Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: 2000GT what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 12:06 AM
So who has myspace?
Posted By: Korfu Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 12:10 AM
I hate myspace, and live journal.... It took my friends 4 semisters to convince me to make a facebook account...

I guess i hate myspace cuase i dont understand its point... I meany why is it there, so people can drop messages... cant email and AIM do that ...
Posted By: WorldTour_dup1 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 12:12 AM
Posted By: Big Daddy Kane Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 12:12 AM
I think it's a lot of horny guys that don't get any that glom on to young girls that pretend they are over 18...

...I added you btw!

But seriously, look at a random girl, they have like 100 dudes from all over the country oogling their goodies! It's just like the military, any ugly chick can get a bunch of dudes. heh
Posted By: 2000GT Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 12:22 AM
hahaha.. that is true
Posted By: Tourige Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 12:44 AM
its gayer than the time i had sex with a man

haha, j/k
Myspace is the devil.

I'm serious.
Posted By: Pale Horse Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 12:49 AM
My Space Is Taking Over The World!!!AAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGG!!!!
Soon It Will Be A Fortune 500 Company Controled By 9 Volt Mice
Posted By: CSVT1214 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 12:51 AM
Another Myspace thread?

There is one showing up every other day now.

Yes, I like Myspace, but some people on there really need to get a life. Girls I know send me some of the sick sh*t that guys send them for messages. These people need a life.
Posted By: Kremithefrog Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 12:55 AM
I use myspace to keep in touch with some people. Usually only get on when someone sends me a message.
Posted By: Pimpalicious316 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 01:22 AM
myspace has helped me keep in touch with people i hadn't talked to since graduating. other than that i find it pretty worthless

Posted By: Goonz SVT Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 01:36 AM
Posted By: 2000GT Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 01:51 AM
no joke my roommate uses it to pick up girls... lol we have seen people at the mall and he is like "yea dude she is on myspace" lol [censored] is funny
Posted By: Russell-3L Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 01:53 AM
Posted By: Goonz SVT Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 01:55 AM
Originally posted by Russell-3L:
Posted By: Russell-3L Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 02:16 AM
Originally posted by Goonz SVT:
Originally posted by Russell-3L:

except mines a real site and plus the steelers own you!
Posted By: Goonz SVT Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 02:36 AM
Originally posted by Russell-3L:
Originally posted by Goonz SVT:
Originally posted by Russell-3L:

except mines a real site and plus the steelers own you!

Posted By: ancientsanskrit Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 02:43 AM
I still don't get why people waste their time on these silly things. Perhaps, internet pimpin'? Everytime I go to a computer lab on campus I see at least a couple of people checking out facebook/myspace/etc. It's truly insane how large these groups are getting. Does facebook disclose how many members it has? Anyone know?

I guess it's not my cup of tea, hell I don't even im, so I guess it's just me. Just seems like a big waste of time, in my opinion.
Posted By: ZoomZoom Diva Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 02:46 AM
Originally posted by ancientsanskrit:

I guess it's not my cup of tea, hell I don't even im, so I guess it's just me. Just seems like a big waste of time, in my opinion.

It's not just you... I'm right there with you on this one.
Posted By: Snipey Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 02:53 AM
MY space

just did it about a week ago. pretty crappy.
Posted By: rouar Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 02:53 AM
I'm all for Facebook. However, the impression I always get from myspace is that only (a) emo pseudo-punks, (b) whiny teenyboppers, or (c) wicked old sketchy pedophiles are registered. I HATE the fact that people link media, sound or video files on their profiles too.
Posted By: Russell-3L Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 03:02 AM
e-pimping is becoming quite popular especially for dorks/nerds/losers who have no confidence and are afraid to talk to a girl face to face. i got a friend (whos not in the above category) who meets all his women online.
Posted By: Jeb Hoge_dup1 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 03:22 AM
What Myspace IS good for is getting a lot of info on bands that you like or might like. Just as a for-instance, two of my cousins are musicians. They both have new studio albums coming out (one just got released, the other is later this year), and they both have been either streaming or posting for download 3-4 tracks off their albums. You can get tour info, photos, blog entries, and more. Plus, you get to see what acts they are listening to or friends with, and click over to those pages and get the same stuff for those acts. Myspace is turning into a really useful way for smaller/independent bands to reach a wide audience.
Posted By: Tour_Racer00 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 03:32 AM
Originally posted by Russell-3L:

Posted By: unisys12 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 04:28 AM
Originally posted by Jeb Hoge:
What Myspace IS good for is getting a lot of info on bands that you like or might like. Just as a for-instance, two of my cousins are musicians. They both have new studio albums coming out (one just got released, the other is later this year), and they both have been either streaming or posting for download 3-4 tracks off their albums. You can get tour info, photos, blog entries, and more. Plus, you get to see what acts they are listening to or friends with, and click over to those pages and get the same stuff for those acts. Myspace is turning into a really useful way for smaller/independent bands to reach a wide audience.

