Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Question of the day - 08/06/01 01:29 PM
Okay then, today's question:
Who built the world's first loudspeaker?

To get the credit for this one, you must also provide a link to or post proof of your claim. (Since I don't know the answer smile )

Whoever answers incorrectly must pay by changing the From: in thier profile to "Honkeytonk's Bum" If you answer correctly, you get 1 point. Whoever has the most points at the end of the month gets to be my slave... wait a minute, that's no good, I know, whoever wins gets nothing. Except the feeling of comfort in knowing you are smart and the other people are dumb... The End.

Let the games begin!
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/06/01 01:46 PM

Ernst W. Siemens
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/06/01 01:48 PM

Charles Page 1837
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/06/01 02:07 PM
I'm sorry Aaron, but the 1st answer was wrong. You know the consequences! You get the 1 point for the right answer, but you have to change where you're from in your profile to "Honkeytonk's Bum". C'mon, be a sport. Nobody likes a poor sport smile

Also, if anybody can prove him wrong, do it!

The score at this point:

Dnewma04 - 0
APT CSVT - 1 (but there is still a chance to prove him wrong!)
KnoKonceptz - 1
El Contouro - -1

I will put up the next Q tommorrow at 7:00am Saskabush time. Until next time...
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/06/01 02:22 PM
PS, tommorow's question will be about CDs. Later! laugh
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/06/01 02:27 PM
Sorry, I jumped the gun with the first response.
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/06/01 03:07 PM
the first speakers whwere created in the gigantic rectal regions of dinasaurs which have been developed into the beautiful sounding rectal bass we all enjoy today
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/06/01 03:31 PM
Damn meetings! they killed my score!
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/06/01 03:33 PM
BTW, what kind of loudspeaker? I'm assuming that if you take Aarons answer, you meant anything that plays back music?
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/06/01 03:51 PM
That's the first thing I thought of as well, what's the definition of 'loudspeaker'?
Posted By: KnuKonceptz Re: Question of the day - 08/06/01 04:44 PM
The new (Sept) Car Audio and Electronics has a nice History of the Subwoofer and explaination of its parts, its good reading.
Posted By: KnuKonceptz Re: Question of the day - 08/06/01 04:45 PM
The new (Sept) Car Audio and Electronics has a nice History of the Subwoofer and explaination of its parts, its good reading.
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 01:01 AM
I'm guessing I meant anything that plays back music, and Rolland, a T-rex fart isn't music, or is a human fart. Once again, I'm forced to deduct a point from your score. Aaron, you only have to keep that there for the day. You didn't have to change your name though... frankly I'm frightened... I will continue putting the questions in this post until either I get bored or people stop playing because my questions suck

The score so far:

Dnewma04 - 0
El Contouro - -2
KnuKonceptz - 1
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 11:20 AM
The moderators didn't like that name anyway.
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 01:13 PM
Sorry I'm a liitle late this morning, boss is a tard, you know the story.

Today's question will be tough if you don't have this CD, but if you do, dig it out. Dave is probably at work swearing right about now. HE HE! If you answer incorrectly today, you have to post a story in the general forum about how you beat a Z28 Camaro. The story has to seem as if you're serious, and you have to defend your claim until the bitter end. If, at any point, you give yourself away, or somebody else in the competition does, that person will lose a point. Please El Contouro don't give them away. If you don't I will change my From: to El Contouro's trash can. Anybody else reading this please accept that I'm an idiot and don't give anybody away in the general forum. Thank you smile

Now for the Question:

On the CD, Soul Asylum: Let your Dim Light Shine, what is the first track titled? As a hint, it is one word long. As an added bonus, if you can tell me the name of the first track on Soundgarden: A-Sides, You ill receive an additional two points.

Start! laugh
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 01:20 PM

as far as the soundgarden song, I have "nothing to say" about that.
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 01:38 PM
Oh Dave, you were so close. But apparently you can't read. I said it was one word long! The song is "Misery" Ouch. You know the consequences for your mistake! Sometime this week you have to go to the General forum and make an ass of yourself by telling a story about the impossible feat of beating a Z28 in a race. BTW, Bittersweet heart was number 6. You get the Bonus though! smile

Score so far:

Dnewma04 - 2
KnuKonceptz - 1
El Contouro - -2

Tomorrow's question will be about cd players and will be posted at a random time. Good luck contestants.
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 01:40 PM
This will be especially good since you drive the Omni laugh ! You do still drive the Omni? Don't you?
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 02:06 PM
I think you have some strange canadian version or somehting. it's the first track.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 02:09 PM
There seems to be two versions...this is strange...

oh and i occasionally still drive the omni.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 02:29 PM
OK, i'm wrong. some of the sites I looked at had the order messed up. damn!
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 03:30 PM
So here's what I want:

Omni vs. 2001 Camaro Z28 SS 6-speed, on a straight road, but then you "loose him in the corners because a Camaro can't corner" laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh HE HE HE!!! laugh You must make it seem like you caught up to him after he passed you in the straight stretch. Then go on to say that the Camaro couldn't catch back up. You have to defend your claim until either the posts reach 15 (no posting the same thing 15 times) or for 48 hours after the original post. HE HE HE! I'm as mean as Hitler! Except for the whole cooking people in acid showers thing...
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 03:41 PM
in order of the question bittersweet | misery
yes i'm outta the negatives
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 03:52 PM
Whuh? Since I don't know what that was, and I am scared (despite being a god) El Stupido is out of the negatives... yay?
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 04:55 PM
Anything else you want me to add to the story?
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 06:09 PM
it just made it to 15 by the time it got locked.
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 06:21 PM
i've been looking an couldn't find it i missed it
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 06:30 PM
Posted By: perry Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 06:31 PM
14 replies..... Sorry Dave, you lose smile frown
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 06:37 PM
smile it said 15...dangnabbit!! it's those dang moderators! Always trying to hold me back!
Posted By: Steve Bassen Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 06:41 PM
You guys can have fun, so can we.... wink
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 07:04 PM
No problem Steve. Just having fun here too. smile
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 07:26 PM
how'd i miss that damn transvestite sites
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 08:14 PM
strange the link doesn't seem to be valid anymore.
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 08:21 PM
it was up 4 long enough 4 me 2 see
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 08:23 PM
i was hoping luke would get to see it.
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/07/01 08:37 PM
who crouching monkey hidden penis
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 01:26 AM
Damn! Sleep sucks. I missed the whole thing! Crap in a hat! Oh well, just give me the overall reaction. Did anybody threaten to kill you? What did you say happened? Stupid moderators, ruining our fun! smile I thought I asked you guys to just accept that I'm demented and need help. laugh Oh,well, gots to do your duty right?

Dave, it appears your punishment was not completed... but I guess you gave it your best shot. Too bad I missed out. Sigh...
Posted By: perry Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 01:34 AM
Dave had to make a second account to troll with, so it really doesn't count!
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 01:41 AM
Is this true Dave? Shame on you! The whole idea as to make you look stupid! Making extra accounts to troll with is fun, not punishment! I might have to deduct a point...
Posted By: perry Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 01:44 AM
Oh, woops, I didn't mean to say that out loud smile
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 02:11 AM
Originally posted by The Honkeytonk Monkey:
Is this true Dave? Shame on you! The whole idea as to make you look stupid!

i think u meant stupider and he said he was from west virginia 2 boot
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 12:20 PM
Originally posted by The Honkeytonk Monkey:
Is this true Dave? Shame on you! The whole idea as to make you look stupid! Making extra accounts to troll with is fun, not punishment! I might have to deduct a point...

