Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: muhafuha low octane - 07/03/06 02:28 AM
Ive had quite a few cars but have never really felt a decrease in performance due to bad gas like i did on the last tank! Ive been using 87 octane when i fill up because of the gas prices and being my svt is my daily driver (hate it or love it) but the car was sluggish and wouldnt accelerate hard at all ... im thinking the gas i got was maybe even more watered down than normal and didnt equal up to 87 i dunno but i went thru that take on only 220 miles! i just put in some 93 and what a HUGE difference . Crazy how that has an effect.. i hope i didnt hurt anything!

BTW the gas station with the bad 87 was BP on barrington and irving
Posted By: ConcepTrs913 Re: low octane - 07/03/06 02:43 AM
How hot was it? If you have an open filter I'm pretty sure heat soak could be a big effect. Correct me if I am wrong because I am new at this but that definitely can cause your car to be much more sluggish.
Posted By: Y2KSVT Re: low octane - 07/03/06 04:20 AM
Saving $2.00 on a tank of gas is hardly worth it. I like the peace of mind, knowing that I can rip on the car all day long, and not have to worry about pinging because I was a cheapass.

And what's your gamer tag on Halo2? You've got some serious competition on being a pro Wart-hog driver. 22 assists and 0 deaths in one game on Relic.

Posted By: muhafuha Re: low octane - 07/03/06 02:09 PM
it was humid and in the 90's most of the time but i noticed a definite change in the same weather when i put 93 in..

y2k hit me up on HALO 2 im on frequently "Bambi Beefcakes"
Posted By: Y2KSVT Re: low octane - 07/03/06 02:22 PM
Originally posted by muhafuha:
"Bambi Beefcakes"

LOL!!! You could have just PM'd me that, to save yourself from what is about to come.. j/k! I'll add you, so if you get a friend request from................ you have a PM, as my name isn't very appropriate.

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