Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Renee_dup1 Steel Wool on Headlights? - 03/25/04 02:48 AM
I was telling my hub about the previous posts about getting the haze off the headlight covers and all, but he's wondering if we could use fine steel wool instead of sand paper. If it's not a good idea, then we will use sand paper, no biggie. I guess he's got an over stock of steel wool in the shed and wants to use it. LOL.
Posted By: bentleywarren_dup1 Re: Steel Wool on Headlights? - 03/25/04 03:54 AM
I've used steel wool, and it seemed to work okay. Don't really remember what size I used, but I do remember it was a fine grade. I've also used rubbing compound, which also helped. It does seem that no matter what I used, I have to repeat the treatment in a few months.
Posted By: Art Hazebrook_dup1 Re: Steel Wool on Headlights? - 03/25/04 05:00 AM
Just got through refinishing my headlight lenses...I tried 0000(extra fine) steel wool as an initial step and it didn't work fast enough. It does however work well in a later step.

Sooo... moisten the lens and start with 1500 grit wet/dry sandpaper on the rough portions of the lens and sand in the same direction (vertical) till the affected portions feel as smooth as the clear areas. Rinse between sheets and dry. Sand until you can't see the hazing cracks (or at least until they very faint).

Patience is the key...

Switch to 2000 grit, keep the lens moist, and go over the previously sanded areas thoroughly, sanding in the opposite direction (horizontal). Rinse, dry and inspect as necessary. Once you are satisfied that the affected areas are as smooth as possible, you may lightly sand the entire lens. Rinse, dry and inspect.

At this point I used the following progression of products:
1. 0000 steel wool,
2. Meguiar's Mirror Glaze 9 (professional swirl remover 2.0),
3. Meguiar's Mirror Glaze 10 (clear plastic polish)

Repeat the polishing progression (steps 1-3) 2-4x...The results, while not perfect, are much improved over original condition!!

Hope this helps!! Art

Posted By: Renee_dup1 Re: Steel Wool on Headlights? - 03/25/04 05:10 AM
Thanks Art, sounds good to me. Hub said that's cool with him. He'll go ahead and just use the sandpaper as well.
Posted By: JasonJ Re: Steel Wool on Headlights? - 03/25/04 06:19 AM
i am planning on sanding my headlights down tomorrow. if i can get some clear plastic adhesive type stuff and stick them over my headlights, will these keep hazing at bay for a little while? just wondering if anyone has ever tried something like this before.
Posted By: dbird_dup1 Re: Steel Wool on Headlights? - 03/25/04 07:46 AM
no any clear stuff on the lens will let sunlight onto the plastic and that is whats messing up the plastic(the SUN)...
the lens is breaking down... what ever they made the lenses out of is gasing off and making the plastic turn yellow...
it must be some cheap stuff.. i guess some bean counter figured a way to save a few cents per hundred lbs. of plastic and they figured a few million more in profit for the stock holders....
Posted By: Spankey_dup1 Re: Steel Wool on Headlights? - 03/25/04 12:35 PM
Will doing this remove the yellowing? Mine turned yellow and that really takes away from the front end look of the car... I mean these cars are sharp looking in the front end especially with just the fogs on....

If it does in fact remove the yellowing, I will try this as well?

Posted By: PeppermintPatty Re: Steel Wool on Headlights? - 03/25/04 01:43 PM
Originally posted by Spankey:
Will doing this remove the yellowing? Mine turned yellow and that really takes away from the front end look of the car... I mean these cars are sharp looking in the front end especially with just the fogs on....

If it does in fact remove the yellowing, I will try this as well?


I have used ones from the junkyard...the UV coating was yellowed & coming off one, I sanded the rest off & it looks great...the other one was just as bad, but its crazed & I can't do too much w/ that mess. It takes alot of polishing after you sand to get them clear again but they look great.
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Steel Wool on Headlights? - 03/25/04 02:56 PM
I wetsanded my headlights (super fine 1600 IIRC) and clearcoated them.....but didn't wax them so it looks like crap....but I will fix them once they are back together again.
Posted By: BlackBirdRacing Re: Steel Wool on Headlights? - 03/25/04 03:52 PM
has anyone tried the NUVOUS line of plastic cleaners.

It's made for the shields on motorcyle headlights.

I have used it to clean all kinds of plastic including those crappy ford plastic headlights we all love.
Posted By: ebean Re: Steel Wool on Headlights? - 03/26/04 04:37 AM
went in to the local auto paint supply today to get some sand paper and he asked me what I was using it on. when I told him he LOL and said he has a lot of chevy and dodge guys doing the same thing, cavs and neons have the same problem. he also said that one of the local used car dealers cleans the lights with vinegar first says it softens up the crust first. I don't know but I'll try it this weekend when I do mine for the first time and report back
Posted By: Lee K Re: Steel Wool on Headlights? - 03/26/04 05:58 PM
Originally posted by BlackBirdRacing:
has anyone tried the NOVUS (corrected spelling) line of plastic cleaners.

Yes, I used Novus Plastic Polish #2, with a follow up with Novus Plastic Polish #1. It did nothing more than make the headlight cover a bit smoother. The haze was still there, so it called for more intensive action. I used wet-or-dry sand paper, starting with worn 600 grit, followed by finer grits up to 7200. That did the trick. After the sanding, I finished with Novus #2. It has been relatively clear for a few months, but I have noticed that the haze is showing signs of returning. It looks like I'll have to do it every six months or so. Just another joy for us Contour owners.

Lee K
98 SVT Contour, silver (fun beater car)
03 Evo, red (scary fun car)
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