Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: scainerrt THE PREZ IS COMING - 07/01/05 03:26 PM
so i guess president bush is coming to morgantown,wv on monday. so here we go again the traffic will suck even worse than usual and the hospital(where i work at and will be at on 07/04)will be on alert in case someone should try and do something to the prez. pretty much monday will suck!! no offense to pres bush but it just sucks when he comes around because of all the security issues. i like the dude but man wouldn't it be a shittttttttty deal to think that someone is always wanting to put a bullet in you?
Posted By: Davo Re: THE PREZ IS COMING - 07/01/05 03:32 PM
Sooooo.....what should he do? Stay locked in the White House all the time? People complained when Cheney came here last year, and the mayor (a stupid old wench) initially said she was going to send the bill for security to the Bush Admin. I'd consider it an honor if the president wanted to come to my town.
Posted By: ZoomZoom Diva Re: THE PREZ IS COMING - 07/01/05 05:01 PM
They do need to come up with a new protocol that will protect the safety of the President with less impact to the people who live there... and that SHOULD include covering the expenses incurred by the visit.

They should also do more to lessen the impact on traffic flow.
Posted By: TourDeForce Re: THE PREZ IS COMING - 07/01/05 05:05 PM
I live near the route that the Presidents take when they come visiting Palm Beach. The impact has never been noticable here. Not even on the interstate. Perhaps the LEOs can take a lesson from the setup they have here...?
Posted By: Viss1_dup1 Re: THE PREZ IS COMING - 07/01/05 08:09 PM
Once in a while in Georgetown the Secret Service will momentarily block off a few intersections and go screaming up Wisconsin Ave. in a fleet of black Suburbans. That's what I call style.
Posted By: PackRat_dup1 Re: THE PREZ IS COMING - 07/01/05 08:26 PM
When Clinton came here in 96, they shut down every building around the NMSU "Horseshoe Drive" park.

Including the Library where I worked at the time, despite the fact that you couldn't get a clear shot from the Library (no 32) even if you wanted to. The trees pretty blocked the view but that didn't stop the secret service, lol.

Eh, who cared, I hated Clinton and got a day off of work.
Originally posted by Davo:
I'd consider it an honor if the president wanted to come to my town.

LMAO if I lived in Lincon Nebraska I would be honored to have a pretty girl come to town , much less the President
Posted By: Mystique97 Re: THE PREZ IS COMING - 07/02/05 03:51 AM
Heck yeah dude, they had a portion of I-271 closed off cuz of the president was gonna be in cleveland. (they had squad cars around the vehicle(s) he was in, for a certain amount of miles) They also had like 3 or 4 vehicles that look exactly alike, with all tinted windows and you couldn't really tell which one he was in (it's so easy to do if they have license plates just look at those unless they have the same numbers) .
I guess it's a good idea to have all that, cuz of the violent country we live in.
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