Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: BEVAN//3L Anyone know how to locate people in MN - 11/30/05 10:38 PM
I'm trying to find a friend that lives in the Minnetonka-Minneapolis (sp?) area. The people finder sites dont work,can any CEG'ers help me out ?

Posted By: Davo Re: Anyone know how to locate people in MN - 11/30/05 10:52 PM
Post/PM to me whoever you're trying to find. I've done some great work in the past, but if they're impossible to find, they're impossible to find.
I've been trying to find an old buddy on San Jose since 97 and never came up with anything!! Maybe I will google his name and see what comes's been a while since I've tried.
What the name Im in Minnetonka and area. PM me, you never know who some one knows.
Posted By: Davo Re: Anyone know how to locate people in MN - 12/17/05 01:31 AM
Thanks for resurrecting the thread. I couldn't find anything on this person. I found a couple leads but they went dead. It's kind of hard when there isn't much info on someone and their name is relatively generic.

Check with your high school and see if they have any records for her. That may be stalker-ish but could also be worth it.
Originally posted by DeltarMN:
What the name Im in Minnetonka and area. PM me, you never know who some one knows.

PM sent.

Thanks for any help
Originally posted by Davo:
Thanks for resurrecting the thread. I couldn't find anything on this person. I found a couple leads but they went dead. It's kind of hard when there isn't much info on someone and their name is relatively generic.

Check with your high school and see if they have any records for her. That may be stalker-ish but could also be worth it.

I thought about that (records)but dont think they will be released to me.

Thanks for giving it a shot.


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