Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Randy Gunn DC----->AC Converter - 07/07/06 12:44 AM
Taking kids on long trip and trying to provide them with sufficient entertainment.

I've begged, borrowed, and/or stole the DC/AC converter along with a couple of 7" portable DVD players. Would the 15A fuse be sufficient to run one of the DVD players along with a PS2?

Posted By: Ray_dup1 Re: DC----->AC Converter - 07/07/06 01:42 AM
The DC/AC inverter would likely state the supplied maximum current, but either way:

I ran a 300W (max... 150W rms) inverter and powered a small television (13" b/w with VCR) a PS2 and a laptop at once.

I don't think you will have ANY problems!

Posted By: Randy Gunn Re: DC----->AC Converter - 07/07/06 01:06 PM
Excellent! We should all survive the trip then.

You know I'd still like to kick the tires on your ride. The guys at the station need to see there is more to driving than four-wheel-drive diesel trucks

Posted By: Ray_dup1 Re: DC----->AC Converter - 07/07/06 03:30 PM
C'mon down, man.. We'll take her for a spin.

Edit: Thanks, also, for the time at the station! I really needed that little break that night. a cold drink and a few minutes of talk are what I was needing, man. I was getting REALLY burnt out that night (had been a long night [read: 19 hours already]) Any time you want to chill, or do something, We would love to!

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