Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: CSVT1214 Alpine HU suggestions - 06/20/06 03:18 PM
I currently have a Alpine CDA-9807, and I love it. It has all the features I want plus more. Never had a single problem with it and very easy to control and tune. Only one thing has been bugging me for a while now. There is no illumination options. My entire interior illuminates in red except for the HU, and it bugs me.

Looking at Alpines current models, it doesn't look like any of them in my price range ($200-300) have illumination options. All are preset in either blue or green.

Features I want:

Remote control
iPod connection (for the near future when I pick one up)
Satellite radio (again for the near future maybe)
3 amp output

Now I did find a CDA-9855 (2005 model) which looks awesome. I love the GlideTouch and BioLite features. The black and white display with different color button options looks ideal.

Anyone have recommendations? Maybe something a little cheaper than the CDA-9855. I'm a n00b when it comes to audio and researching different model and features.

Posted By: sriddle Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/20/06 10:56 PM
i have the 9855 and it's a good deck overall. i don't suggest it if you're planning on using an ipod on it. well if you just want to play everything in random it's ok. the glidetouch is a bit of a hassle to search with, and that's with just a 4 gb nano. the larger ipods would probably be ridiculous to work with.

my friend got one of this year's models with the percentage search. definitely makes things easier. althought they stripped away a lot of features that the 9855 had. the biolite display isn't as nice either. it's your call, convenience vs features.
Posted By: teamSVTour Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/21/06 05:15 AM
I have the 9835...basiaclly exact same HU (same features/specs) as the 9855 but it does not have the Bio-lite or glide touch. I really like it. The color changing buttons is a cool feature if you like to change your interior color. Right now I have them tuned to exactly match my indiglo HL, HVAC, and gauges. Looks awesome.

Originally posted by sriddle:
i have the 9855 and it's a good deck overall. i don't suggest it if you're planning on using an ipod on it. well if you just want to play everything in random it's ok. the glidetouch is a bit of a hassle to search with, and that's with just a 4 gb nano. the larger ipods would probably be ridiculous to work with.

Im curious as to why you say this? Is it b/c the glide touch makes it difficult? My model does not have the glide touch so would this make it better for the ipod? Im curious b/c I'm thinking about getting an ipod and the hookup for my car. Is the Alpine i=pod hookup still around $99? b/c damn thats expensive.
Posted By: CarpePoon_dup1 Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/21/06 02:21 PM
I'm amazed steeda hasn't chimed in yet and told you to buy Eclipse.
If you can get your hands on a 9835 GET IT!
Posted By: CSVT1214 Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/21/06 02:34 PM
Originally posted by CarpePoon:
I'm amazed steeda hasn't chimed in yet and told you to buy Eclipse.
If you can get your hands on a 9835 GET IT!

Why the 9835 over the 9855? Just because of the reasons above or something else not mentioned?
Posted By: Steeda. Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/21/06 04:12 PM
Originally posted by CarpePoon:
I'm amazed steeda hasn't chimed in yet and told you to buy Eclipse.
If you can get your hands on a 9835 GET IT!

Har Har har!!!!!

If you want something that is Amazing Get eclipse. want something average buy a alpine.

The 9855 is a good deck and bio-light owns the 9835!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CarpePoon is a wiener!
Posted By: ConcepTrs913 Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/21/06 04:21 PM
I say go for the Alpine 9856 which has the new full speed ipod capability and it is only like 199 with 3 pre outs and such. If you want a nicer display with their biolite go with the 9857 but its 349.99 so you DO pay a price difference for that.

Hey thats just my two cents but get the 9856 i say
Posted By: CarpePoon_dup1 Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/21/06 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Decepticon:
Originally posted by CarpePoon:
I'm amazed steeda hasn't chimed in yet and told you to buy Eclipse.
If you can get your hands on a 9835 GET IT!

Har Har har!!!!!

The 9855 is a good deck and bio-light owns the 9835!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CarpePoon is a wiener!

The bio-light was introduced in 2004.. on the 9833 and 9835.
Who's the Wiener now?

You wiener
Posted By: teamSVTour Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/21/06 04:27 PM

Originally posted by sriddle:
i have the 9855 and it's a good deck overall. i don't suggest it if you're planning on using an ipod on it. well if you just want to play everything in random it's ok. the glidetouch is a bit of a hassle to search with, and that's with just a 4 gb nano. the larger ipods would probably be ridiculous to work with.