Yes, but I got C Bone Killa to defend my other identidy (geektard). I changed my name to the Monkeythonged Honkey too. I needed to start the other account because everyone was ignoring me cause they knew it was me and thought i was just making fun of people.
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 01:11 PM
how do u like being ign ored,it sucks doesn't it,i'm just here 2 help and sometimes irritate(like a badcase o hemorhoids) but that doesn't meebn i don't need love 2,even a giant inflamed aaaaaand puss filled anal cavaty nmeeds love(not like u r thinkin honkey)and maybe a lil medication.that reminds me wheres my applicator gotta go
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 01:22 PM
Well then, I forgive you. It's not like I can just walk over there and kick your A$$ anyways.

Time for another question!

What manufacturer first used shock protection (so the CD player doesn't skip) on a CD player? Once again I ask a link proving your claim. If you are wrong today, the consequences will be greater than before... you must leave the CEG forever... or even better yet, you have to, at some point in the next week, post a picture of you pretending to have sex with a toy monkey. This means, if you don't have a stuffed monkey, you'll have to buy one (Wal-Mart sells some for like $5) Under the picture, you'll have to write "I couldn't find the dog" So if you aren't sure of the answer, don't put one up. In the event no answer goes up, you all must be punished.

In that instance, APT CSVT must become Dnewma04, Dnewma04 must become KnuKonceptz, KnuKonceptz must become APT CSVT. The ensuing chaos will render the planet lifeless! AH HA HA HA HA! FOOLS!

The question must be answered by 9:00pm Saskabush time... Good luck, and may the force be with you, always... The End.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 01:42 PM
Car or portable?
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 01:46 PM
James T. Russell possilby, gotta prove it.

A start here:,,sid5_gci514667,00.html
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 01:48 PM
Sh!t I didn't know they bothered on cars. Wait now I remember. Anyways, I meant ANY CD player, be it car, home, portable. And remember, I don't just mean something that has been sold to consumers. I mean the FIRST, even if it was in prototype form.
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 01:49 PM neither of them posted links i think deductions r in order
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 02:03 PM
El Contouro, today's guest referee, is correct! Watch yourself Aaron, don't put up an answer until you are sure it's right! You'd better hope the answer you put up is right! If not, you know the consequences! He HE... sex with a stuffed monkey put up for all to see! Everybody else, it's up to you to prove Aaron wrong! HE HE this is so much fun... just like poking bears!
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 02:11 PM
Aaron can't possibly be right, can he? You asked for a manufacturer, he gave you an individual.
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 02:15 PM
Well, he did have the first disc player, but I can't find mention of if he used some kind of buffer. He had his own company, according to that link.

Sony and Phillips first manufactured players for consumers, but Honkey said including prototypes.

Another link:
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 02:24 PM
hmmm....i'm skeptical...mainly because I want to win.
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 02:28 PM
By design, any CD player must have a buffer, if only very small. It may not be big enough for practical mobil use, but it is something.

If money were involved, I'd argue and research more, but for know you've got until 9:00pm to prove me wrong.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 02:39 PM
I found another loophole in the question. It doesn't actually say electronic shock protection. So the Phillips CD prototype from 1981 would be my guess since it used rubber feet on the bottom of the player.

The first manufacturer to offer ESP in a discman was Sony.

Eclipse first generation of car CD players used some type of oil filled shock absorbtion system.

I guess we need to clarify things with Honkey. Does a buffer count? If the inventor of the first cd player never had a company other than a consulting firm, do they count as a manufacturer? Did you mean ESP or any shock protection (rubber feet)?? We need answers!!
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 02:52 PM
how come i cannot find Russell listed on anything but that page? It seems that only Sony/Phillips get credit for standardizing CD format and introducing it to the public. Who knows...we need a new question!!
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 04:06 PM
Don't you use search engines?

Yahoo, Hotbot, Google, etc?
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/08/01 04:30 PM
No, what I meant was on any of the CD FAQ/audio history pages.
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/09/01 02:24 AM
I meant electronic shock protection, obviously putting rubber pads under a CD player is more of an idea than an invention. My question was obviously too hard for you mere mortals, so you have until 7:00am tommorow to answer this laugh

What is 1+1?

Hint: It rhymes with blue!

Whoever answers it correctly gets a point. If you answer the previous question too, you get the bonus point.

Technically, I did ask for the manufacturer, not a person... so Aaron, your answer was wrong. We will let the guest referee, Mr. El Contouro, decide wheather or not you should be punished. Scores will be updated tomorrow.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/09/01 01:52 PM
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/09/01 01:54 PM
Phillips was the first to introduce a working audio CD player in 1981.
Audio Timeline
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/09/01 02:18 PM
But Dave, it's past 7:00am Saskabush time. Was the CEG down or was it just my Dreamcast being a piece of sh!t again? You know, writing all this crap with an on-screen keyboard is a b!tch...

Anyways, Aaron got the question wrong, and although I'm not trying to pick on him, he has to hump a monkey. Dave, you got the two Qs but past deadline so this round awards no points.

New Question:

This one is pretty easy if you know the song, but there is a catch. You can't answer it until 6:00pm saskabush time (It's 8:00am right now) If you answer too early, you get it wrong. If you are right on 6:00, you get 2 bonus points. Todays punishment will be a little easier. You must pop into 10 different topics in the CEG and say "I see dead people... after I murder them! AH HA HA HA HA! You must also link me to each topic.

the question?

What are the lyrics to Collective Soul's song: Full Circle? Good Luck!
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/09/01 02:50 PM
Originally posted by The Honkeytonk Monkey:
But Dave, it's past 7:00am Saskabush time. Was the CEG down or was it just my Dreamcast being a piece of sh!t again? You know, writing all this crap with an on-screen keyboard is a b!tch...

Anyways, Aaron got the question wrong, and although I'm not trying to pick on him, he has to hump a monkey. Dave, you got the two Qs but past deadline so this round awards no points.

New Question:

This one is pretty easy if you know the song, but there is a catch. You can't answer it until 6:00pm saskabush time (It's 8:00am right now) If you answer too early, you get it wrong. If you are right on 6:00, you get 2 bonus points. Todays punishment will be a little easier. You must pop into 10 different topics in the CEG and say "I see dead people... after I murder them! AH HA HA HA HA! You must also link me to each topic.

the question?

What are the lyrics to Collective Soul's song: Full Circle? Good Luck!

