Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: RyeLou [censored] pissed - 06/15/05 02:58 AM
So moxnix sent me a few PM's giving me some hints/tips on my VB.Net homework. I've spent the last 4 hours doing code that would take a VB.Net veteran about a half hour tops, if that. I just [censored] closed everything I had open on accident, and of course I didn't save it. Of the 5 I need for tomorrow morning, I now have 1 done (which doesn't work right at that), and the other 4 I have nothing. I'm so pissed I don't even know what to do. I don't think I could stay sane and redo it all
Posted By: TheRock249 Re: [censored] pissed - 06/15/05 03:23 AM
I...dont, um, even know what that means. [Ron Burgandy Voice] "You know i dont speak spanish!"

...but if it helps, go punch something. Maybe a door, wall, or michael jackson picture!
Posted By: Pre98 Re: [censored] pissed - 06/15/05 03:38 AM
Oh GOD don't remind me of VB. So sorry man, I feel the anger. I can't remember how many times that happened to me for labs.

Well, my final project had a quality GUI but the code was erroneous on two forms. I still passed with a B+ though.

What exactly was it you were doing? I have a lot of saved projects you might be able to "borrow" code from.. PM me.

edit, crap, I didnt realize you were talking VB.Net Theyre different, arent they?
Posted By: MxRacer Re: [censored] pissed - 06/15/05 03:38 AM
time for some food, caffine, and red bulls for the final stretch.

good luck ryan!!
Posted By: Kremithefrog Re: [censored] pissed - 06/15/05 03:46 AM
Crystal meth.
Posted By: RyeLou Re: [censored] pissed - 06/15/05 03:48 AM
Originally posted by MxRacerCamXXXL:
time for some food, caffine, and red bulls for the final stretch.

good luck ryan!!

[censored] that dude, i'm done.

someone in my position could take two routes
Route A: stay up all night and rewrite 5 different programs to get a 90%
Route B: make a program that calculates what my potential grade would be assuming a 0 on this homework with a variety of grades on the final exam.
Posted By: MxRacer Re: [censored] pissed - 06/15/05 03:51 AM
lmao!! i can't tell you how many times i did that at state.

Posted By: Pre98 Re: [censored] pissed - 06/15/05 03:51 AM
It depends. Does it come naturally or do you have to strain yourself (like I had) to write code? If you need to reduce cranium swelling more than 10 minutes between code.. I suggest you sleep and cram that sh%t an hour early in the morning. At least get two done on time, eh?

Just tryin' to help
Posted By: DopePope Re: [censored] pissed - 06/15/05 03:54 AM
what is the project? maybe someone can help
also have you checked out ?
Posted By: RyeLou Re: [censored] pissed - 06/15/05 03:58 AM
This is the whole thing that I have left, but I don't want to ask any of you guys to sit there and do my homework. I realize its my fault that I closed the program, and I couldn't ask for this anyhow. (Would be pretty bad ass though...) And before anyone, its not very complex code, but for a 1st class in programming and cramming it all into 2 months, we learned an ass load, so is hard.

1) Your form should have 4 command buttons on it.
a) Write btnFill_Click to fill a form level array (1 to 100) with random numbers of values between 1 and 100.
b) Write btnAvg_CLick to give the average value of the numbers in the array with a message box.
c) Write btnMin_Click to give the minimum value in the array with a message box.
d) Write btnNumber_click to prompt the user with an inputbox for a number between 1 and 100. Then tell the user with a message box the number of times that number is in the array.

2) Put 3 labeled text boxes on the form (txtShoe, txtDesigner and txtPrice), a list box, and two command buttons.
a) Declare a InventoryStructureType with members
i) Shoe as String
ii) Designer as String
iii) Price as Double

b) Declare a form level Variable Inventory of InventoryStructuretype
c) When the user clicks the command button btnRecord, store the information from these three text boxes into Inventory variable.
d) When the user clicks the command button btnPrint, use the data in Inventory, print the following in the list box, substituting in their shoe name for <name> and designer name for <designer>
i) If price < 20 then print <name> ΓΆβ?¬Ε? shoes - Reasonable Price for Kids, by designer ΓΆβ?¬Ε? <designer>
ii) If price >= 20 and Price<75 then print <name> ΓΆβ?¬Ε? shoes - Over Priced for Kids, by designer ΓΆβ?¬Ε? <designer>
iii) If price >= 75 then print <name> ΓΆβ?¬Ε? shoes - In their dreams prices, by designer ΓΆβ?¬Ε? <designer>

