Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Heya Everyone,

I wanted to give you all the first opportunity to snatch up my Black '98 E0 SVT before I offered it up to the rest of the world. If any one is interested, or knows of anyone who might be interested, please let me know...

Congrats on the new addition to the fam Tom!

Last I heard from you, you were tending bar in Mtn. View and now I see you are all the way out in Vallejo!

Yep.. living in Vallejo (because it's the only place that we could afford to buy a 4 bedroom house). It's not actually that bad, and it's close enough to the city and even closer to the little ones' grandparents (yeah, babysitters!!!)... By the way, I am now tha bar manager at the club in Mountain View (Buddha Lounge). If any of you 21-year-or-olders want to have something to do on St. Patrick's day... come on down. We're located at 251 Castro street, and a good time should be had by all.

you work in mtview and live in vallejo
thats a strike! i thought my WC to theRICH drive was a b*tch.

how much you asking?
Originally posted by svt4b:
you work in mtview and live in vallejo
thats a strike! i thought my WC to theRICH drive was a b*tch.

how much you asking?

Please take any discussion of price to PMs. Thanks

my sending a PM
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