Im curious as to why you say this? Is it b/c the glide touch makes it difficult? My model does not have the glide touch so would this make it better for the ipod? Im curious b/c I'm thinking about getting an ipod and the hookup for my car. Is the Alpine i=pod hookup still around $99?

Posted By: sriddle Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/21/06 04:45 PM
the glidetouch makes searching through your ipod a hassle. there are two ways to scroll. one is gliding your finger across the entire strip multiple times. if done just right it will skip ahead 15 songs. can be done, but takes a while to get used to. i found if i go the opposite direction first and then reverse directions quickly it'll produce this response. the other is holding your finger over either end of the strip and waiting till it autoscrolls. this is probably the easiest way until you come up with your own technique.

the problem with both of these is that you need to have the right amount pressure to activate the sensor without pressing the strip to choose the item that is currently highlighted. not too bad when parked, but while driving if you hit a bump and accidentally pressed the strip you have to start from the beginning. the manual mentions a quicksearch option but it was taken out when the unit was put into production. so you always start at the beginning of your ipod when searching.

another thing to note is that the deck does not remember the mix setting for the ipod if you turn the car off. so you'll have to tell it to go into mix mode again everytime you start the car. to perform searches you have to disable mix mode.

depending on how many songs you have on your ipod it can be faster to unplug it from the harness, play the song on the ipod, and plug it back into the harness. the deck continues play on whatever was being played last on the ipod.

with the new 9857 it's pointless to spin the wheel as fast as you can to search through your ipod. if you rotate the knob too fast it doesn't register all of the rotations. just an observation on my friend's deck. the percentage search helps avoid the tedious rotating of the knob everytime you search. just push one of the preset buttons and it'll jump ahead a certain distance depending on what button was pressed.
Posted By: sriddle Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/21/06 04:51 PM
Originally posted by teamSVTour:

Originally posted by sriddle:
i have the 9855 and it's a good deck overall. i don't suggest it if you're planning on using an ipod on it. well if you just want to play everything in random it's ok. the glidetouch is a bit of a hassle to search with, and that's with just a 4 gb nano. the larger ipods would probably be ridiculous to work with.

Im curious as to why you say this? Is it b/c the glide touch makes it difficult? My model does not have the glide touch so would this make it better for the ipod? Im curious b/c I'm thinking about getting an ipod and the hookup for my car. Is the Alpine i=pod hookup still around $99?

yeah you should be able to still pick up the the adapter for about that price. it's the kca-420i. the newer decks use the kce-422i which is just a cable and goes for about $30.
Posted By: Steeda. Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/21/06 05:20 PM
This thread needs more 16/8 volt preouts
Posted By: hetfield_dup1 Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/21/06 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Decepticon:
This thread needs more 16/8 volt preouts

Your posts need more detachable faceplates... at least some of their units have one finally.
Posted By: Steeda. Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/21/06 06:58 PM
Originally posted by hetfeild:
Originally posted by Decepticon:
This thread needs more 16/8 volt preouts

Your posts need more detachable faceplates... at least some of their units have one finally.

Posted By: CSVT1214 Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/21/06 07:06 PM
Originally posted by ConcepTrs913:
I say go for the Alpine 9856 which has the new full speed ipod capability and it is only like 199 with 3 pre outs and such. If you want a nicer display with their biolite go with the 9857 but its 349.99 so you DO pay a price difference for that.

Hey thats just my two cents but get the 9856 i say

I did look into those, but I love the Biolite display. After seeing it, I wanna stick to one that has it. The 9857 seems too pricey when I can get the 9835 or 9855 for alot less.
Posted By: sriddle Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/21/06 08:29 PM
i suggest trying out both decks if you can find a place that has them on display. oh yeah the glidetouch has been known to stick or be unresponsive if left in the heat.
Posted By: CSVT1214 Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/21/06 09:21 PM
Originally posted by sriddle:
i suggest trying out both decks if you can find a place that has them on display. oh yeah the glidetouch has been known to stick or be unresponsive if left in the heat.

Well since both models are discontinued, no chance of that.

I think I'm going to get the 9835. I found too many complaints online after searching around about the GlideTouch.
Posted By: teamSVTour Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/22/06 03:46 AM
Originally posted by SVT4STD:

I think I'm going to get the 9835. I found too many complaints online after searching around about the GlideTouch.