The CEG was down. I should get points. smile
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/09/01 03:47 PM
I miht have to withdraw from the competition. Too much work getting in the way.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/10/01 12:00 AM
"Full Circle"

Drowning to discover
I'd swim but then why bother
Wrestled with decisions
And fools with their opinions
One fine morning I'll awake
To sleep some more
To define my premonitions
Last judgement and conditions
I'd have to dig in my emotions
Then relinquish my devotion
One fine morning I'll awake
Then hope to learn
One fine morning I'll awake
To love's return

Round and Round and Round
I believe love goes Round and Round
Round and Round and Round
I believe love comes Round and Round

Singing the rendition
Of hope in my condition
Caught up in defending
That truth is never ending
One fine morning I'll awake
Then reaffirm
One fine morning I'll awake
To love's return
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/10/01 09:41 AM
Iguess Fave gets this one too, and at 6:00pm. That's more points to him. Aaron, you can't drop out of the competition, you still haven't humped a monkey! You know you want to! Let me know when you usually are on the CEG and we'll try putting up the questions then on some days. Dave is on the CEG 24-7 so I'm sure he'll be able to follow difernt times. A competition is no fun if only one contestant is playing! Maybe it is time to end this contest... sigh...

The score:

Dnewma04 - 4 points
APT CSVT - 1 point
KnuKonceptz - 1 point
El Contouro - 0 points
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/10/01 11:48 AM
Keep 'em coming and I'll keep trying.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/10/01 12:07 PM
Yippee! I'm winning! I'm normally only on 7:30-4:30. I made a special appearance to follow your rules.
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/11/01 09:14 AM
Sorry I missed today, I had some more important things to do today. Aaron, I expect to see you pleasuring a monkey soon (the anticipation is unbearable)

Today's question? We'll let's just take a look see.

What is the name of the song in the opening cinema of Gran Turismo 3? And who sings it?

Bonus Question: What is the name of the song in the opening cinema on the arcade disc in Gran Turismo 2? And who sings it? The bonus is worth two points.

Whoever answers incorrectly today has to do something off CEG. They have to go to McDonnalds drive thru and ask for a "Bacon McDonnald" and insist that it exists when told otherwise. I did this a couple weeks ago, FUNNY!

Also, the rules: You cannot answer until I return and post the word "GO" And beware, I am going to try many tricks today... HE HE HE HE! Good Luck!
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/11/01 02:18 PM
how about asking 4 a mcmoose burger because u had one in canada and really enjoyed it
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/11/01 09:13 PM
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/12/01 02:17 AM
Originally posted by The Honkeytonk Monkey:
Sorry I missed today, I had some more important things to do today. Aaron, I expect to see you pleasuring a monkey soon (the anticipation is unbearable)

Today's question? We'll let's just take a look see.

What is the name of the song in the opening cinema of Gran Turismo 3? And who sings it?

Lenny Kravitz


Bonus Question: What is the name of the song in the opening cinema on the arcade disc in Gran Turismo 2? And who sings it? The bonus is worth two points.

The Cardigans

I'll have to boot the games up to tell you the names of the songs.
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/12/01 02:24 AM
GT3: Are You Gonna Go My Way
GT2: My Favorite Game

-PE freak
-Zaino freak
-Three pedal freak
-Gran Turismo freak
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/12/01 01:21 PM
All points go to Aaron!... That is what I would say if he answered both questions correctly. You see I asked WHO sang the song, not the name of the band smile You were correct with Lenny but you missed the bonus. Just kidding, I'm not that big of an ass. But you should still go to McDonnalds and ask for a Bacon McDonnald. It's fun... honest!

You possibly also know, being that you are a fellow GT freak, that the Cardigan album that song came off is titled Gran Turismo.

Aaron, in GT3 did you get the F1 car? That thing is insane. Kind of makes the game a little too easy IMO. I bought the Z28SS as soon as I could and modded the heck out of it, then went into the endurance races and won the F1 car. It is unbeatable. I just kept winning as many races as I could with that car and ended up with enough money to buy anything I wanted. Too bad the computer is so damn stupid too, and I would have liked to see more new tracks as well. I'm getting tired of deep forest, I think I could win that race in my sleep now. Oh well, it's an awesome game anyways. Now I'm waiting for Rogue Leader on the GameCube... drool. Go to to the Gamecube section and take a look at the Hoth level... drool...

The Score:

Dnewma04 - 4
El Contouro - 0
KnuKonceptz - 1

What the heck happened to Knu? He was winning at one point. Guess he's just a chicken-wuss smile Bock! Bock! Chicken!... mmmm... chicken...

Today's Question:

Since most of you are more than likely hung over from Saturday night, you'll enjoy this one laugh

Name five songs that are about alcohol, and the people who sing them (the bands, not the actual singer)

Today's bonus: If you create a song about Alcohol and post it, AND I think it's funny, you'll get a backrub from a gorilla... wait... sorry, I was reading out of my book of fantasies and must have typed that by mistake... I suppose I could always go and delete it... nah, that would take a long time... still, it might prevent the other guys from thinking I'm crazy... hmmm... let's just see what happens if I leave it there... anywho, you'll get two points, and a third if it all rhymes. Good Luck!
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/13/01 11:47 AM
The Piano Has Been Drinking-Tom Waits
I drink Alone-George Thoroughgood and the destroyers
Beer Song-unknown but most people think Weird Al did it.
Gin and Juice-Snoop & Dre
Brass Monkey-Beastie Boys

my own bonus answer!

Any Country Song! - any artist.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/15/01 03:36 PM
Where the hell is Honkeytonk??
Posted By: KnuKonceptz Re: Question of the day - 08/15/01 06:12 PM
You guys are still playing? LOL, I thought that was long over...guess I'll take my 1 point and cool .....
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/16/01 09:50 AM
Sorry Dave, I had a little problem. I got the PL and was on the way to the lake with it playing. I guess I forgot to adjust the Amp before I turned it up. I was in the hospital for the day for observation, My right eardrum is wrecked and when I passed out I rolled Mean Green in the ditch. Totalled. I was going to come on here yesterday, but I'm feeling pretty stupid right now and don't have alot to say about it. Sorry.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/16/01 11:48 AM
Were you really in an accident?
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/16/01 01:51 PM
Let's make that the question of the day. Did the Honkeytonk Monkey get in a car accident? Here's a clue:

The answer is one word long.

If you get the answer wrong, you have to go to Club Si and tell them the truth, Civics are girl cars, especially the Del Sol.

For the bonus, you must guess the number of car accidents I have been in since I got my liscence. Whoever gets the closest wins

Aaron, where's the monkeyhump shot? I need my daily fill of monkey lovin'!!!

You may not answer the above question until 2:00pm Saskabush time. The End.
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/16/01 02:15 PM
No pictures, no evidence. I could photoshop something for you, but I just don't have the time.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/16/01 02:20 PM
The answer is no, you did not get in an accident since you were rearended, aside from crapping your pants this morning. Sorry, you didn't specify which question you were referring to when you said not to answer until 2:00.
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/16/01 02:26 PM
Yeah, he said "above question" so which one was it?

Oh, bonus answer: none.
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/16/01 07:08 PM
Drat! You guys outsmarted me! OR DID YOU?

Dave cheated to get the answer so he won't be getting any points.

Aaron, you are indeed incorrect my son. I was rear ended in my 82 VW Jetta by a Suburban doing 80kph. NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!

