Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: fast4banger Hi everyone - 02/17/06 03:33 AM
I'm new here, living in diego. Just hoping to meet up with some of you guys here sometime.
Posted By: contourfreak22 Re: Hi everyone - 02/17/06 04:28 AM
hi im from the monterey bay so im like hours away from you. but just wanted to welcome you.
Posted By: fast4banger Re: Hi everyone - 02/17/06 05:02 AM
that's kool, thanks

So I have been working on my car for a while and I am just about ready to start fabing for a turbo project. Anyone on in Diego know a good welder that wont charge me a arm and a leg.
Posted By: dubkatz_dup1 Re: Hi everyone - 02/17/06 07:14 AM
A matter of fact we do. ask Paul(path914) the moderator, he can give you a phone number or two.
Posted By: path914 Re: Hi everyone - 02/17/06 05:02 PM
Actually the best person to talk to would be Marky, he runs a shop with many very skilled welders. I'm sure he will notice this soon and respond himself or you could send him a PM.

Btw, welcome to the SD group. We could use some new people since a few people have left recently.
Posted By: Marky_dup1 Re: Hi everyone - 02/18/06 04:24 AM
Hello. BTW there wont be much of anything going on at the shop for a while. We are docking the "Sea Fighter" a 262' catamaran from the Office of Naval Reasearch in the graving dock. The Rolls-Royce waterjet drives have issues and we will be removing them. The ship has never been on blocks before and there are problems with the build prints discovered by our MIT grad (masters) naval architect. I'll be working 7/24 with no end in sight. I was lucky to get a tour of the bridge with the chief engineer, the seats are 50k ea. and look like recaro's on steroids.

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