Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: nyceboi yup - 12/15/01 08:23 PM
cool laugh yup harrold ford is going to do the rebuild the transmission to get my car out of that 3rd gear problem. ALL UNDER warranty cool laugh thanks guys for the help! oh and they're fixing the sunroof sticking thingy. SVT still hasn't sent me the certificate and shiz... is this normal or should i send my info again?
Posted By: Toadster Re: yup - 12/16/01 12:20 AM
takes a while to get your certificate - 4 to 6 weeks, they should have given you all your info over the phone if you called smile

good news on the tranny (i think) - how much hassle did they give you?
Posted By: nyceboi Re: yup - 12/16/01 11:49 AM
laugh no hassles! exact words "well ur getting a new tranny no charge, we're gonna take care of you bud" how cool is that? to hear that from a ford service guy? very cool
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