Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: BSVT_dup1 Mtl meet - 06/14/03 11:01 AM
O.K. guys the supposed meet was not a success so i decide to organize a new one in 2-3 weeks in mtl area or between mtl and ontario or Vt ??? let me know what you guys would prefer and we can decide it all togheter ! i think the simple way would be to choose a date ( for sure that'll be a sunday )to set the meet and after we can choose a place so we will know exactly how many and who will come, i want it big, don't want to see only 4-5 car at the meet... let's do it biiig,
If we prepare it 2-3 weeks in advance i think more people will be able to come and organize there week end in convenience, let me know what you think.
Any idea or comment would be great
Posted By: mbb41_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 06/14/03 01:56 PM
If anything it would have to be the July 12th weekend for me and nothing that started to early in the morning on Saturday as I work till 1:00 a.m. in the GTA on Friday night. Of course I wouldn't make the plans around my schedule.
Posted By: LBuzzer_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 06/16/03 12:58 PM
As far as I can remember, most Sundays work for me except for June 29th. Montreal would be cool - lots to do and see . If it's in the States, the further north the better (Burlington VT is a bit of a stretch )
Posted By: BSVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 06/16/03 08:13 PM
We can also do it a saturday afternoon/night !
( I expected more answer )
Posted By: mbb41_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 06/16/03 11:00 PM
What if a meet were in a more central location. i.e. Kingston or somewhere halfway between the GTA and Montreal. That way people could have a fun drive to the meet. (caravan)
Posted By: J-Lab_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 06/17/03 02:49 AM
ok, I've been stupid busy lately, but I will clear some time for you guys over the next few weeks! I'ts been so long since I've seen a 'tour other than my own! Consider me there! If Montreal is going to be the place, I suggest an overnighter meet (sat throu sun), lots of great bars, restaurants, and attractions for those who aren't from around here. Maybe even a tour of the F1 circuit?

Not to mention Napierville dragway only 30 minutes from downtown...
Posted By: mbb41_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 06/17/03 02:59 AM
Originally posted by J-Lab:
ok, I've been stupid busy lately, but I will clear some time for you guys over the next few weeks! I'ts been so long since I've seen a 'tour other than my own! Consider me there! If Montreal is going to be the place, I suggest an overnighter meet (sat throu sun), lots of great bars, restaurants, and attractions for those who aren't from around here. Maybe even a tour of the F1 circuit?

Not to mention Napierville dragway only 30 minutes from downtown...

Sounds great but I for one can't afford a hotel for the night right now.
Posted By: J-Lab_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 06/17/03 11:40 PM
Well, you don't necessarily need a hotel... I think I can accomodate a few people at my place, if people don't mind sleeping on couches or air mattresses .

So howabout it folks, lets get a great meet off the ground here! I say early july, for the weekend, we can line up several activities here, both during the day and for the evenings, and for those who want to stay overnight, I might be able to help out those on a tight budget. (Space would be limited, so first come first serve )
Posted By: mbb41_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 06/18/03 12:51 AM
I may be able to do that then. If I do it then I'm going to try to pick up my Bumper from Micah that same weekend. Definately can't afford 2 trips to Montreal.
Posted By: BSVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 06/18/03 02:59 AM
So let me know guys which day would be better for you, i look for saterday afternoon/evening july 12 or sunday the 13 daytime !
Will find a good place to meet after, let's set the date first
for the moment, it looks like it'll be here somewhere in Mtl
Posted By: SVT SNOB Re: Mtl meet - 06/18/03 04:41 AM
I'm down just let me know before hand so I can try and get my boss to let me change my work schedule. I work weekends (fri 5-11, sat morning 11-5 or sat night 5-11, sun 11-6) so I will most likely work Friday night and sat morning then drive straight to the meet.

