to tell it, the shark would be at least 5m long.
Posted By: KyleH Re: When your boat just isn't big enough.... - 04/22/06 07:33 PM
I'm not sure. It was an e-mail I got from my parents.
Could have come from a kayaking magazine. I'll try and find out.
Posted By: KyleH Re: When your boat just isn't big enough.... - 04/22/06 07:45 PM
I think it's at Cape Town South Africa as the file name is capetownwaters2.

Searching for Cape Town Shark on google images brought up lots of pics of great whites.
Originally posted by Derk-xB:
Where's that pic from, Kyle?

That situation would scare the crap outta me, no doubt. If I lived to tell it, the shark would be at least 5m long.

Check snopes, its a dolphin... the second pic, not the first
Posted By: sigma Re: When your boat just isn't big enough.... - 04/22/06 09:07 PM
Here's another one from the same article:

That is exactly why I don't play in the ocean.
Originally posted by Pudmunkie:
Originally posted by Derk-xB:
Where's that pic from, Kyle?

That situation would scare the crap outta me, no doubt. If I lived to tell it, the shark would be at least 5m long.

Check snopes, its a dolphin... the second pic, not the first

ahh yeah, definitely looks like a dolphin.
You know what though, that still scares the crap out of me.
Even if I knew it was a cute, playful dolphin, it'd still surprise and scare the crap out of me.
When you need a bigger boat, call Reggie!

stick to lakes. There are far too many things in the ocean that kill peoples. Same with going to Australia...insects, plants and animals all waiting for a moment alone with you.
Originally posted by stickyjazz:
stick to lakes. There are far too many things in the ocean that kill peoples. Same with going to Australia...insects, plants and animals all waiting for a moment alone with you.

Your darn skippy there. Couldn't agree more.
Posted By: MxRacer Re: When your boat just isn't big enough.... - 04/24/06 04:57 AM
Originally posted by stickyjazz:
stick to lakes. There are far too many things in the ocean that kill peoples. Same with going to Detroit...crackheads, gangbangers and members of D12 all waiting bust a cap in you.

edited for locality.
Posted By: Stazi Re: When your boat just isn't big enough.... - 04/24/06 01:06 PM
Austrlia rules - you guys are a bunch of over-imaginative homos. I've surfed with Dolphins and there is nothing cooler.

The lakes are fun, but I shudder whenever I jump into Lake St. Clair and wonder how many gallons of Detroit poop I am swimming with.
Originally posted by Stazi:
Austrlia rules - you guys are a bunch of over-imaginative homos. I've surfed with Dolphins and there is nothing cooler.

The lakes are fun, but I shudder whenever I jump into Lake St. Clair and wonder how many gallons of Detroit poop I am swimming with.

I remember a story back in 2004 saying that an over amorous dolphin almost drowned a swimmer because it was attempting to mate with the diver. See, even dolphins can kill you. So, NOTHING is safe in the ocean!
Stazi has learned to hold his breath for a very long time just for such dolphin-lovin situations.
Originally posted by Kerry2Kool4U:
There was a photoshop image of a huge shark behind a sufer in a wave but the closest thing I found was this:

I think that image was proven to be a dolphin not a shark, or some sort of photochopped image.

I just found it on and it is a dolphin.

But the Great White following the kayak is a real photo! Also Pretty scary!
Giant shark movie.

I read a little of the novel when it came's going to be scary but over the top.
Posted By: jtour Re: When your boat just isn't big enough.... - 04/24/06 02:31 PM

OK, sharks scare the he!! out of me. I rarely swin in salt water. Kinda my lil deal with them. I stay out of their water, they stay off of works for us. I did go snorkeling while on my cruise and it was the first thing i thought about...I mean we are in 50' of water.... 1320' away from the unless I suddenly gained the ability to run on water...I was done for. Great Whites make my skin crawl...they are just HUGE...their ability to ruin my day just seeing what I am makes me skurred. should buy that boat....looks PIMP
Posted By: Pre98 Re: When your boat just isn't big enough.... - 04/24/06 04:05 PM
Hell, running full speed into the Atlantic north of VA Beach was enough for me. I came running back out after I saw the plethora of jellyfish
Regarding the dolphin pic: I was swimming in Delaware, where we go every year, when a dolphin swam right underneath me. I knew they swim there all the time, knew it was VERY unlikely it was a shark, and it STILL scared the S**T out of me. They are soooo fast, and I could feel the power of it as it went underneath me. WOW! If it had been a hungry shark, that would have been it. No warning at all. Course, I don't know that seeing the shark follow my kayak would be any better!
Originally posted by Judge:
Kinda my lil deal with them. I stay out of their water, they stay off of works for us.

Posted By: JB1 Re: When your boat just isn't big enough.... - 04/25/06 01:32 AM
were it me in that position i'd be that first person to get a kayak into the 200mph club getting back to shore. i'd row until my arms fell off.

p.s. yes i know i could really go that fast
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