I have a friend on there that is using it for the samething and it's working really well for him. He has gotten a lot of exposure that he never would have been able to get any other way. For that, I love the idea, but other than that... I hate the site. I only have a membership there so we can talk and exchange ideas from time to time. But... I still end up sending him e-mails anyway, just because I hate logging into that place.

There is also a band here in Corinth that has a Myspace account and it has led to them getting gigs as far away as New Jersey! They have also met other bands, from around the country, and use Myspace as a way to set up sorta like Mega-Shows were four or five of them play at the same place on the same night. It's great for all of them.

I love using Acidplanet for the exchange of musical ideas way better than anything else, but it's hard - if not impossible - to get the same level of exposure there like you can at a place like My Space. If you ever want to really hear some great music, no matter what genre, check out sometime. There's some amazing musicians and artist there! You can find really really interesting stuff.

Other than that... I really see no reason for MySpace. All the other junk that goes on should be left on Yahoo or something.
Posted By: RawBurt Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 01:54 PM
Originally posted by 00_HO_Contour:
Originally posted by Russell-3L:


Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha... Time to distribute that link to all the myspace suckas!@
Posted By: rkneeshaw Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 02:25 PM
My impression is that it's the new e-cool hangout for prepubescent girls who want to say their 18+, horny dudes that are scared to talk to chicks, and pedaphiles looking for a date.
Posted By: ToasterOven Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 02:35 PM
my space is... retarded.
Posted By: ov3n_dup1 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 02:39 PM
Originally posted by ToasterOven:
my space is... retarded.

i just saw your name on here and found it amusing.
but i was here first.
Posted By: ToasterOven Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 02:46 PM
Originally posted by ov3n:


lol. funny, atleast i know how to spell oven
ha, thought i was being original too. well, i kinda was...
Posted By: John P_dup1 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 02:53 PM
Myspace is indeed gay. Get a job, get a life. Get some perspective and contribute to the world! If you are over 18, male, and have a myspace, you are ESPECIALLY gay and need a cold hard slap in the face. That is all.
Posted By: Viss1_dup1 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 02:53 PM
I actually didn't know Myspace existed for any reason OTHER than to find out about bands
Posted By: RawBurt Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Jerry J:
Myspace is indeed gay. Get a job, get a life. Get some perspective and contribute to the world! If you are over 18, male, and have a myspace, you are ESPECIALLY gay and need a cold hard slap in the face. That is all.

I like the way you think!
Posted By: CSVT1214 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 03:01 PM
Originally posted by RawBurt:
Originally posted by Jerry J:
Myspace is indeed gay. Get a job, get a life. Get some perspective and contribute to the world! If you are over 18, male, and have a myspace, you are ESPECIALLY gay and need a cold hard slap in the face. That is all.

I like the way you think!

Your statment is so ignorant.

Hmmmm, let's see. I'm 20, work 2 jobs, 50 hours a week, have a life, contribute to the world and have a Myspace profile.

So I must be gay huh?
Posted By: ToasterOven Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 03:02 PM
Originally posted by CSVT1214:
Originally posted by RawBurt:
Originally posted by Jerry J:
Myspace is indeed gay. Get a job, get a life. Get some perspective and contribute to the world! If you are over 18, male, and have a myspace, you are ESPECIALLY gay and need a cold hard slap in the face. That is all.

I like the way you think!

Your statment is so ignorant.

Hmmmm, let's see. I'm 20, work 2 jobs, 50 hours a week, have a life, contribute to the world and have a Myspace profile.

So I must be gay huh?

no, you just wish you were
Posted By: WorldTour_dup1 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 03:04 PM
Funny... most of the people on my friends list I talk to regularly or know personally. Its a good way to keep up on whats going on with them. I also make good use of the groups section to promote my website ( and see whats going on w/ other contour & SVT owners on there, plus there are local groups which are good for finding out about local events & concerts.