Posted By: LBuzzer_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 06/18/03 12:53 PM
I'm in for July 12th weekend! Montreal is good for me, too! Maybe we could watch the CART race from Toronto on Sunday?
Posted By: J-Lab_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 06/19/03 11:02 AM
I think July 12th weekend is it, guys! We'll have the meet saturday through to sunday, it should be a blast!
Posted By: PT95LS Re: Mtl meet - 06/19/03 10:57 PM
I'm in, as of now, assuming no work travel comes up... people have been nice enough to visit me in VT the last couple years, least I can do is make it up to MTL for a night. My trim looks like sh*t and it probably won't be replaced or re-painted in time, so I'm apologizing in advance for my otherwise decent ride.
Posted By: AirKnight Re: Mtl meet - 06/20/03 05:04 AM
I'll be there, not sure if the car will be back by then though. Can I stay at someone's place for a night? I don't make a mess and I don't take up much space.
Posted By: BSVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 06/20/03 10:16 AM
O.K. guys finally it'll be a saturday afternoon the date will be july 12 th !
Who's in ?
Posted By: LBuzzer_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 06/20/03 01:03 PM
ME!! I'm IN!!
Anybody taking the 401 west of the 416, we can caravan it up to MTL. Just gotta meet up somewhere...
Posted By: fordmaniac Re: Mtl meet - 06/21/03 02:11 AM
In Mtl area i will be in for sure and saturday afternoon is always ok for me .

Have you an idea of what we could do together this day??

My car still for sale at this time but will do the impossible to keep this jewel
Posted By: Shaggy_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 06/22/03 01:38 AM
I may be coming up as well. It all depends on work and waterpump issues.
Posted By: AirKnight Re: Mtl meet - 06/22/03 01:51 AM
I'll be there unless I can't get off work.
Posted By: BSVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 06/30/03 05:53 PM
Officially the date is july 12th, anyone have a suggestion or idea for the meet place... may be at Julep saturday evening ?! it's easy for everybody to find and empty on saturday night!
Posted By: J-Lab_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/01/03 01:07 PM
I think most people would want to get the meet started during the day, maybe early afternoon? Of course, I'm making an assumption at this point...chime in guys...
Posted By: mbb41_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/01/03 03:23 PM
I still waiting to here back from Micah. What I would be able to do would be contingiant on the plans I make with him. I need to pick up my bumper from him.
Posted By: BSVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/02/03 12:16 PM
Originally posted by J-Lab:
I think most people would want to get the meet started during the day, maybe early afternoon? Of course, I'm making an assumption at this point...chime in guys...

Yes i tink something like mid-afternoon.....
Posted By: SPGVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/02/03 04:25 PM
July 12 it's ok for me, I could be there for the afternoon and the evening too (instead of last year meet at Tremblant wich I had to left for 4pm)
I will try to be there sunday, but not sure, I will probably have to leave before noon, but I will try
Posted By: mbb41_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/02/03 06:06 PM
Mid afternoon would likely be best for me. I don't know that I would stay over night though now that I think about it.
Posted By: SPGVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/02/03 06:57 PM
Just a thought.

If we want it big it could be interesting to post on eastern canada NECO forums ( CDW27 meet)
Posted By: BSVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/02/03 07:29 PM
Originally posted by SPGVT:
Just a thought.

If we want it big it could be interesting to post on eastern canada NECO forums ( CDW27 meet)

Go for it my friend !
( i don't have any account on Neco so if you want you can post it )
Posted By: J-Lab_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/03/03 02:57 AM
Please do!! the more the merrier!!!
Posted By: SPGVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/03/03 11:51 AM
just posted on NECO
Posted By: BSVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/04/03 11:15 AM
Julep Orange sound good for you ? Or someone have a better idea?
Posted By: BSVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/04/03 11:23 AM
The meet will start around 2:30- 3:00 Pm saturday july 12th

For now we are:

BSVT (me)
my friend SE
NVS mystique

If your name does'nt showed up please confirm your presence
Posted By: Remix_Contour Re: Mtl meet - 07/04/03 12:10 PM
I would love to go . Although it would take us about 10 hours to drive there.... I'm gonna ask the boss tonight? I just said to him last night if there is a meet in Montreal we should go. Anyway, I'm new to this site...but if you's wouldn't mind some New Brunswickers up there...we just might... This would be so much fun!!

I will let you know as soon as I have an answer.

