Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Preston 2.0 Ronsonol. - 05/24/06 12:39 AM
Was dusting and just basically wiping the dust off of my car today (girlfriend lives off of a gravel road) and I had the idea to use my Ronsonol that I use for my Zippo, to clean some things. Used it on some stains on the steering wheel, on the badges and tail lights....but what suprised me the most, is how much it helped my headlights. Didn't make much of a striking difference but there's definately a difference. Slighty more clear, and more attention getting. Did the same for my foglights, helped those alot too.

After I was done I lit the rag just for Sh!ts and giggles.

Would using Ronsonol on the adhesive backing of my badges and ding gaurds ruin my paint?
Posted By: posthuman63t Re: Ronsonol. - 05/24/06 12:44 AM
Use it if you want, but make sure after you use it, clean and wax the area you used it on to protect it.
Posted By: gooserex Re: Ronsonol. - 05/24/06 01:26 AM
Ronsonol rocks, I use it to clean everything on my motorcycle, get's grease out so well it's not even funny.
Posted By: Preston 2.0 Re: Ronsonol. - 05/24/06 02:09 AM
Haha, if I wasnt afraid of it lighting up, I'd use it to clean the grease off my engine
Posted By: Tourgasm Re: Ronsonol. - 05/25/06 07:13 PM
You might be a redneck if:

"(girlfriend lives off of a gravel road)"

"I had the idea to use my Ronsonol that I use for my Zippo, to clean some things."

"After I was done I lit the rag just for Sh!ts and giggles."


I might have to try that to unyellow my left headlight.

Posted By: Preston 2.0 Re: Ronsonol. - 05/25/06 09:49 PM
Originally posted by Tourgasm:
You might be a redneck if:

"(girlfriend lives off of a gravel road)"

"I had the idea to use my Ronsonol that I use for my Zippo, to clean some things."

"After I was done I lit the rag just for Sh!ts and giggles."


I might have to try that to unyellow my left headlight.

Hahahahahaha, so pretty much I laughed for like 10 minutes. I'm going to try the Ronsonol on the headlights again later, but this time using more and scrubbing harder.

Posted By: Preston 2.0 Re: Ronsonol. - 05/25/06 09:51 PM
Also forgot to mention I used it on my stock rims yesterday, and it got out the brake dust and grease wonderfully. I had nice shiny rims for the sun to reflect off of
Posted By: red99sesport Re: Ronsonol. - 05/26/06 02:46 AM
Originally posted by Tourgasm:
You might be a redneck if:

"(girlfriend lives off of a gravel road)"

"I had the idea to use my Ronsonol that I use for my Zippo, to clean some things."

"After I was done I lit the rag just for Sh!ts and giggles."


I might have to try that to unyellow my left headlight.

I actually believe that the Ronsonol I use for my Zippo says that it is good for cleaning several things right on the back of the container, so there are probably a lot of people using it to clean stuff. It works pretty well from what I have heard.

Lighting the rag I never thought about soaking anything in Ronsonol and then lighting it.
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