Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: mbb41_dup1 Today is the day - 11/30/05 03:49 PM
Jenna and I take possesion of our first home this afternoon. Time to break out the wrecking bars. So much to do in one short month.
Posted By: DcShoesCo Re: Today is the day - 11/30/05 04:44 PM
Congrat to you ;-) is it a new house??
Posted By: SnafuFlux_dup1 Re: Today is the day - 11/30/05 04:45 PM
I would hope not, if they're going to be bashing out walls

Congrats you two. I look forward to the day I own a home. Only thing I "own" right now is my car
Posted By: bigerik Re: Today is the day - 11/30/05 05:22 PM
Great looking house already. Bet it will be awesome when you are done Mark!
Posted By: mbb41_dup1 Re: Today is the day - 11/30/05 05:24 PM
Thanks Erik.

Still waiting for the keys. Now I am excited. I just want to swing the wrecking bar.
Posted By: bigerik Re: Today is the day - 11/30/05 05:30 PM
We are going out of town this weekend, otherwise I would come and watch!
Posted By: ContourChris_dup1 Re: Today is the day - 12/01/05 01:01 AM
Get a nice bottle of bubbly stuff!
Posted By: chongo Re: Today is the day - 12/01/05 01:54 AM
Congrats, let the cavalcade of destruction begin.........
Posted By: Phil Rohtla_dup1 Re: Today is the day - 12/01/05 12:59 PM

Seriously, congrats on the house. I imagine you already have your Home Depot card...
Posted By: SVTCANUK_dup1 Re: Today is the day - 12/01/05 02:00 PM
Congrats, let me know if you need help some time. Electrical is my speciality .
Posted By: mbb41_dup1 Re: Today is the day - 12/02/05 04:12 AM
I really could use help in the electrical department but I need to hit it this weekend as we are going to try and start reinsulating and drywalling. Jenna and I almost have the main floor gutted. Not a small task by anymeans so we have learned. We haved filled about a 3rd of the 14 cubic yard dumpster we rented and I am having doubts that this will be enough room. Just about half the ceiling is left to pull down and then a major clean up and wiring and insulating. Hopefully most of the drywall will be up by the middle of next week as the end of the month will be here before we know it. One thing is for sure. They don't build houses now like they used to. There is more lumber in this small (1000 sq ft) house then is likley in a modern day 3000 sq footer. I am still trying to date the house. Pretty sure it is in and around 130 years old. All the original nails are square headers though they don't look to hand made. Anyone have knowledge in dating homes? Would love to hear from you. As well if anyone is bored and wants to come play with hammers and nails you just let me know. Maybe be able to find some beer and food for yah.
Posted By: Chris@CTA Re: Today is the day - 12/02/05 12:10 PM
I'm a little late, but congratulations on the purchase of your new home
Posted By: Bailey Re: Today is the day - 12/02/05 03:30 PM
Congrats on the new house Mark, in which area do you live if it's close enough i might be able to go and help with the drywalling and taping

Posted By: mbb41_dup1 Re: Today is the day - 12/02/05 04:00 PM
Thanks for the offer. Saddly I am in Oshawa. Might be just a little to far from Montreal
Posted By: Bailey Re: Today is the day - 12/02/05 04:09 PM
Damn with the "poutine capital" under YOUR location i thought it was near Ottawa , Sorry man i would of loved to help you out, but if you need any help/ pointers let me know.
Posted By: mbb41_dup1 Re: Today is the day - 12/02/05 04:13 PM
The poutine capital is where ever I am located. I'm told I make a good poutine.

Thanks again for the offer. I would have loved the help.
Posted By: Rdkill Re: Today is the day - 12/07/05 07:59 PM
I have a Century home as well. If the nails are not Hand hewn (you can tell by the rouchness and hammering marks on them) then they are early 1900's. After 1920 or so they switched is what a friend who does old renos all the time tells me.

I have all square nails. It's impressive to see finishing nails made square. Is it a 1 or 2 story house? 1 1/2 maybe? If it's multiple levels then under the main stair railing at the bottom there should be a penny or other coin from the year the house was made.

We're reno'ing ours too, the layers are impressive. Plaster, Lath, solid 1 or 2 inch boards up to 24" wide, 2 x 4's, more board, then siding. It'll be a pain to insulate ours since one of those boards has to come off either inside or outside.

How much did the dumpster cost? Is it a flat rate for the size or do they then weigh it as well? I'm thinking we need one for all the garbage soon.

Find any neat things in the walls yet? We've found old newspapers from 1912'ish, somones old VISA card, and a letter from a girl in school in Toronto from 1940's.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Posted By: mbb41_dup1 Re: Today is the day - 12/07/05 09:03 PM
I was told by someone whom does renos as well that our home is likely 1880 or so. I am most curious about the penny or other coin thing. Can you better explain so I don't pull up the wrong spot? I'm thinking our nails are hammered. The house is 1.5 story I think. I can stand upstairs no problem in the main part of the rooms but the roof slopes on the sides. The main floor has been gutted completely already and we are on to the rebuild phase. Lots of wiring to do. That is slowing the drywalling process. As for the dumpster. Cost is 175 for a 14 cubic yards rental for 3 day plus whatever the local disposal fees are. 89 a tonnes around here I think. Still lots to do. Only have found and old cigarette pack and that is about all. Some old newspaper insulation as well.
Posted By: Bailey Re: Today is the day - 12/08/05 12:55 AM
Originally posted by mbb41:
... Some old newspaper insulation as well.

This was very common in the turn of the century construction, alot of the "poorer" people would use that to insulate the houses, here in Quebec they used it alot in farms and farm houses
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