It may be too short notice, but we'll see...
Posted By: 96SEMAN Re: Mtl meet - 07/05/03 07:02 PM
Hey guys,I'll be flying into montreal and will be there over that weekend so hopefully I can hook up with you all
I'm going to have to beg J-lab for pity and see if he'll let me hang out with him again....
Posted By: mbb41_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/05/03 08:53 PM
I regret that I am probably out. The GB on the pre 98 bumpers is not far enough along for me to pick one up in Montreal and I can't justify the exspense of going otherwise.
Posted By: J-Lab_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/05/03 11:09 PM
Originally posted by 96SEMAN:
Hey guys,I'll be flying into montreal and will be there over that weekend so hopefully I can hook up with you all
I'm going to have to beg J-lab for pity and see if he'll let me hang out with him again....

Of course!!! You can ride with me, if that's ok with you...
Posted By: 96SEMAN Re: Mtl meet - 07/06/03 04:04 AM
You bet it's okay with me !!!
I wouldn't know where the hell I would be going anyways....
Posted By: AirKnight Re: Mtl meet - 07/07/03 05:41 AM
I think I can't come this weekend... Lowsided this weekend, the bike and I probably won't be ready for another long trip... Who knows though? I might be able to come still.
Posted By: Remix_Contour Re: Mtl meet - 07/07/03 12:12 PM
Hello again,

Just wondering if someone could post the final details of whats going on and where everything is being held.

Posted By: BSVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/07/03 04:20 PM
Final details... Saturday july 12th, the meet will start at 2:30-3:00 Pm at Julep if nobody have better idea, i think we should meet there and after we can all go for a ride and decide what you guys want to do after...may be go for a beer or going to see the Gilles Villeneuve circuit to take some pics...
Posted By: LBuzzer_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/07/03 08:23 PM
Won't be able to make it, guys The in-laws are moving Saturday and me and my wife owe them big-time from our move a few months back.
The next one...

Have fun - and post some pics!!
Posted By: PT95LS Re: Mtl meet - 07/08/03 12:13 AM
Still planning on coming - might want to spend the night depending on how long things play out, but in the meantime, if someone could be kind enough to post directions to the Orange Julep, I'd appreciate it. I've been there before, and I'm coming from "Vermont" - so basically, that's what, the 10 West/Ouest? Just give me a highway and an exit number, I think I can spot it from there

Again, advance apologies for the appearance of my car... Pics are at the website in sig, try to imagine it an inch lower and 40,000 miles of dings/scratches and paint peeling off of trim from there One of these years...

(on 2nd thought... am I still invited if I bring the Mustang )
Posted By: J-Lab_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/08/03 10:36 AM
Pete, you are welcome to spend the night at my place, its the least I can do.

As for directions, I'll call you and relay them over the phone. ( I got the message last night, but got in late) What's the latest I can call tonight?
Posted By: SPGVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/08/03 12:53 PM
If you want we could meet at the ''10-35''near St-Jean/Chambly or at the ''St-Hubert'' on the 133 near Richelieu and start from there for the Julep.
PT95LS if you want to join us I think you already had to pass by the 133 road or the 35 highway to reach the 10 ???

Posted By: canamSVT Re: Mtl meet - 07/08/03 07:49 PM
I would love the MTL but not that weekend. I'll be there in September....
Posted By: PT95LS Re: Mtl meet - 07/08/03 08:32 PM
Originally posted by SPGVT:
If you want we could meet at the ''10-35''near St-Jean/Chambly or at the ''St-Hubert'' on the 133 near Richelieu and start from there for the Julep.
PT95LS if you want to join us I think you already had to pass by the 133 road or the 35 highway to reach the 10 ???

SPGVT: I usually take 133 to 35 to 10 to get to MTL, if you guys want to meet along the way.

Jeff: call as late as like 10:30 tonight if you like (and you see this in time!)

In any event, either of you can PM me or e-mail me: peter (at)
Posted By: BSVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/08/03 08:37 PM
Originally posted by SPGVT:
If you want we could meet at the ''10-35''near St-Jean/Chambly or at the ''St-Hubert'' on the 133 near Richelieu and start from there for the Julep.
PT95LS if you want to join us I think you already had to pass by the 133 road or the 35 highway to reach the 10 ???

