Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Lexxer Stupid Amp >=( - 07/05/06 11:39 PM
Ok, well I bought my buddies old competition subs for $100 last week and he tossed me an amp to use for awhile. Though, he told me the amp likes to blow the fuse alot. I turned my amps power down below 50% and it still blows the fuse all the time. I think theres some sort of short in the amp but I dont know, does anyone have an idea of what it might be? It's only 300/2 so 600watts, takes a 25a fuse.

Also, would it be better to put in a 30 fuse rather then a 25a or will that eff up my electric?

Posted By: FavoriteMystaque Re: Stupid Amp >=( - 07/07/06 02:36 AM
Look up the amp on the manufacturer's website, maybe they have an installation guide. Does it work OK when it's not blowing fuses? You could have a loose connection inside the amp or wiring issue.
Posted By: CarpePoon_dup1 Re: Stupid Amp >=( - 07/07/06 03:16 AM
Whats the brand and model of the amp?
Posted By: SoundQ SVT_dup1 Re: Stupid Amp >=( - 07/07/06 03:20 AM
A 25 amp fuse might be too small depending on the specific amp.

You say the amp is rated at 300x2 and only has a 25 amp fuse. Well, my amps are both rated at 75x4 or 300x2 and the manufacturer spec is for fusing of 120 amps for each. Now mine is a hog of a class AB amp that draws a lot of current (but it sounds wonderful!! ), and if your amp is class D that could explain the lower fuse rating. But still, 25 amps is a little small I would think, especially if you're laying into it very much when the fuse blows.

Find the manufacturer's website and see if they have that kind of technical information on it.

Posted By: Lexxer Re: Stupid Amp >=( - 07/07/06 05:26 AM
The Brand is 'Directed', It says 25A but I put a 30 in it and it seemed to pound way harder and I didn't blow the fuse but it was only for the ride home. My brother said it's not good to put a higher watt fuse in the amp then it says (25a) but I don't know if he knows alot about sounds or not. The amp works fine, hits good just blows the fuse alot.

Is it ok if I put a higher watt fuse in? I don't want it to blow and mess all my other electrical stuff up.
Posted By: ConcepTrs913 Re: Stupid Amp >=( - 07/07/06 10:42 PM
if the amp says 25, then put in a 25. If the amp says 30, put in a 30.
Posted By: Ray_dup1 Re: Stupid Amp >=( - 07/08/06 12:49 AM
If the amp has any sort of thermal protection, we will assume that the fuses aren't blowing from increased current draw through heat.

Check your connections, behind the radio.. at the amp, etc. look for loose positive/powered wires to be touching the amp, or the chassis behind the radio.

The amp would, in theory, shut DOWN before it blew a fuse. Replaceing a fuse isn't FIXING the problem. a fuse isn't a first line of defense/air bag. its just a warning, and safety mechanism to protect the amp until you REMOVE the factors that cause it to blow.
Posted By: Lexxer Re: Stupid Amp >=( - 07/10/06 02:14 AM
alright thanks guys.
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