The score:

Dnewma04 - lots
APT CSVT - A little less
KnuKonceptz - He wins if he gives me free RCA cables smile Just make sure they are ugly ones
El Contouro - Lives in a dumpster until he gets his $68, then he can move into a whorehouse!
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/16/01 07:33 PM
Originally posted by The Honkeytonk Monkey:
Aaron, you are indeed incorrect my son. I was rear ended in my 82 VW Jetta by a Suburban doing 80kph. NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!

For the bonus, you must guess the number of car accidents I have been in since I got my liscence. Whoever gets the closest wins

But, I was the closest as no one else answered the bonus question. So, I still win those points, or half the bonus points.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/16/01 08:29 PM
hey! i answered the bonus question in my original response!
Posted By: MTXcontour97SE Re: Question of the day - 08/17/01 03:30 AM
Originally posted by The Honkeytonk Monkey:
El Contouro - Lives in a dumpster until he gets his $68, then he can move into a whorehouse![/QB]

Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/17/01 12:59 PM
Aaron, Dave is correct. Do not fear though, as he won't get the points as somebody supplied the answer to him.

Today's Question:

I decided some of my questions are not quite as claever as originally planned, so I quit one of my jobs so I could spend the day thinking up a really hard one. Here goes:

What company designed the sound procesor for the Nintendo Gamecube? Hint: one word: Rogue

For the bonus, how many sound channels were available on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System? Hint: one word: bit

Good luck all you thousands of eligible contestants... ok... you two... sigh

Tomorrow's question will be regarding 8-Track tapes smile Later!
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/17/01 01:17 PM
Macronix, although I'm not sure what Rogue has to do with it.

Bonus: 8 channels of PCM sound.
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/19/01 03:03 AM
I was under the impression that Factor 5, the developpers of Rogue Leader, did the sound hardware (MoSysFX) and also, I thought the SNES has 16 pcm sound channels (Actraiser II did but that might have been software enabled) Since I am easily confuser, I will need some links when you get a chance. The games will be held until the truth is revealed.
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/19/01 05:19 PM
factor 5
16 pcm
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/20/01 09:44 AM
Yay? El Contouro has returned with more humorous silly shianigans! Golly!
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/20/01 03:09 PM
Gamecube info: .

SNES info was conflicting. I saw everything from 6 channel to 16 channel. Eight was the most common.
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/20/01 04:10 PM
i'm wonderin what a 6 challen is,where's r fearlous leader i need more knowledge,show us the path 2 unlimited devotion honkey tonk
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/20/01 06:24 PM
I get a 404 error with your GC link. I'll give you the points because I can't find any info proving you're wrong, but I'll look anyways...

The Score:

Aaron & Dave are tied (you guys are sick)
Knu is hiding under his mommy's dress hugging her leg (no not humping it)
Roland is out of the negatives and for his endless devotion to the god of honkey, he gets another point.

I'll toss up another question tommorow, Later!
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/20/01 07:07 PM
Originally posted by The Honkeytonk Monkey:
I get a 404 error with your GC link. I'll give you the points because I can't find any info proving you're wrong, but I'll look anyways...

Removed the '.' now should be better.
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/20/01 10:41 PM
i think apt csvt should loose points 4 wasting your valuable time with his bad link and even more 4 not obeying the wrath of honkeytonk, dave should also loose points 4 not giving proper acknowledgement to the god that is honkey tonk,dave u can always use the excuse i'm a stupid american if u don't know the answer instead of pretending u didn't see the question
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/20/01 11:16 PM
Hey Roland, I going to be getting this really cool MP3 player from Ubid. I'll let you check it out if you ever come over again. smile BTW, what were you saying about -4 points for me?? wink
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/21/01 01:10 AM
dave should get bonus points 4 being our only aamerican compatriot,besides michigan is so close 2 canada that daves almost canadian
Posted By: KnuKonceptz Re: Question of the day - 08/21/01 06:18 AM
Originally posted by The Honkeytonk Monkey:

The Score:

Aaron & Dave are tied (you guys are sick)
Knu is hiding under his mommy's dress hugging her leg (no not humping it)
Roland is out of the negatives and for his endless devotion to the god of honkey, he gets another point.

Looks like those free RCA's are stayin under her dress then......... :p

Bring on audio Q's...a DVC wiring questions maybe :rolleyes: wink
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/21/01 11:55 AM
Originally posted by KnuKonceptz:

Looks like those free RCA's are stayin under her dress then......... :p

Bring on audio Q's...a DVC wiring questions maybe :rolleyes: wink

YAY! DVC wiring questions! Bring 'em on!
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/22/01 11:06 AM
todays question is what was honkey tonk arrested 4 bonus question how much is bail,there will b no punishment if u get the wrong answer so don't b afraid
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/22/01 12:07 PM
Bad news for Aaron. Seeing as I have no life and am a nerd (god of nerd monkeys) I have found you guilty of being wrong... sort of... in an exhaustive search through the last year of EGM, I have discovered Macronix supplied the base processor for the sound hardware, but Factor 5 (who is making Rogue Leader) designed the programming tools for the sound hardware and modified the processor to better work with thier sound tools, making it easier for developpers to program music on the system. So your answer was 1/2 right... you can keep the points smile

As for the SNES, my brother says 8, and he is necer wrong... seriously, he's never wrong. We turned on Final Fantasy 3, went to the ending, and counted 8. We then played Actraiser II, and found 16... so we looked through 6 years of EGM and found that it as indeed software enabled. You were correct.

Knu, those aren't wires, those are vericose viens... ewwww! Naaaaaas-tay! laugh

Roland, watch it! Too much sucking up and my ass will get a hickey! Then I can't walk around naked anymore without being embarassed...

Today's Question:

What purpose does a line driver serve? Links please unless you go into detail yourself.

Bonus question:

Who has the baddest Tour?

If you answer either of the two above questions incorrectly, you must eat at Burger King... poor stomach... is it just me or is that just the sh!ttiest food ever puked up out of Ricky Lake's used up a$$? I mean, anytime I give that place a chance, I crap out a pot of five alarm chili. Pisses me off! And would it hurt to put some sort of seasoning on the patties to cover up the taste of the Chinese newspapers? I swear the only way a guy can get pissed off while eating is if he forgets it just came out of the 475 degree oven and jams the food in his mouth like an idiot, or if he eats at Burger King, pays $7 for a @#$ combo and gets a plate full of horse crap!

Here's the scenario, I'm in Saskatoon looking for a new place to live, and we stop for lunch. So far so good. We get lunch and it tastes like crap and the tomato in the buger is made of rubber so when I take a bite, out comes the whole Tomato to fall on my white pants. It looked like I had a light drizzle. #$@, I was mad, so I pull the tomato out of the burger and throw it at the @#$ window then leave the place. The moral of my story? Don't eat at Burger King, you could eat at a decent restaurant for the same price and at least then you get a chance at scoring with the hot waitress (unless you prefer Mr. Pimplor from BK) The End.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/22/01 12:25 PM
Originally posted by The Honkeytonk Monkey:
Bad news for Aaron. Seeing as I have no life and am a nerd (god of nerd monkeys) I have found you guilty of being wrong... sort of... in an exhaustive search through the last year of EGM, I have discovered Macronix supplied the base processor for the sound hardware, but Factor 5 (who is making Rogue Leader) designed the programming tools for the sound hardware and modified the processor to better work with thier sound tools, making it easier for developpers to program music on the system. So your answer was 1/2 right... you can keep the points smile

As for the SNES, my brother says 8, and he is necer wrong... seriously, he's never wrong. We turned on Final Fantasy 3, went to the ending, and counted 8. We then played Actraiser II, and found 16... so we looked through 6 years of EGM and found that it as indeed software enabled. You were correct.