Yeah for sure... i'll meet one of my friend at this exit, so we will be 4 to cruise down to Julep, Me, you, my friend's SE and my girlfriend's GL, that'll be cool i'll call you or PM on that for details!
If anyone else want to join....
Posted By: BSVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/08/03 08:51 PM
here is an update to show you who is comming up at this moment:

Ben's SE (friend)
Eric's GL (friend)
Isa's GL
NVS Mystique
may be Airknight?
may be some neco users?

If you know some contour/mystique owner be sure to talk to them then we will be more, everybody is welcome !

Don't forget this is this Saturday july 12th !
Posted By: Just2Bad Re: Mtl meet - 07/08/03 10:01 PM
Hi, I saw the post on neco and even if my english talking isn't good, I might try to go to the meet in hope not being the only cougar over there

What is the address of the orange julep so I can look in streets and trip for the direction...

Posted By: Shaggy_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/09/03 01:26 AM
I was hoping to make it up as well, but I can't. Have a blast guys and take lots of pix! Jeff, beat up Micah for me!
Posted By: J-Lab_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/09/03 01:31 AM
The orange Julep is off the highway 15 between highway 20 and highway 40(decarie) exit Jean talon(exit #69).
It is the big orange ball on the west side on the elevated part of decarie expressway. We will be in the parking lot. Just beside it is a Mcdonalds and a Petro Canada gas station.

Don't worry about your english, la plupart du monde qui va etre la sont bilingue!!!!

I hope to see you there!!!!
Posted By: BSVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/09/03 02:17 AM
Thx for the exit number j-lab !

just2bad: My english is really bad too...lot of people will speak french i guess ! don't worry about it and hope to see your cougar !
Posted By: AirKnight Re: Mtl meet - 07/09/03 02:42 PM
Is there any cheap motel around I can spend the Saturday night if I gets too tired to ride home? They have to speak English though, I don't know French.
Posted By: BSVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/09/03 06:07 PM
you'll just have to past the bridge on the south shore you'll find one cheap motel !
Posted By: J-Lab_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/09/03 08:06 PM
you can sleep at my place saturday night if you like. I have room for a couple people if need be. I believe Peter, from Vt, is already planning to stay so you are more than welcome. Just let me know ahead of time. I'll be checking this thread regularly.
Posted By: SPGVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/09/03 09:30 PM
BSVT just let me know the time for the convoy at the 10-35 club (probably 45min to an hour before the meet at Julep)

PT95LS just emailed you the convoy meet place with BSVT in CC to be sure to reach the same place.
and hereis my cell number just in case for saturday
Posted By: Bailey Re: Mtl meet - 07/10/03 01:56 AM
Hey guys sorry i was not here for a while had to go and take care of my mom she has liver cancer, but anyway i should would like to be there if you guys don't mind me being there cause i don't have a Contour no more just drop me a pm
Posted By: AirKnight Re: Mtl meet - 07/10/03 02:13 AM
Originally posted by J-Lab:
you can sleep at my place saturday night if you like. I have room for a couple people if need be. I believe Peter, from Vt, is already planning to stay so you are more than welcome. Just let me know ahead of time. I'll be checking this thread regularly.

Werd! I'll take you up on that. Can you PM me your phone # so if I run late or something for the meet Saturday I can give you a call? Remember last time I went to Plattsburgh and showed up a little late and you all left?
Posted By: kiran Re: Mtl meet - 07/10/03 02:26 AM

Hi Guys,

have been following the mtl meet thread and would like to come but have got my front rotors replaced today because they were warped and stuttering, now the technician tells met that I should go easy on the first 100k but I have read that you have to season them ASAP. Trying to figure this out and if I can manage it, I will drop by.
will check the posts everyday. Will there be any gals, as I hope I am not the only one.
I see a lot of cars like ours in the western part of city, maybe one can put a flyer on their windshield to inform them about the existence of CEG. Any ideas????