As for meeting new people... yeah I've done that too. I've made some really good friends because of that site.

Posted By: Jeb Hoge_dup1 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 04:16 PM
I haven't really met any new people...haven't tried to, for that matter. I did "bump into" some people I knew when I was a lot younger, though.
Posted By: Pre98 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/15/06 08:42 PM
Dude there are girls on my myspace I don't even know, and they don't even message me.

wtf is the point then? I've shot a few girls some messages, but they either say they're taken or don't want a boyfriend.

A) The excuse "I'm taken" would provoke me, the boyfriend of this example girl, to ask YTF they have an internet page with pics of thongs up their assets for all the world to see.

B) The excuse "I don't want a boyfriend right now" is like "Yah, I totally don't like you so F off" *twirls hair*

I mean, I have the page but I dont even keep in touch with my old friends who use it too. It's redundant
Posted By: mystiquevltwin Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/16/06 03:21 AM
myspace is stupid...but ive got one haha

ive found friends from highschool that i keep in good touch with. the thing that bugs me are these people with like 200 friends.....180 of them they have no clue as to who they are...and dont talk to them.

and i get all my bands from there....or at least 90% of them.

Posted By: ZoomZoom Diva Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/16/06 03:46 AM
Myspace: sexual predator's hangout of choice:
Posted By: Pre98 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/16/06 04:06 AM
Damnit, James!! Don't blow my cover!!
Posted By: ov3n_dup1 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/16/06 12:33 PM
Originally posted by ToasterOven:
Originally posted by ov3n:


lol. funny, atleast i know how to spell oven
ha, thought i was being original too. well, i kinda was...

Considering it's my last name, I believe I do know how to spell it, thanks.
Posted By: ToasterOven Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/16/06 02:38 PM
Originally posted by ov3n:

Considering it's my last name, I believe I do know how to spell it, thanks.

so you spell your last name with a 3? lol, you silly!
Posted By: hitmanG11_dup1 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/16/06 05:43 PM
my space the MoviE

Posted By: snakous Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/16/06 06:17 PM
Originally posted by hitmanG11:
my space the MoviE

hitman moved to ohio?!
Posted By: ElKy Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 02/16/06 06:27 PM
Originally posted by ToasterOven:
Originally posted by ov3n:

Considering it's my last name, I believe I do know how to spell it, thanks.

so you spell your last name with a 3? lol, you silly!

obviously he spells it like 'Ov3n'
Posted By: Airforce Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 03/09/06 12:28 AM
not to bring a month old thread back to life but how the hell do you use What I mean is how do I customize it??


Posted By: JB1 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 03/09/06 02:48 AM
Originally posted by Zoom Zoom Diva:
Myspace: sexual predator's hangout of choice:

and this is exactly why when my little cousin created her myspace page (no i will not link to it or post her picture) the first thing she did was ask myself and a couple other trusted male family members to look it over for security reasons. unless you are a teenage girl myspace is lame.
Posted By: guessclassic65 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 03/09/06 08:23 AM
Posted By: Big Daddy Kane Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 03/09/06 10:31 PM
Originally posted by Airforce:
not to bring a month old thread back to life but how the hell do you use What I mean is how do I customize it??



BIG Warning... As far as I can tell, Firefox does not play well with CSS, so IE is your friend if you want to use em!

Ok, you have 2 ways...

This is the best editor according to my HTML-illiterate friends: Mygen

Now if you want to do it yourself (like me), you'll first need to know about Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Learn about them here: W3Schools


Here are all the text tags for your CSS pleasure:
  • .whitetext12{}
  • .lightbluetext8{}
  • .blacktext12{}
  • .btext{}
  • .blacktext10{}
  • .text{}
  • .orangetext15{}
  • .nametext{}
  • .redbtext{}

    These are all the links:
  • A{}
  • a.navbar{}
  • a.redlink{}
  • a.searchlinksmall{}

    The "A" will modify ALL links you created in your profile while the "a.whatever" are for specific links on Myspace.

    Here are the basics for using those...

    Between the brackets, you will enter information. Like say I want my ".nametext" to be red arial 24pt font, you'd end up with this:

  • .nametext{color: red;font-family: arial;font-size: 24pt;}

    You can also use hex for the colors: "color: FF0045;"


    Now for links, it's easy to see what it means.
  • ":link" is when the link was untouched by the pointer
  • ":visted" is for when you've used the link before
  • ":hover" is for when your pointer rolls over the link
  • ":active" is for when you clicked the link, but have not yet released the button.