Knu, those aren't wires, those are vericose viens... ewwww! Naaaaaas-tay! laugh

Roland, watch it! Too much sucking up and my ass will get a hickey! Then I can't walk around naked anymore without being embarassed...

Today's Question:

What purpose does a line driver serve? Links please unless you go into detail yourself.

Bonus question:

Who has the baddest Tour?

If you answer either of the two above questions incorrectly, you must eat at Burger King... poor stomach... is it just me or is that just the sh!ttiest food ever puked up out of Ricky Lake's used up a$$? I mean, anytime I give that place a chance, I crap out a pot of five alarm chili. Pisses me off! And would it hurt to put some sort of seasoning on the patties to cover up the taste of the Chinese newspapers? I swear the only way a guy can get pissed off while eating is if he forgets it just came out of the 475 degree oven and jams the food in his mouth like an idiot, or if he eats at Burger King, pays $7 for a @#$ combo and gets a plate full of horse crap!

Here's the scenario, I'm in Saskatoon looking for a new place to live, and we stop for lunch. So far so good. We get lunch and it tastes like crap and the tomato in the buger is made of rubber so when I take a bite, out comes the whole Tomato to fall on my white pants. It looked like I had a light drizzle. #$@, I was mad, so I pull the tomato out of the burger and throw it at the @#$ window then leave the place. The moral of my story? Don't eat at Burger King, you could eat at a decent restaurant for the same price and at least then you get a chance at scoring with the hot waitress (unless you prefer Mr. Pimplor from BK) The End.

When you say line driver, do you mean a line source speaker, or do you mean the little elctronic gizmo that goes between the HU and the amplifier to boost the output voltage? Or do you mean a baseball player like Paul Molitor or Alan Trammell?

The purpose of a line source driver is because of the radiation pattern created. The sweetspot is quite a bit larger and fills the room better than a point source, with the only draw back being the probability of poor vertical dispersion of the line source is too short.

The purpose of the line driver for cars is already listed. It boosts the low level signal so the gain on the amp can be set to the minimum level while still producing full power at the lowest distortion level.

The purpose of Paul Molitor is to bat 3rd in the line up to keep the inning alive so the the cleanup hitter and the other power hitter (usually the 5th hitter) have the opportunity to get some RBI.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/22/01 12:27 PM
My tour is in bad condition. I think that Antonio Wrights is nice, as well as David Zs and 98Redsvt. Wait a minute, this is a trick question! Your (or is your brothers now?)) Hyundai Stellar is the baddest tour!
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/22/01 12:38 PM

is where the line driver answer is....

"A line driver is a device that amplifies a signal, such as the low-level signal output from a head unit. Line drivers are made to amplify the line level signal to as much as 10 volts or higher. This, of course, is useless unless the receiving end can handle 10 volts as input. To solve this problem, there are line receivers which bring the line level voltage down from 10 volts or more to about 1 volt. Usually, the line driver and receiver are placed as close to the sending signal source and destination as possible, to minimize noise pick up. The automobile is an inherently noisy electrical environment. So RCA cables may pick up noise as it makes its way to the amplifier. Note that noise here refers to the induced noise, not ground loop noise such as engine whine. A simple way to fight against this noise is to make the signal level carried in the RCA cable very high, thus increasing the signal's resistance to induced noise and resulting in a higher signal to noise ratio at the destination of the RCA cable. Most head units produce a fairly low output voltage (< 1.5 V), although recently high end head units advertise 4 volt or higher output, and won't usually need a line driver. The line driver will increase dynamic range in certain cases where excessive noise is masking the lower level signals. However, a line driver will not increase the dynamic range when used in a system with little noise to begin with. There is some truth to the claim that a line driver will let you play your stereo louder since there are cases where the amplifier still doesn't play at its full potential even when its gain is turned all the way up and the volume on the head unit is maxed out. Adding a line driver here will allow you to turn down the gain on the amp while using a lower volume setting on the head unit. But before you jump in with both feet, remember that all electronics has their own inherent noise. Thus if you don't have a serious case of induced noise, a line driver will do little good since it might add enough noise to offset what little noise it "takes away." The line driver is a patch to the noise problem rather than a fix so it is still not the ultimate solution. My personal experience has shown to ME that a properly installed system with none-malfunctioning components will have little noise, even if you use low grade components such as those made by the less desirable manufactures. Also, a lot of crossovers and EQ units have rather high low-level output signals. Some times as high as 8 volts. So be sure to take this into consideration"
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/22/01 12:42 PM
Bonus Q only since Dave already beat me.

T-RedSVT has one of the nicest looking one. But, I really like David Z's 3.0L Blue SVT special. But, there's no arguing with WorldTour's 293 whp.
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/22/01 02:14 PM
line drive is a really nice hit off the t,also a line drive could b running over a bunch of hillbillies line dancing,the el contouro is the baddest ride on the planet yyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy bonus points 4 me
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/22/01 03:28 PM
Originally posted by el contouro:
el contouro is the baddest ride on the planet yyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy bonus points 4 me

That's what your girlfriend told me. wink
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/22/01 08:01 PM
Dave wins again... but you guys all missed the bonus question. The baddest Tour is mine. You shouldn't have tried to be funny there Dave. By saying those other cars first you dug yourself your own grave.

Now you have to eat at Burger King and 3 hours later, poop the consistency of chunky soup.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/22/01 08:17 PM
I only answered the Stellar because you asked el contouro to gently remove his lips from ass before the hickey got any bigger. I thought your ass was already chapped from roland and i didn't want to kiss it anymore. Otherwise, I would have voted for your subless car.
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/22/01 08:39 PM
what about the el contouro,this is wrigged somebody has kidnapped honkey and gotten his password and is continueing the game as the monkeyman
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/22/01 10:32 PM
Drat, my secret is revealed! Time to beat a hasty retreat... Roland is correct! The El Contouro is the baddest Tour on the planet! It is so bad in fact, it fell apart when I hit a speed bump in Rotten Ronnie's McParking lot. Who knew cutting the roof and rear unibody out would weaken the structure? Tomorrow I'm welding some I beams in there for added strength.

Roland, how much porn did that $68 get you? or did you add another level to your cardboard house?

