Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: zxtuner ZXTUNER DYNO DAY - AUG 17, 2002 - 07/18/02 07:00 PM
Hi Guys... Organizing a Ford 4cyl Dyno Day, and I'm putting the invite out.
I've arranged to reserve a full day at Sleeper Motorsports in San Bernadino (50 miles east of Los Angeles) to let us Zetec, SPI, and CVH guys have a day of fun to ourselves.

The special pricing I got is $35 per car (regularly it's $60 per hookup), and I'll be setting up a small booth/display to hock my wares as well. I also am going to arrange for refreshments, and an on site mechanic (zetec experienced) to do installs for those mechanically challenged.

You guys interested?

Rob Green
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