    So say, here's an example... the "a.navbar" link:
  • white arial small caps size 12pt font with no text decoration
  • yellow arial small caps size 12pt font with strike through
  • green arial regular caps size 16pt font with underline and overline
  • red arial regular caps size 16pt font with underline and overline

    You'd use this:
  • a.navbar:link{color: white;font-family: arial;font-size: 12pt;font-variant: small-caps;text-decoration: none;}
  • a.navbar:visited{color: yellow;font-family: arial;font-size: 12pt;font-variant: small-caps;text-decoration: strike-through;}
  • a.navbar:hover{color: green;font-family: arial;font-size: 16pt;font-variant: normal;text-decoration: underline overline;}
  • a.navbar:active{color: red;font-family: arial;font-size: 16pt;font-variant: normal;text-decoration: underline overline;}


    You can use these tags to modify ANY HTML tag! So if you want to make anything behind a list item tag ("<li>") do certain things, you'd have this:

  • li{***insert CSS properties/values here***}


    I'm not going to go into images, since pretty much all you can do to them is apply a filter (like B&W, Blur, etc), which the W3Schools hits very lightly... if you want to do some advanced stuff to both text and images, look up "CSS Filters" on Google

    If you want an example of what you can do with filters, look at my Myspace page


    So yeah... if that confuzed the crap out of you, go visit the W3Schools and read up on it, or just use an editor!

    Remember to put all the CSS between the "<style="text/css"> </sytle>" tags, and place all that into any section (they prefer you use the top of "about me" for some reason).
  • Posted By: Airforce Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 03/10/06 12:45 AM
    dude u confused the hell out of me but i'm gonna give it a try.


    Posted By: GS474 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/13/06 09:18 PM
    here you go heres mine

    after avoiding it for so long a freind told me to sign up and set one up i aint gonna argue with her so i though id post it here
    Posted By: Preston 2.0 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/13/06 09:37 PM
    I've had Myspace for 2 years. Long before it was the supersite it is today. I mainly use it for something to do. Yeah, I'm 18, and I have Myspace but I signed up when I was a sophomore in Highschool. I also have a wonderful girlfriend whom I am very sad to say, met for the first time off of Myspace (just as friends though, the relationship grew from that)

    Anyway, to top this off. Myspace HAS become quite ridiculous and the obsession over it is admittably annoying.

    But, here's my link!

    -Preston My Myspace
    Posted By: SQLSVT Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/13/06 09:40 PM
    Myspace gives me the sharts.

    Posted By: KerryKool Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/13/06 10:14 PM
    I finally got one about a month ago and tricked it out.

    But here it is:
    Posted By: TaurusKev Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/14/06 03:17 AM
    myspace sucks. Just another way for some pervert to stalk people. I know some people give TONS of info out, And a lot of idiots think Myspace was the first website around. I could talk about the internet in 2000, and someone will ask, "Did you have a myspace back then?"

    Posted By: sigma Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/14/06 03:41 AM
    MySpace reminds me of GeoCities. I know it's not the same thing, but that's what it reminds me of for some reason. And I predict it will have roughly the same lifespan.
    Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/14/06 03:44 AM
    I am thinking that if I hold out another six months the myspace thing will pass and then I don't have to make one.
    Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoShoââ??¢:
    I am thinking that if I hold out another six months the myspace thing will pass and then I don't have to make one.

    you don't have one yet?
    Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/14/06 06:05 AM
    Originally posted by frenchblueC2:
    Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoShoââ??¢:
    I am thinking that if I hold out another six months the myspace thing will pass and then I don't have to make one.

    you don't have one yet?


    Originally posted by sigma:
    MySpace reminds me of GeoCities. I know it's not the same thing, but that's what it reminds me of for some reason. And I predict it will have roughly the same lifespan.

    Sorry to break the news to you, but GeoCities still exists.

    This will sound unusual, but I owe a lot to GeoCities. I started college as an accounting major. I had to take Computer Literacy as a forced elective, and we learned a little web design. So I set up a geocities account, and started tinkering. HTML led to javascript, javascript let to cgi's, and all of the sudden, I was bitten by the programming bug. I susbsequently changed my major to Computer Science, and have never regretted it!
    Posted By: Tom Thumb Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/14/06 04:00 PM
    Originally posted by TaurusKev:
    myspace sucks. Just another way for some pervert to stalk people. I know some people give TONS of info out, And a lot of idiots think Myspace was the first website around. I could talk about the internet in 2000, and someone will ask, "Did you have a myspace back then?"


