Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: svtcarboy Sheffield Garden Walk, anyone? - 07/16/01 05:21 PM
I'll be in Chicago from Thursday night until Monday late Morning to attend the Sheffield Garden Walk, a totally great festival I drive over to Chicago just to attend. We pretty much spend both Saturday and Sunday there (afternoon to evening).

I'll be wearing my CEG or other Contour orientated shirts both days, so if you see me, definitely stop me and say hi.
Posted By: TheGSRGuy Re: Sheffield Garden Walk, anyone? - 07/16/01 05:30 PM
What is this Garden Walk?
Posted By: svtcarboy Re: Sheffield Garden Walk, anyone? - 07/16/01 05:36 PM
It's a 2-day street festival with food, bands, and lots of stuff going on... It's located by De Paul University (and the surrounding area, but that should help place).

I wish I knew a web site for it, but I just get the dates from my best friend and crash with her!

FWIW, our friends normally congregate on the corner of Sheffield and Kenmore, across from De Paul, and across from a trailer where they always have for selling Rolling Rock beer.
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