Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Matsch22 University Ave. - 05/09/05 03:12 AM
Anyone ever make there way up by University Ave? Porkys? Was up that way last night. Theres a ton of cars that sit at that Foodmart place...forgot the name of it. I followed a few cars around and ended up down by Hwy 52 and 7th and turned off of Kettin/Kenton, something like that. Was underneath a bridge then turned into a big straight-away.
Posted By: XKontour98 Re: University Ave. - 05/09/05 03:47 AM
I havent been down there for a few years now but have been planning on hitting it up this summer. My buddy is always down in that foodmart place in his pearl white 2000 Prelude. I know Redlineracer12 tends to make it down there from what I hear. We should schedule a meet one of these weekends on a fri/sat night.
Posted By: Redlineracer12 Re: University Ave. - 05/09/05 04:18 AM
Originally posted by XKontour98:
I havent been down there for a few years now but have been planning on hitting it up this summer. My buddy is always down in that foodmart place in his pearl white 2000 Prelude. I know Redlineracer12 tends to make it down there from what I hear. We should schedule a meet one of these weekends on a fri/sat night.

You got that right! i don't know exactly where your talking about, but from porky's we usually end up on either 280 or Kasota where there's a lot of action fridays and saturdays. I don't get off work til 1230 on friday nights but i am there after that and all night every saturday Anytime you guys wanna meet just let me know and i'll probably be there anyways!

If your refering to a straight-away that you have to go around that SA and down a hill i think i know where your talking about, i've been over there a few times also
Posted By: shineySVTfan Re: University Ave. - 05/09/05 04:30 AM
Originally posted by Redlineracer12:

If your refering to a straight-away that you have to go around that SA and down a hill i think i know where your talking about, i've been over there a few times also

isnt that where i beat you last summer caugh caugh...

Posted By: Redlineracer12 Re: University Ave. - 05/09/05 04:32 AM
Yeah you dusted me if i remember correctly....
Posted By: shineySVTfan Re: University Ave. - 05/09/05 04:40 AM

Posted By: XKontour98 Re: University Ave. - 05/09/05 02:14 PM
DAMN! what happened there? Was it in MN? Imnot so sure that will buff out....
Posted By: slingersvt Re: University Ave. - 05/09/05 03:10 PM
I believe that's the CSVT down at the junk yard off was rolled or I correct????

I actually found out about it this weekend from Jarrod with the Red CSVT that I met this weekend....I was going to run over there over my lunch or after work and see what I can take off of it.

Posted By: captainandy15 Re: University Ave. - 05/09/05 03:56 PM
Why would that guy on the left be smiling? Hope no one was hurt. Redlineracer I'll have to head down to Porky's with you sometime this summer, sounds like fun.
Posted By: ellmers95 Re: University Ave. - 05/10/05 06:23 PM
I was up there and usualy always am. If you guys want to get togeather let me know where you are at. Yeah that straight stretch I know where its at been there but never did anything there YET!
Posted By: MNSVT Re: University Ave. - 05/11/05 03:24 AM
That does not look like the one I got the IMRC off of. It also had different wheels that the one in this picture.
Posted By: slingersvt Re: University Ave. - 05/11/05 02:08 PM
Well, I haven't made it out there but I plan to this week because there is a bunch of small stuff I would like to get off of it. I'll post all the details when I get out there....may not be until Saturday morning though.

later. slingersvt
Posted By: Redlineracer12 Re: University Ave. - 05/12/05 05:01 PM
Originally posted by captainandy15:
Why would that guy on the left be smiling? Hope no one was hurt. Redlineracer I'll have to head down to Porky's with you sometime this summer, sounds like fun.

Oh it is
Originally posted by Redlineracer12:
Originally posted by captainandy15:
Why would that guy on the left be smiling? Hope no one was hurt. Redlineracer I'll have to head down to Porky's with you sometime this summer, sounds like fun.