The Score:

Dave leads by a nose... or for the sick minded, something a little lower (so he can't be leading by much laugh )
Aaron is following right behind Dave, trying not to faint from the fumes
El Contouro and Knu are tied for last place, although Knu is too preoccupied about what's up his mom's dress

Tomorow's Q will be about wiring! Stay tuned! The End.
Posted By: KnuKonceptz Re: Question of the day - 08/22/01 11:26 PM
I'll be up bright and early for the next questions (got a golf outing) so maybe I'll get the next one MMUUUHHAAAAAA eek
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/23/01 03:28 AM
You may be up early Mr. Golfee McMoneybags but you must remember that Dave has a computer built into his head that constantly monitrs what's happening on the CEG... TSK TSK!!!
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/23/01 03:32 AM
i make my own porn so it got me a midget a donkey a swan and a babycalf for an hour rental,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm veal plus 5 blank video tapes damn was the farmer ever pissed when he picked up his animals and he could see the midgets feet sticking outta the donkeys a$$
Posted By: KnuKonceptz Re: Question of the day - 08/23/01 04:13 AM
Originally posted by el contouro:
i make my own porn so it got me a midget a donkey a swan and a babycalf for an hour rental,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm veal plus 5 blank video tapes damn was the farmer ever pissed when he picked up his animals and he could see the midgets feet sticking outta the donkeys a$$

eek .......... confused

Cant think of anything to top that

I have a good question to be used for the question of the day, let me know when ya want me to post it, it may be a little hard to some though.
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/23/01 09:31 AM
Sorry Knu, but this is MY crappy waste of time! If you want to ask a clever question, go on Jeopardy! How dare you even think yourself good enough to ask questions on MY game! @#$ you, I'm gonna kick your a$$!!!

Just kidding... but stay away from my wife!

Question of the day:

Which wire is thicker? 1AWG or 4AWG?

Bonus Question:

Do Pioneer 6x9s fit in the tour?

As always, there will be punishment for wrong answers! This time, you will have to star in one of El Contouro's very well made pornos. Good Luck, and no deliberate loosing just to be in a porno!
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/23/01 11:41 AM
Originally posted by The Honkeytonk Monkey:
Question of the day:

Which wire is thicker? 1AWG or 4AWG?

Each strand can be of varying thickness, but the overall 'wire' of 1 GA will be larger, but it doesn't have to be thicker. It could be flatter and wider for example.


Bonus Question:

Do Pioneer 6x9s fit in the tour?

You can make anything fit in the doors of a Tour, yes.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/23/01 11:51 AM
Originally posted by The Honkeytonk Monkey:

Question of the day:

Which wire is thicker? 1AWG or 4AWG?

The answer is the donkey in Rolands video.


Bonus Question:

Do Pioneer 6x9s fit in the tour?

The answer is, why would anyone want to put crappy 6x9s in the tour?
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/23/01 02:11 PM
yes the 6x9s will fit but they fit much better on the rear deck of a 79 camaro
Posted By: KnuKonceptz Re: Question of the day - 08/23/01 03:13 PM
Damn golf...

What does your wife have to do with this anyway?

Stupid (too much Dude. where my Car?)
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/23/01 10:17 PM
Wow, you are all sort of right, but only one of you can get the points for the question. We will decide by playing paper rock scissors. And... GO!
Posted By: KnuKonceptz Re: Question of the day - 08/24/01 12:59 AM
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/24/01 02:21 AM
i got scissors in 1 hand rock in the other n paper hangin outta my a$$
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/24/01 01:42 PM
Roland, you are even funnier than a clown on fire getting laughed at by the kiddies while his skin slowly peels off his body!

Okay, since Knu is the only one to play my little game, he wins. The rest of you suck. Aaron gets the points though, since only his answer made any sense... I think Aaron is a robot, hey man pull that stick outta yer ass!

Today's Question:

How do flat panel speakers operate? Also how do Point Source speakers work? To get the points, you must provide links or explanations to prove your claim.

Bonus Question:

How many midgets can you stick up a donkey's butt before he explodes. El Contouro knows the number so he will judge who has the correct answer.

Good Luck! And remember, I'm keeping an eye on you bub! HE HE Wolverine is so cool laugh
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/24/01 02:11 PM
Depends what kind of flatpanels you are talking about.

NXT panels which are used by chameleon audio and many other manufacturers use the entire surface to produce sounds rather than a VC. I will try to get the technical details. Until then you can read about them at

Planar speakers use a thin metalic diaphragm suspended between two magnets. The entire diaghram moves linearly and should produce less distortion (if made correctly) then a pistonic speaker.

Electrostatics are similar to planar speakers but instead of the diaphragm being suspened bewteen magnets, it is driven by an electrical charge being created by a power supply.

Bonus question:

Well, in Rowland's case, he had a donkey/moose (canadian mule) half breed so it was able to accept 4 little people. Typically, a donkey can only fit one fat midget or 2 skinny midgets.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/24/01 02:19 PM
When you ask about point sources, what are you referring to? Full range drivers? Concentric drivers? Coaxials? a tweeter and mid placed very close together?

In any case, point sources can work. It depends what you are looking for. Out of the above choices, the best compromise would probably be the concentric drivers. It essentially a woofer with a tweeter placed at the base of the cone so the VC of the two drivers are the same distance from the listener resulting in the best time aligment. Coaxials are much cheaper but less dynamic. Full range speakers must be small diameter speakers to produce any kind of decent off axis response but there are some full range speakers that are among the best speakers in the world. The Manger is one of these and there are some Lowther zealots who swear by them. Another good brand of full range drivers is Jordan but they tend to get a little harsh in the last half octave of their response. The advantage to a full range unit is the ability to go without a crossover and therefore eliminate electronics between the source and speakers resulting in better phase control.

Check the Cabasse TC21 for what is probably the best concentric driver in existence and perhaps the best driver in any class.
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/24/01 03:18 PM
dave is right e3xceptwe mix in some llama with the donkey n moose,the dreads r easy 2 hang on 2 even if it bucks plus they have silky smooth hair n skin in there hinter regions
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/24/01 03:23 PM
Originally posted by el contouro:
dave is right e3xceptwe mix in some llama with the donkey n moose,the dreads r easy 2 hang on 2 even if it bucks plus they have silky smooth hair n skin in there hinter regions

Peruvian Llama?
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/24/01 04:05 PM
Wowwee wow wow wow! What's the sticker on that puppy? Oh well, a set of pioneer 6x9s would sound better anyways because they can have more bass.

Sorry Dave, for the second part of the first Q, I meant "point sound" speakers, at least that's what I think they were called anyways. You know, the speakers that make sound project of things they are aimed at , like a wall or a pot, or your hand. Those ones. Aparently you got the bonus points... yay! Although I think you spend too much time thinking about the Peruvian Llamas. Oh well...
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/24/01 07:10 PM
ohhhhhhhh yes peruvian gold,why do they call it virgin wool have u ever seen a sheep farmer??on a more serious note how did dave loose a star and when did this happen?
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/24/01 07:17 PM
Originally posted by el contouro:
ohhhhhhhh yes peruvian gold,why do they call it virgin wool have u ever seen a sheep farmer??on a more serious note how did dave loose a star and when did this happen?

I have no idea how i lost the star. One day I went from a 4.8 to a 4.2 with only 5 votes. i'm down to a 4.17 now. Someone gave me a bad rating yesterday.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/24/01 07:19 PM
Originally posted by The Honkeytonk Monkey:
Wowwee wow wow wow! What's the sticker on that puppy? Oh well, a set of pioneer 6x9s would sound better anyways because they can have more bass.