    I agree 100%. Young girls and boys post their information hoping to meet the right person. Instead they meet Chester the molester. Some even post their picture, name, address and phone number.
    Posted By: sigma Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/14/06 06:03 PM
    Originally posted by jerseyca�10:
    Originally posted by sigma:
    MySpace reminds me of GeoCities. I know it's not the same thing, but that's what it reminds me of for some reason. And I predict it will have roughly the same lifespan.

    Sorry to break the news to you, but GeoCities still exists.

    I know it still exists. It's just a teeny, tiny shell of what it once was. 5 years ago everyone knew what GeoCities was. You couldn't do a search without half your hits being some crappy GeoCities page. Now 99% of people haven't got a clue what it is or ever was.
    Posted By: rouar Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/14/06 06:21 PM
    I'd like to see Myspace go the way of Geocities as well but it's unlikely to happen if they continue at their current rate. The primary reason Geocities went downhill is because they themselves limited the amount of bandwidth to something extremely small (not to mention external linking, etc), as well as forcing more ads than content on each page. A lot of people switched when they discovered they couldn't do anything productive/fun with Geocities anymore. Until Myspace starts limiting their users or privileges - or is shut down by some inane law - then I don't see it dying anytime soon.
    Posted By: louisw_dup1 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/14/06 06:36 PM
    yall do realize that you're venting on an internet forum right? this and myspace are more alike than different...
    Posted By: Kremithefrog Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/14/06 07:29 PM
    I don't get what's so wrong with myspace? Sure there are stupid kids that invite trouble to themselves and stupid people with stupid pages and whatnot, but for most people it allows you to keep in contact with people you may otherwise have little/lose contact with. And I guess it's possible to meet some new people on it as well.
    Posted By: Russell-3L Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/14/06 10:22 PM
    ive been to a myspace party before

    a friend of mine asked me if i wanted to go to this party and i said sure, not knowing any details about it.

    not knowing how much or what kind of alcohol was gonna be there we stopped at a bar to buy ourselves some. i purchased 2 40s of bud

    i walk into this party drinking my 40 and realize its a bunch of dorks and fat and ugly people!!! then i hear EVERYONE talking about nothing but myspace and taking non-stop pictures with their digital cameras. then i find out most of the people there met each other on myspace. it was horrible. lamest party ive ever seen or been to, and ive been to some lame ass parties!
    Posted By: B.Brattina Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/14/06 10:47 PM
    it has it's advantages and disadvantages-- there are a ton of creepy people on there, and plenty of girls desperate for attention-- i use it mainly to find some music (up-coming bands, friends bands, etc.) --
    Posted By: skrilla187_dup1 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/14/06 11:35 PM
    Originally posted by Russell-3L:
    ive been to a myspace party before

    a friend of mine asked me if i wanted to go to this party and i said sure, not knowing any details about it.

    not knowing how much or what kind of alcohol was gonna be there we stopped at a bar to buy ourselves some. i purchased 2 40s of bud

    i walk into this party drinking my 40 and realize its a bunch of dorks and fat and ugly people!!! then i hear EVERYONE talking about nothing but myspace and taking non-stop pictures with their digital cameras. then i find out most of the people there met each other on myspace. it was horrible. lamest party ive ever seen or been to, and ive been to some lame ass parties!

    Wow! A myspace party? Thats crazy....
    Posted By: CSVT1214 Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/15/06 04:26 AM
    Older folks will never understand the point of Myspace, but I still love it.

    It's a perfect way for me to keep in touch with people I haven't seen or talked to in a while, meet people I used to go to school with and never got to meet, or meet someone through another friend.

    I agree Myspace does create a problem for sexual predators but I think it would help if Myspace didn't allow anyone to sign up under the age of 16 or even 18. (Yes I know they can lie, but it would help a little).
    Posted By: GilNewball Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/15/06 03:30 PM

    Time to hear the sweet sounds of Popozao.
    Posted By: StreetDreams Re: what do u guys think of Myspace? - 05/17/06 06:22 AM
    in all actuality i think its a good site. though there are the percentage of people out there that use it for the wrong reason. but what can ya do


    Street Dreams (Hershy)
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