Oh it is

I go down to university about every weekend and my buddies and i usually cruise around for a few hours and grab some Wendy's while we're there.... No big deal right? Well tonight i was just down there i was cruising around and got pulled over right off of University Ave..... Why was i pulled over? Well apparently my Borla exhaust is too loud, my tinting that the car came with is illegal, and ONE of my TWO rear license plate lights is burntout. All of which i explained to the officer of course. I told him i was unaware that my light was out and that i would take care of it. I don't understand how i could get a ticket for a perfectly LEGAL aftermarket exhaust system, especially since my Borla is NOT loud in the slightest. And lastly i explained to him that i bought the car with the window tinting and that i did not know it was too dark... it read 27% on his little reader, i guess the limit is 50%. AGGHHH.... I just wanted to lean out the car window and punch him in the head, is that so bad? Anyways grand total with the 3 seperate fines my total is at $383 dollars worth of equipment violations because i didn't have a single moving violation! Guess i didn't realize that going out on the weekends and having a good time while trying to avoid trouble was such an illegal act... I'm definitely fighting this ticket.
Originally posted by Redlineracer12:
Originally posted by Redlineracer12:
Originally posted by captainandy15:
Why would that guy on the left be smiling? Hope no one was hurt. Redlineracer I'll have to head down to Porky's with you sometime this summer, sounds like fun.

Oh it is

I go down to university about every weekend and my buddies and i usually cruise around for a few hours and grab some Wendy's while we're there.... No big deal right? Well tonight i was just down there i was cruising around and got pulled over right off of University Ave..... Why was i pulled over? Well apparently my Borla exhaust is too loud, my tinting that the car came with is illegal, and ONE of my TWO rear license plate lights is burntout. All of which i explained to the officer of course. I told him i was unaware that my light was out and that i would take care of it. I don't understand how i could get a ticket for a perfectly LEGAL aftermarket exhaust system, especially since my Borla is NOT loud in the slightest. And lastly i explained to him that i bought the car with the window tinting and that i did not know it was too dark... it read 27% on his little reader, i guess the limit is 50%. AGGHHH.... I just wanted to lean out the car window and punch him in the head, is that so bad? Anyways grand total with the 3 seperate fines my total is at $383 dollars worth of equipment violations because i didn't have a single moving violation! Guess i didn't realize that going out on the weekends and having a good time while trying to avoid trouble was such an illegal act... I'm definitely fighting this ticket.

Damn Tony that blows! The pigs down there are pretty brutal. We were cruising there Friday night from around 11-1230 and there was no action. Tons of cops though.

My buddy said that last weekend they ticketed everyone that was parked at Foodsmart for trespassing... I dont get it. They complain that we are out street racing and causing trouble and whatnot but when a bunch of people want to harmlessly hang out and talk cars and check out rides they're all over us! grrr This was my first time down to Uni since before college and it sucked! Boy have things changed....
Originally posted by XKontour98:
Boy have things changed....

They sure have, i'm not giving up though! still going down there every weekend whether they like it or not... Those bastards. i'll just have to make sure i have working bulbs next time
Originally posted by Redlineracer12:
Originally posted by XKontour98:
Boy have things changed....

They sure have, i'm not giving up though! still going down there every weekend whether they like it or not... Those bastards. i'll just have to make sure i have working bulbs next time

Good call man! Make sure your rolling with the windows down so you dont get picked up for tint.....
Originally posted by XKontour98:
Good call man! Make sure your rolling with the windows down so you dont get picked up for tint.....

Interesting that you should mention this. The wife was pulled over in the SVT by the local constabulary in the next town over for window tint. The cop's swagger ceased when he realized that the "punk kid" he'd pulled over (at a stopsign, mind you) turned out to be a 30-something geologist.

Ironically, the tint was perfectly OK in Texas where the cops might have somewhat more concern over getting shot at. But what to do? It isn't like Officer Friendly has anything better to do in rural Iowa.
Originally posted by Sidewinder:
Originally posted by XKontour98:
Good call man! Make sure your rolling with the windows down so you dont get picked up for tint.....

Interesting that you should mention this. The wife was pulled over in the SVT by the local constabulary in the next town over for window tint. The cop's swagger ceased when he realized that the "punk kid" he'd pulled over (at a stopsign, mind you) turned out to be a 30-something geologist.

Ironically, the tint was perfectly OK in Texas where the cops might have somewhat more concern over getting shot at. But what to do? It isn't like Officer Friendly has anything better to do in rural Iowa.

I was pulled over last fall for tint. The cop asked me how darkt hey were... I lied and said %50 he said ok and they are 35% idiot!
NICE! lol, i think next time i'm going down there i'll just roll the windows down and unplug the front two wiring harness's going to the switches, it's only like two screws That way i'll just tell them they're clear but broken
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