Sorry Dave, for the second part of the first Q, I meant "point sound" speakers, at least that's what I think they were called anyways. You know, the speakers that make sound project of things they are aimed at , like a wall or a pot, or your hand. Those ones. Aparently you got the bonus points... yay! Although I think you spend too much time thinking about the Peruvian Llamas. Oh well...

Oh like Bose 901 series speakers? They are my favorites! wink

The Cabasse are very expensive speakers! 800-900 each if i remember correctly.
Posted By: KnuKonceptz Re: Question of the day - 08/24/01 11:27 PM
Originally posted by dnewma04:

I have no idea how i lost the star. One day I went from a 4.8 to a 4.2 with only 5 votes. i'm down to a 4.17 now. Someone gave me a bad rating yesterday.

I'll help ya out, heres a 5 smile
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/25/01 12:01 AM
Thanks Bill! I gave you a 5 because of the DVC argument back in the day. But that was about 2 months ago.
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/25/01 12:18 AM
What I can't figure out is why I haven't reached one star yet! I make fun of those useless midgets all the time, and I think women should be treated as farm animals because they are stupid. Yet here I sit with three stars... sickening. Oh well. What else can I do? Perhaps reveal to the CEG that Dave never really had a Contour? Maybe let tell people that Knu sells botched RCA cable and that the one he sent me started my car on fire even though there was no power going to it yet?

Tommorows question will be regarding Bose speakers. In a few days I will have to stop coming to the CEG so at that point, it is up to Knu to keep this post alive. ONLY KNU HAS THE POWER, ONLY HE CAN BE THE ONE!!!... I know kung fu!

BTW Dave, I don't do that kind of stuff with frogs and eating 300 croissants with butter will give you a b!tch of a tummy ache smile
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/25/01 09:36 AM
Here's today's question real quick since I have to go back to work soon:

How do the Bose cube speakers manage to sound just as good as a tower speaker? To get the points. I need a link, or good explanation.

And for the bonus:

Tell me the best use of a Bose speaker. Besides a urinal...
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/25/01 01:44 PM
First answer they don't.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/25/01 01:53 PM
The best use for the bose cubes is for HT use when you live in a Maytag refridgerator box.
Posted By: KnuKonceptz Re: Question of the day - 08/25/01 03:47 PM
Originally posted by The Honkeytonk Monkey:
What I can't figure out is why I haven't reached one star yet! I make fun of those useless midgets all the time, and I think women should be treated as farm animals because they are stupid. Yet here I sit with three stars... sickening. Oh well. What else can I do? Perhaps reveal to the CEG that Dave never really had a Contour? Maybe let tell people that Knu sells botched RCA cable and that the one he sent me started my car on fire even though there was no power going to it yet?


You get a 5 for that one too....
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/25/01 08:12 PM
Dave, you are incorect, although I can't post a link, if you would look at Bose's site you will find that thanks to years of research and engineering, Bose was able to perfect loudspeaker design, allowing them to make a 2" speaker that can outperform even a 15" Lambda PL when it comes to bass. They wouldn't lie would they?

Another proof is the words of an audio critic in the Saskatoon paper who states "The Lifestyle system is both compact and attractive, and I find it remarkable that these little double cube speakers can outperform tower speakers costing thousands more." He then goes on to say "Bose payed me off real good for this review, just like car critics, I would never say anything wrong about thier product or they won't give me money" Oh, wait. he didn't say that... he would have if he had some degree of self respect, which, as a rule critics don't smile

For the bonus, I was looking more along the lines of maybe using them to prop up a couch which lost a leg, or maybe to block the tires on your ca when working on it...
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/25/01 08:29 PM
the best use is 2 put them in a females mouth as u devirginize them
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/26/01 12:24 AM
Yeah, you're right! By sticking a speaker in a chick's mouth there is a better chance of the stuff coming out making any f#@&ing sense laugh Roland gets the bonus points! Sorry Dave... he's just better at being demented than you smile
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/26/01 02:07 PM
I will have to try harder...
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/27/01 12:40 AM
trying won't do it u have 2 dedicate your life 2 it or u won't rape i meant reap the benefits
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/27/01 12:04 PM
Originally posted by el contouro:
trying won't do it u have 2 dedicate your life 2 it or u won't rape i meant reap the benefits

Will I have to get fur pants like yours?
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/27/01 05:37 PM
it can only help
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/27/01 08:06 PM
Sh!t I almost forgot today's question:

What's the difference beween a resistive load ans a reactive load? Under which of the two categories would a speaker fall?


How does the Bose Acoustimass Subwoofer produce earth shaking bass with just a 6 inch driver?
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/27/01 08:47 PM
Originally posted by The Honkeytonk Monkey:
Sh!t I almost forgot today's question:

What's the difference beween a resistive load ans a reactive load? Under which of the two categories would a speaker fall?


How does the Bose Acoustimass Subwoofer produce earth shaking bass with just a 6 inch driver?

Well, off the top of my head, a resistive load always remains the same. A reactive load would change depending on the environment and is described as impedance rather than resistance. A speaker is the latter.

Bonus answer. It doesn't! It uses to 2 5.25 inch drivers to provide those earth shaking 50 hz signals!
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/27/01 09:40 PM
the earth shaking bass comes from your friends rolling around on the ground laughing at your stupidity for buying those sh!t speakers and paying that much 4 them and the best part bragging about how good they r .i can make better sounding music by shoving a harmonica up my a$$ after eating at taco bell
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/28/01 01:42 PM
Yay it's the end of the month so I can finally stop this stupid game! I forgot who has the most points so I'll let you fools argue about who won...
Posted By: APT Re: Question of the day - 08/28/01 01:56 PM
Okay, I won. What's my prize?
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 08/28/01 02:06 PM
noooo i wanna play more i was catchin up n i want 2 learn more from this educational game honkey have u thought about being a teacher
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/28/01 07:39 PM
I WON!! woohoo!!
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/30/01 02:50 AM
Somebody has to be the new question master. I don't really think anybody has as much free time on thier hands as I do but I'm loosing my internet on the 1st so somebody has to keep the thread alive! Do it for the children!
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/30/01 03:17 AM
Can I do it and still compete? wink
Posted By: KnuKonceptz Re: Question of the day - 08/30/01 04:26 AM
I had only one good question, which I dont think was answered.

What have we leanred and taught from this great post, lets all recap on some of el contouro's greatest (oscar winning even) moments :p

and for those that dont speak spanish that's THE contouro wink :rolleyes:
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/30/01 12:21 PM
That's one more good question than I had smile
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/30/01 12:26 PM
Give yourself some credit honkey!! there was that first question you asked that was serious.
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/31/01 10:25 AM
Maybe next time I will ask hard questions. I actually do have some, they just aren't fun at all and I doubt you would know the answers... I just regret never getting to see Aaron humping the monkey... poor sport! Can't say I blame him though, he's embarrassed about that little fetish smile Oops, did I type that? I should probably delete it, good thing I didn't mention Dave and his "tree" thing...
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 08/31/01 11:58 AM
mmmmm...sugar maple....
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 08/31/01 01:14 PM
Yep, Dave "likes the wood" if you know what I mean... snicker... chuckle...
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 09/06/01 03:16 PM
Does anyone have a question of the day? Maybe all future car audio posts should be posted in the question of the day. We could probably set some kind of record!
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 09/06/01 06:53 PM
Question of the day....what is the most powerful amp available for home or car audio?