4) When the user clicks bntAppendFile do the following:
a) Test for the existence of the file Names.txt
i) If it exists Open for append
ii) If it does not exist Create the file, and use msgbox to tell user you created the file.
b) Using a loop, prompt the user for a name to save in the file.
c) Write the name to the file
d) When the user enters an empty string, close the file.
e) Add a second button to the form that will print out the names in the file to a listbox. Make sure you close the file after you print out the names in the list box.

5) When the user clicks btnCreateFile do the following:
a) Open the file ReportIn.txt, that contains the following information IN THIS FORMAT (csv)
January, 2400, 38000
February, 2000, 36500
March, 1900, 42250
i) Read this data into a structure, one at a time. The structure should have 3 fields,
(1) Month as string
(2) Account as Integer
(3) Amount as Double
ii) Open a file for output, ReportOut.txt.
(1) Write only the Amounts, formatted for currency into the file, one at a time.
(2) Write the total sum of the Amounts last into the file.
iii) Close the files.
Posted By: 99SVT_dup1 Re: [censored] pissed - 06/15/05 04:01 AM

Here is what you do. Cause I've been there.

I'm sure you've already searched the internet to steal code from someone else, so I'm not going to bother suggestting that.

Not sure what the problems are like, but if you can get away with getting some from other students and not being caught. Do it.

Or, and this is probably the best(ethically speaking) route. Explain to your prof what happened and see if they will give you another day. MOST professors will. But I would definitely turn SOMETHING in tomorrow. Don't go in empty handed. Give them an exact time you will have it for them tomorrow, and then make sure you get it to them by that time.

Good Luck!
Posted By: RyeLou Re: [censored] pissed - 06/15/05 04:08 AM
I like those suggestions 99SVT. I'll probably combine them and ask for another day just for more time to "get help". I've searched the internet, but its such a pain in the ass right now with Comcast. My cable modem craps out about every 2 minutes on average, if that. They're sending someone out on Sunday with a new one, but until then I'm just screwed for using the internet. So my searches go in 2 minute spurts, which usually result in a bunch of nothing
Posted By: DanMyers Re: [censored] pissed - 06/15/05 04:24 AM
If they give you another day...look up a drink called Bawls. Bawls is a HIGH caffeine energy drink that is favored by gamers and programmers and will help you stay up and finish them if it comes to that. Remember, Bawls is your friend.
Posted By: Woodencross Re: [censored] pissed - 06/15/05 04:49 AM
Originally posted by 99SVT:

Here is what you do. Cause I've been there.

I'm sure you've already searched the internet to steal code from someone else, so I'm not going to bother suggestting that.

Not sure what the problems are like, but if you can get away with getting some from other students and not being caught. Do it.

Or, and this is probably the best(ethically speaking) route. Explain to your prof what happened and see if they will give you another day. MOST professors will. But I would definitely turn SOMETHING in tomorrow. Don't go in empty handed. Give them an exact time you will have it for them tomorrow, and then make sure you get it to them by that time.

Good Luck!

99SVT has it. Explain it to the professor. The worst he could do is call you a liar...

Just think man, what if you had been a Microsoft programmer, and were like two lines of code away from completing Windows 2Million and went to get some coffee and on getting up, you touched the ESC button (somehow) and poof, it's all gone...At least it's just a grade...
Posted By: SVTcontourSVT Re: [censored] pissed - 06/15/05 05:02 AM
Quick! Grab the closest bowl or bong. Pack. Smoke. I bet you'll be alot more relaxed and will be able to think of a brilliant solution.
Posted By: OB1 Re: [censored] pissed - 06/15/05 05:59 AM
Originally posted by SVTcontourSVT:
Quick! Grab the closest bowl or bong. Pack. Smoke. I bet you'll be alot more relaxed and will be able to think of a brilliant solution.

Good answer!
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