Good choice. You will enjoy it.
Posted By: hmouta_dup1 Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/22/06 06:09 AM
Originally posted by hetfeild:
Originally posted by Decepticon:
This thread needs more 16/8 volt preouts

Your posts need more detachable faceplates... at least some of their units have one finally.

wow, eclipse finally entered the 21century? maybe now i can finally look at getting an eclipse. sorry but that security cd thing is a joke to me. no removable faceplate just means a crackhead is gonna break your window and steal a hu that he will LATER find out he cant use. doubt anyone has peered into a car window and seen an eclipse hu and walked away cuz they knew they'd be wasting their time stealing it since they wouldnt have the security cd
Posted By: hetfield_dup1 Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/22/06 06:28 AM
Originally posted by hmouta:
no removable faceplate just means a crackhead is gonna break your window and steal a hu that he will LATER find out he cant use.

Exactly. My brother and I had the same Pioneer HU. I always take the face off, even if I'm just running to the store quick, but my brother left his on, mostly because he didn't want to carry it around. Both our cars were broken into. In my car, the thieves took my amp, crossover, sub, and the PATS key I had under the dash for the remote starter, but they never touched the faceless HU. In my brother's truck the only thing that was stolen was his HU with the face still on.

ESN is not a theft deterrent. All it does is eliminate the black market for Eclipse products, which really only serves Fujitsu Ten's bottom line. They either need to put detachable faces on all their products, or extend their theft warranty to be at least several years, if not the life of the product.
Posted By: IRingTwyce Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/22/06 03:41 PM
Originally posted by hetfeild:
Both our cars were broken into. In my car, the thieves took my amp, crossover, sub, and the PATS key I had under the dash for the remote starter, but they never touched the faceless HU. In my brother's truck the only thing that was stolen was his HU with the face still on.

Sounds to me like your brother came out better on the break-in than you did! Almost reason to leave the face on. Seems you REALLY got lucky they didn't take the entire car, what w/ a key left in it. Then again, people that are breaking into cars aren't big on logic. Mine was broken into for the digital camera I had left in it overnight (hidden). Thief left all my CD's (nearly 50) and didn't touch my Clarion HU (w/ the face still on, cost nearly $500) Go figure.
Posted By: hetfield_dup1 Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/22/06 06:19 PM
Originally posted by IRingTwyce:
Sounds to me like your brother came out better on the break-in than you did!

Yes, but that's only because he has a small-cab truck and the only piece of updated equipment was the HU. If he actually had something else worth stealing in there I'm sure it would've have been.
Posted By: IRingTwyce Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/22/06 08:37 PM
Good point.
Posted By: hetfield_dup1 Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/23/06 05:27 AM
Originally posted by IRingTwyce:
Seems you REALLY got lucky they didn't take the entire car, what w/ a key left in it.

I've thought about that, too. The PATS sender unit for the remote start was positioned up under the dash and they had to cut it out by its wires; they had to have been looking for something there. I'm thinking there was one of two scenarios why the car wasn't stolen: one, they thought it was something else completely different, or two, they couldn't get it open on the scene (a somewhat busy park near the lakefront in broad daylight where cops like to take their breaks) so they thought they might come back and try and find my car again. I had the PATS redone as soon as I could get the car into the dealership, and I took my chances on them getting in through the locks since I had nothing more for them to steal.
Posted By: Steeda. Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/23/06 01:44 PM
Thats why you run a blank key or hide the Pats module in a secret location
Posted By: MxRacer Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/23/06 02:47 PM
or an empty pats bypass module.
Posted By: Steeda. Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/23/06 03:03 PM
Originally posted by MxRacer:
or an empty pats bypass module.

LOL did you tell that guy?
Posted By: MxRacer Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/23/06 04:56 PM
Originally posted by Decepticon:
Originally posted by MxRacer:
or an empty pats bypass module.

LOL did you tell that guy?

of course. i'm not shady like some people i know.

and by some people, i mean one person.

and by one person, i mean you.
Posted By: Steeda. Re: Alpine HU suggestions - 06/23/06 05:16 PM
Originally posted by MxRacer:
Originally posted by Decepticon:
Originally posted by MxRacer:
or an empty pats bypass module.

LOL did you tell that guy?

of course. i'm not shady like some people i know.

and by some people, i mean one person.

and by one person, i mean you.

ahhh you got me good focker!
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