You don't need a link because I know the answer so i'll know if you are wrong.

Oh...and BTW here is a hint, if your answer is over 15000 watts, please post a link....haha....
Posted By: KnuKonceptz Re: Question of the day - 09/07/01 02:55 PM
Biggest amp for the car is the VLX-400 by US Amps, (maybe not the most powerful) by at 48" long and having 4 8ga power and ground wires, certainly not the most effcient either. You could use a 110v AC outlet for a home tone generator (60hz), at 1 ohm that would be close to 12000 watts eek
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 09/07/01 03:00 PM

I always thought it'd be fun to use an AC outlet in the manner you mentioned. I wish it was legal for competition purposes. I would be using 8 TC15HEs from Stryke and a heavy duty extension cord in a big box tuned to 55 hz. I would imagine that in the right vehicle, you could approach the 180 dB threshold...
Posted By: KnuKonceptz Re: Question of the day - 09/07/01 05:51 PM
We do it all the time at work, NOT at 1 ohm though, building may burn down with that kind of current running. If you tune the box lower you can get more xmax out of the woofers, moving more air makes for higher dbs. Too much xmax and the woofer wil bottom for sure with that kind of voltage.

This doesnt work everytime, my box was tuned to 26 and was loudest at 55hz, you'd also have to figure in the response of the car or home for that matter laugh
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 09/07/01 06:33 PM
Originally posted by KnuKonceptz:
We do it all the time at work, NOT at 1 ohm though, building may burn down with that kind of current running. If you tune the box lower you can get more xmax out of the woofers, moving more air makes for higher dbs. Too much xmax and the woofer wil bottom for sure with that kind of voltage.

This doesnt work everytime, my box was tuned to 26 and was loudest at 55hz, you'd also have to figure in the response of the car or home for that matter laugh

Normally when you use a large box and tune it to about 45 hz, you get a huge spike in the response. Sometimes on the order of 10-13 dB. Without cabin gain, it's always easier to reach high SPLs in the upper bass freq. Cabin gain confuses the issue as to where the biggest boost is.

So, I take it you haven't been able to find anything to best 15,000 watts from an amp, huh?
Posted By: KnuKonceptz Re: Question of the day - 09/08/01 05:35 AM
cant find anything that large, after viewing stryke site i realized one thing, I could the exact same thing all day long. I already know all the sources :rolleyes:
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 09/08/01 02:28 PM
Are you talking about the TC sounds 15? or everything in general? You can't get the Lambda subs can you? At least not the TD and PL series.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 09/11/01 03:46 AM
Today's question. Why is Honkeytonk Monkey wasting his time at WalMart when he could easily be using his talents at something at least more enjoyable and probably as well paying? Not only is his mind completely screwed up, but he is a good artist as well.
Posted By: KnuKonceptz Re: Question of the day - 09/11/01 04:25 AM
What the hell is he doing at Walmart??

Guess its bad to answer a questions with a question huh....
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 09/11/01 04:39 AM
Originally posted by KnuKonceptz:
What the hell is he doing at Walmart??

Guess its bad to answer a questions with a question huh....

He is the maintenance supervisor. I seriously think he could be writing for the onion or doing serious writing if necessary. Don't tell him I said anything good about him...
Posted By: el contouro Re: Question of the day - 09/11/01 03:00 PM
yes i agree with dave he should b doing comics but he wouldn't b able 2 take a big crap all over the toilet and make someone clean it if he wasn't the maintenance supervisor.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 10/06/01 03:54 PM
Today's question is, how many threads will the honkeytonk monkey lock before leaving again??
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 10/06/01 04:09 PM
I can get this one deleted if you want. FYI I work at Wal-Mart because it seriously was the highest paying job I could get in North Battleford... sigh. I applied at over 50 businesses and that was the highest offer I got. My money situation is stable again and I have the numbers for the engineering departments of the big three. If you've seen the new design for the 2004 Camaro (looks like a '68) I have a near identical drawing in my desk I did three years ago on my coffee break at work. My time at Wal-Mart is coming to a close. I got chewed out because I get my work done too fast by my boss. What the hell is that all about? How can you work too fast? They are all retards. You should see my concepts for a new Contour. Maybe when I get a computer I'll scan them and throw them up. Or I'll send them to Dave and he can if he wants to.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 10/06/01 04:28 PM
Does walmart have a union? I know my brother in law was taken off the brick laying crew he was on because he worked to fast and refused to slow down. They sent him to train other members of the union, but they won't let him work with anyone...

BTW, that camaro was just a concept, they aren't making anything like that....yet...My cousin is a designer for GM as is my brothers FIL. If you want me to, I can show them some of your stuff if you send it to me.
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 10/06/01 04:37 PM
Seriously? That would be fan-frabutasticletesticleticklemeelmo! Are you talking about the Camaro in the last Road & Track? The only real difference was mine had the three level headlights like the Yenkos. Is there anybody you don't know? And no Wal-Mart is too smart to allow a union and it's employees are too stupid to form one. I could see penalizing working dangerously but I don't move around any faster that anyone else, I just don't spend 1/2 hour between jobs screwing around.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 10/06/01 04:47 PM
Originally posted by The Honkeytonk Monkey:
Seriously? That would be fan-frabutasticletesticleticklemeelmo! Are you talking about the Camaro in the last Road & Track? The only real difference was mine had the three level headlights like the Yenkos. Is there anybody you don't know? And no Wal-Mart is too smart to allow a union and it's employees are too stupid to form one. I could see penalizing working dangerously but I don't move around any faster that anyone else, I just don't spend 1/2 hour between jobs screwing around.

There are quite a few people I don't know but I am currently trying to set up meetings to get to know them. wink

I'm not sure if it will get you anywhere, but I can give it to the guys to see what they can do. I used to date a girl who's father was in charge of designing the auto show displays and also coming up with the themes for the cars. He would have been an even better contact, but I haven't talked to him in 7 years.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 10/06/01 04:48 PM
BTW, do you have any experience with UniGraphics or Catia or the like?
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 10/06/01 05:02 PM
What's a graphics? Is they food? Unfortunately I have experience with no programs ar anything of the like (remember I was raised by moose) When I get the computer that kind of thing will be my new money drain. I'm well aware I can't be a designer just on my ability to draw, I'm trying to find out what education I need so I can go out and get it.
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 10/06/01 05:10 PM
Center for Creative Studies in Detroit would probably be one of the best places you could attend.
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 10/06/01 09:54 PM
You gots any info on them? I know I'm a pest but I'm good at it smile
Posted By: dnewma04 Re: Question of the day - 10/06/01 10:09 PM
Posted By: The Honkeytonk Monkey Re: Question of the day - 10/07/01 01:02 AM
Thanks Dave, I will take a good look at it. Much appreciated! Now I owe you two!
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