Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Deep Help Needed? Careless Driving Ticket :( - 10/30/05 01:28 PM
I received a careless driving ticket yesterday. It was in downtown toronto, i pulled a past left on green....that was my only fault.....cop said it wreckless, (it was downtown, i was just beating out traffic). SIX POINTS! $300 something fine....

I have to get a lawyer and fight this....I was just wondering if anybody has experiences with this type of ticket before, and what are the chances if it getting dropped??

Any recommendation for a really good lawyer??
Posted By: MazTour Re: Help Needed? Careless Driving Ticket :( - 10/30/05 03:01 PM
holy crap,that's stupid!! I bet had you not been driving a modified car the cop wouldn't have even thought to pull you over.

I've personally never had a careless ticket,but I did get pulled over on the 410 for doing 154kmh. At that speed,there is no set fine,just an automatic court summons and 30 day licence suspension. Luckily,I caught the officer on a good day and he dropped the ticket down to the maximum fine of 149kmh,which was 4 points and $360. I took it to court,where my lawyer cost me $250,but I had the ticket reduced to 129kmh,3 points and $114.....and my insurance premium still dropped like 6 months later.
A lawyer or a paralegal service like POINTS or X-Copper might help.

Past left? Sorry...not making sense here. Where exactly in downtown Toronto was this?
Posted By: Deep Re: Help Needed? Careless Driving Ticket :( - 10/30/05 05:03 PM
opps, sorry, i meant i pulled a fast left...
Originally posted by Deep:
opps, sorry, i meant i pulled a fast left...

Still, at which intersection?
Posted By: Deep Re: Help Needed? Careless Driving Ticket :( - 10/30/05 06:48 PM
Gerrard St & Coxwell Ave
sounds like a bogus charge to me. Unless, perhaps you cut someone off when you pulled the left? Id definetly take that one to POINTS or X- Coppers. I thought the cops were on strike or something???
X-Copper took care of me many times years ago, and one of them was a careless driving charge. I dealt wtih the owner David Matheson. Costed me some money but they never lost any of charges I had.
Posted By: Massiv Re: Help Needed? Careless Driving Ticket :( - 01/16/06 10:00 PM
Fascinating... I know it well. Chances are it was TSV (Traffic) that nailed you, but if it was a 55div divisional officer....

PM me the name, and division that are written on the ticket.

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