Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Just wondering about any future meets? i realize we lost one of our prized members since harley moved up north, but are we still not friends. I do apologize for missing the party but duty calls. Let me know what's up.
I'm down for a meet sometime in the next couple of weeks.
Yeah I'd be down for one before I go back to fuggin Texas for school on the 14th of August. Maybe someone can diagnose a couple of my car's "issues" as well!
Originally posted by Mental Case:
i realize we lost one of our prized members since harley moved up north,

Sure has been quiet down here... its almost as if the whole county has decreased in volume a few decibels...

I haven't been active, upset with car. Mitch is picking it up in the morning. So tomorrow I should find out what is causing my CRAZY oil leak.

Lets do another Casino Buffet night. We can talk cars with pounding back some "Skrimp". Hmmmmm "Skrimp"

Let me know, I am down anytime.
Originally posted by path914:
Sure has been quiet down here... its almost as if the whole county has decreased in volume a few decibels...

yea im too busy hanging out here in the SHIRE!!!
o paul by the way, dont waste your money on F4.
horrible script, bad acting, and cheesy humor. I can assure you, you wouldnt like it.
Lmao... actually, the Shire sounds like it would be a nice place to spend a month or two. I may have to visit sometime and get back to my roots, ya know...

I hear you on F4, but realistically, I'll probably still see it with H when she gets back. I'm such a movie whore...
Originally posted by path914:
I'm such a movie whore...

yea me too esp. now that i moved up here. mat. are only 5$
you can come up anytime, everyone needs to come up.
And Tim dont worry about it, there are plenty of brotha's up here

There are Brotha's in the Shire, must be a lost generation. Harley should be out there dunk'n on em at some hoops. Buffet at the Casio sounds good to me. I'm on vacation all next week BTW. I go back to work on the 25th so feel free to have something planned at this time. LOL

WHat's wrong with the tour Big Country and what happened to wildchild? i knew having anotha brotha wouldn't last. (Damn the man for keeping us down)
Originally posted by Mental Case:

WHat's wrong with the tour Big Country and what happened to wildchild? i knew having anotha brotha wouldn't last. (Damn the man for keeping us down)

its got a mysterious oil leak that he kind find,
And i think rob is on a tour of duty + right before he left he blew a head gasket
Originally posted by dubkatz:
Originally posted by Mental Case:

WHat's wrong with the tour Big Country and what happened to wildchild? i knew having anotha brotha wouldn't last. (Damn the man for keeping us down)

its got a mysterious oil leak that he kind find ,
And i think rob is on a tour of duty + right before he left he blew a head gasket

Man, you already forget how to speak english up there in them woods?

Yeah, crazy oil leak that I can't find to save my life and everytime I try to meet up with Mitch something happens.

Maybe Friday night or saturday night we can Chill at the casino.
Posted By: chbix Re: San Diego peeps, we ever gonna meet again? - 07/19/05 07:01 PM
If you guys arent doing anything we are getting together near marina del rey this sunday 7/24. Just FYI, check out the pre run reminder.
Yes We should have a meet again this time paul i wont take it so easy on you in ping pong if you wanna play this weekend i can cruz over there and give you a spanking cuz i got one last time
Anytime... Hell, I'm still thinking about the beating your girl gave me...
Also, can any of yall recommend a place that will optimize my y-pipe for a decent price? I don't have access to the tools required to complete the job though I'd love to take a stab at it. Or would anyone locally be willingly to do it for a fee

Mark was having a guy at his shop do a couple y-pipes, but then it became a bit of a pain, so he stopped doing them. Your best bet would be to print out the pictures on the site and take it to a few exhaust shops and see if anyone is willing to do the work.

Hey all, I'm new to this site. I picked up a 99 CSVT a couple of months ago and I love it. I live up in North County SD, Carlsbad to be specific. If you guys are planning any kind of meet, I like to join you. Aside from what I've seen in pictures, I'm curious to see what you guys have done with your cars. Also, my car still needs a bit of work and I'd like to find some reputable local shops. My email is


Welcome to the site. Always nice to see another local CEGer. Beginning in a couple of weeks I will be going up to Carlsbad M-F for school. I'd be happy to meet up with you sometime or you could come to our next group get-together.