Posted By: J-Lab_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/10/03 03:58 AM
Hi Kiran, welcome aboard!!! It would be great if you joined us. I am going to convince my fiancee to show up to the meet as well, so you shouldn't be the only girl around. We always have a good time at these get togethers, and every one is welcome. Even those without contours...

Don't worry about the brakes too much, I'm a technician myself, and its nothing to worry about. We recommend that just so no one goes out and pushes the brakes to its limits right away is all.

Looking forward to seeing you there!!!
Posted By: PT95LS Re: Mtl meet - 07/10/03 03:28 PM
Originally posted by J-Lab:
I'm a technician myself, and its nothing to worry about. We recommend that just so no one goes out and pushes the brakes to its limits right away is all.

Oh really? What else do you guys recommend that isn't necessary? Is it to cover your ass, or just because you enjoy confusing us technically illiterate?

I've noticed that my right turn signal doesn't always disengage automatically after the turn. Is it time for the SVT blinker-fluid upgrade?

See y'all Saturday. I'll be easy to spot, the one with green license plates.
Posted By: AirKnight Re: Mtl meet - 07/10/03 04:39 PM
Originally posted by PT95LS:
Oh really? What else do you guys recommend that isn't necessary? Is it to cover your ass, or just because you enjoy confusing us technically illiterate?

It's not unnecessary, it's just that you don't have to worry about not driving. They recommend you take easy because there is a coating of material on new pads and rotors that needs to be worn away before the brakes will perform to its max potential.
Posted By: PT95LS Re: Mtl meet - 07/11/03 12:55 AM
Originally posted by AirKnight:
It's not unnecessary, it's just that you don't have to worry about not driving. They recommend you take easy because there is a coating of material on new pads and rotors that needs to be worn away before the brakes will perform to its max potential.

Hey, it's cool, I was being facetious. Jeff's an old bud of mine and he's worked all over my car - including replacing brake rotors... he didn't mention anything about taking it easy on them then [I'm NOT a technician, but every now and then I believe I am, in my garage]

Looks like you and I will be vying for couch space on Saturday night. See you then!
Posted By: AirKnight Re: Mtl meet - 07/11/03 01:27 AM
Originally posted by PT95LS:
Looks like you and I will be vying for couch space on Saturday night. See you then!

Nah! I like the floor it's better for your back!
Posted By: Just2Bad Re: Mtl meet - 07/11/03 04:53 PM
Out of curiosity, what did you guys plan to do ??? is there something official or you will deceide on site....
Posted By: AirKnight Re: Mtl meet - 07/12/03 05:09 AM,QC+H3S1H9&country=ca

That's the place right? I hope it is because I got directions to that place and probably won't check the forum after this post. If that's way off, please gimme a call at 716-308-7636 and leave me a message telling me it's not the right place to be.
Posted By: J-Lab_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/12/03 06:16 AM
THat's the place! Looking forward to seeing you there!

Any last minute people who want to join, you are more than welcome, even if you didn't post. Hope to see you guys there!
Posted By: BSVT_dup1 Re: Mtl meet - 07/12/03 10:21 AM
Here we are Saturday morning and the sun seems to be with us, i hope it will be there all day !
See you all guys this afternoon !
Posted By: Bad_Mercury Re: Mtl meet - 07/14/03 09:18 PM
Is there any pictures of the meet ? I came at Jeff's house at around 9:00 in the afternoon... I missed the show but still had a great time
Posted By: kiran Re: Mtl meet - 07/14/03 09:56 PM
The weather was great, the rain stopped while we were there.
I am very pleased that we could have this meet. It is a big morale booster to see other cars like ours and meet their proud owners.

Feel that there is great potential to draw lots of other owners if we could reach them and tell them about- CONTOUR.ORG-

The advantages of belonging to a group are many. Its like having a friend in need when we get faced with crisis with our cars. There is so much to learn, share. The pride of ownership is something special.

I will try to write out a flyer that can be left on windshields. We need to do good PR work. I can find lots of motivating ideas that will appeal to people.

I see lots of cars like ours but have been unable to contact them. Will try to map out a good marketing strategy.

Thanks to the organisers for taking the time to do it and to Jeff for inviting people to his home. We have a great bunch of people.

When will the next time be?
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