Originally posted by deftoned989:
Also, can any of yall recommend a place that will optimize my y-pipe for a decent price? I don't have access to the tools required to complete the job though I'd love to take a stab at it. Or would anyone locally be willingly to do it for a fee


dude posts on the board ounce a month, never attends meets, and wants to know if anyone would optimize his ypipe for free
Originally posted by dubkatz:
Originally posted by deftoned989:
Also, can any of yall recommend a place that will optimize my y-pipe for a decent price? I don't have access to the tools required to complete the job though I'd love to take a stab at it. Or would anyone locally be willingly to do it for a fee


dude posts on the board ounce a month, never attends meets, and wants to know if anyone would optimize his ypipe for free

For a FEE... Dub, I think that clear, mountain air is messing with you

Originally posted by path914:
Originally posted by dubkatz:
Originally posted by deftoned989:
Also, can any of yall recommend a place that will optimize my y-pipe for a decent price? I don't have access to the tools required to complete the job though I'd love to take a stab at it. Or would anyone locally be willingly to do it for a fee


dude posts on the board ounce a month, never attends meets, and wants to know if anyone would optimize his ypipe for free

For a FEE... Dub, I think that clear, mountain air is messing with you

For a second there I though you said Mountain Dew.
Lol... I guess its that time of year, just wait until the Santa Ana's start coming in... we'll all be useless
Originally posted by path914:
Lol... I guess its that time of year, just wait until the Santa Ana's start coming in... we'll all be useless

deftoned989 my apologies. i miss read your post, thanks for pointing that out paul.
i guess breathing all that mountain dew is getting to me.
Originally posted by dubkatz:
Originally posted by deftoned989:
Also, can any of yall recommend a place that will optimize my y-pipe for a decent price? I don't have access to the tools required to complete the job though I'd love to take a stab at it. Or would anyone locally be willingly to do it for a fee


dude posts on the board ounce a month, never attends meets, and wants to know if anyone would optimize his ypipe for free

No worries and I would love to attend meets but I'm in Dallas 9 months out of the year at school. If one could happen before the 13th of August, like I said in the earlier post, I'd love to show up.
edit: nevermind
Well, I'm planning on having a "Thank God I'm quitting my job" party sometime around the 5th or 6th. Everyone is welcome to come. Any preferences on which day works better for everyone?
Originally posted by path914:
Well, I'm planning on having a "Thank God I'm quitting my job" party sometime around the 5th or 6th. Everyone is welcome to come. Any preferences on which day works better for everyone?

if anyone wants to buy me a plane ticket, i wil come.
If only I had the $$$...
Originally posted by path914:
If only I had the $$$...

me too i would pay for you harley but the lettuce is really short right now
Originally posted by dubkatz:
Originally posted by path914:
Well, I'm planning on having a "Thank God I'm quitting my job" party sometime around the 5th or 6th. Everyone is welcome to come. Any preferences on which day works better for everyone?

if anyone wants to buy me a plane ticket, i wil come.

I'd buy you a ticket if you pay me abck when you get a job, but then again, I may never see my money. HAHAHAHAHA
Originally posted by myfastse:
Originally posted by dubkatz:
Originally posted by path914:
Well, I'm planning on having a "Thank God I'm quitting my job" party sometime around the 5th or 6th. Everyone is welcome to come. Any preferences on which day works better for everyone?

if anyone wants to buy me a plane ticket, i wil come.

I'd buy you a ticket if you pay me abck when you get a job, but then again, I may never see my money. HAHAHAHAHA

hey thats a low blow, its only been a year since i last had a job.
I think he just called you Kramer, so that would make him Jerry and Paul is George minus the fat and bald aspect.
Hey, how did I to be George??? I resemble that remark...
Originally posted by Mental Case:
I think he just called you Kramer, so that would make him Jerry and Paul is George minus the fat and bald aspect.

SO who are you, a black Newman? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

So we ever gonna go to the casino for Buffet night again?
Plan an actual date and then we can figure out if we can go. I'm going to start a new post regarding my party next week.
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