Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: FordTruckBoy_dup1 Pray for me!!! - 08/27/02 03:49 AM
I work at McDonalds for $7.00hr. Soon I will be divoriced paying rent, child support (3 kids), etc.. by myself and $7.00hr. just ain't gonna cut the mustard...

Today I interviewed with the district manager of Burger King for a store manager position. Needless to say if I land this job it will bring a substantial pay increase. I NEED THIS JOB!!! I won't know until the end of the week and until then I'll be biting my finger nails...

I do have store managenment experience, so I'm prayin' I'll get this. It comes with full benefits...which I need.

So either way, Pray for me!!!
Posted By: Keith W_dup1 Re: Pray for me!!! - 08/27/02 04:27 AM
It's a done deal!
Posted By: GLChick'95_dup1 Re: Pray for me!!! - 08/27/02 06:02 AM
You got it, man. I think the Big Man may listen to me thist time since it's for a good cause. Good luck! **keeping fingers crossed**
Posted By: Woodencross Re: Pray for me!!! - 08/27/02 07:30 AM
You got it man.

You'll get through it, just put your trust in God. He'll hold you up through this.
Posted By: DRIDGE11 Re: Pray for me!!! - 08/27/02 10:53 AM
Consider yourself prayed
Posted By: FordTruckBoy_dup1 Re: Pray for me!!! - 08/27/02 05:35 PM
Thank's for the support ya'll... I'm leanin' on your prayer's
Posted By: Stolon #05 Re: Pray for me!!! - 08/27/02 07:14 PM
Well for starters, you do have management experience so that will help out a lot in their decision. It'll all work out for ya. Best of luck.
Posted By: TBoomer Re: Pray for me!!! - 08/28/02 02:36 AM
I'm in your corner, man!
Posted By: Mr. Ed_dup1 Re: Pray for me!!! - 08/28/02 05:08 AM
Any word yet? Still in mine over here..hope all goes well. I tried BK here in SC but they barely apy their managers over min. wage So far I have been here a month and everyone I have had a good interview with is trying to determine "when" they want to bring me on's funny, during the interview they tell me how bad they need someone to start, they are going to make a decision that day, they want to start the person the next...I follow up that eve and they tell me they decided not to make a quick decision and that they will pick a candidate within the next week. Very strange it is...I miss Texas )% Yeah, sorry, got off track, I really do wish the best of luck to ya.

Posted By: FordTruckBoy_dup1 Re: Pray for me!!! - 08/28/02 04:24 PM
Still haven't heard anything... she said she would be doing interviews all week and calling people at the end of the week. I'm waiting anxiously
Posted By: merlin_dup1 Re: Pray for me!!! - 08/29/02 05:42 AM
I'm there for ya!
Posted By: Beachboy_dup1 Re: Pray for me!!! - 08/30/02 02:55 AM
Hey Rob,

Heard anything yet from Burger King? Yeah, I know they got another day to make up their mind and finish the interviews. Hope you get the job. What BK store in Topeka do ya think you'll be working at? Just want to stop in and give ya sh*t!! GRIN. We eat regularily at the BK at 11th and Kansas Ave.

later man, hang in there, and hope you have a great labor day weekend.
Posted By: FordTruckBoy_dup1 Re: Pray for me!!! - 08/30/02 03:25 AM
I still haven't heard anything yet. If I don't hear anything buy the end of tomorrow I will leave a message with the district manager's office. I would like to know one way or the other. I actually interviewed at the 11th and Kansas store, but there is no word as to which store I would go to. She said there was a couple of openings in Topeka and one somewhere north...
Posted By: The Davis Re: Pray for me!!! - 08/30/02 06:16 PM
Good luck!!
Posted By: Beachboy_dup1 Re: Pray for me!!! - 09/01/02 02:36 AM
Hey Rob,

Any news on your job yet, bud? Hope you got it. Also hope you're having a good labor day weekend. You definitely deservive some R&R time after going through everything you've gone through the last few weeks.

Hey man, hang in there. You got a lot of buds on this site that are sticking up for ya.
Posted By: FordTruckBoy_dup1 Re: Pray for me!!! - 09/02/02 06:19 PM
Well, she said I would hear back from her on the job by the end of last week, and Fri. came and went with no call. I called her and left a message saying I was interested, and would like to know one way or the other...

As far as this weekend goes, I've been workin' all weekend. Which is cool, cause right now I need all the money I can get.
Posted By: Shifty Re: Pray for me!!! - 09/02/02 07:44 PM
God is good. He hath created the Universe, and all in it. He does not wanteth to see his Children suffer. He wanteth them all to have the Cash to buy parts for the Contours and Mystiques and Mondeos He has seen fit to bless us with.

All kidding aside, man, I hope and pray it all works out for you. Seems like you're in a tough situation at the moment, but don't worry; In God's hands, it all works out in the end.
Posted By: FordTruckBoy_dup1 Re: Pray for me!!! - 09/03/02 06:31 AM
I know that however things work out, it is all according to gods plan. Right now I'm just taking things one day at a time.

I really appreciate all the support I've been getting on this web site...

D Davis
Mr Ed
T Red
Keith W

Hopefully I'll be able to find a second job, during the day some time in the near future. But I'm keepin' my chin up and takin it easy... Thanks guys... (and Heather! )
Posted By: TBoomer Re: Pray for me!!! - 09/03/02 06:47 AM
Here's a job tip for ya!
Assuming you have a valid driver's license, reasonably clean driving record, and clean criminal history, this is a competitor of my company's.
See if you can get on as a driver. Starting pay should be in the 10-12 range with overtime available. Pretty easy job, too!

Apria Healthcare:

(785) 272-7191
(800) 362-7777 (KS
6261-B Southwest 9th Street
Topeka, Kansas 66615-3827

Just a thought.
Posted By: GLChick'95_dup1 Re: Pray for me!!! - 09/09/02 06:23 AM
Awww *sniff* you're welcome!! Have you heard anything yet? What about data entry jobs, those pay pretty well from what I hear. Dude, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you..and yeah, you're right..things always work out!
Posted By: Ã?ber Evil Mushu! Re: Pray for me!!! - 04/07/06 05:39 AM
Originally posted by FordTruckBoy:
I work at McDonalds for $7.00hr. Soon I will be divoriced paying rent, child support (3 kids), etc.. by myself and $7.00hr. just ain't gonna cut the mustard...

Today I interviewed with the district manager of Burger King for a store manager position. Needless to say if I land this job it will bring a substantial pay increase. I NEED THIS JOB!!! I won't know until the end of the week and until then I'll be biting my finger nails...

I do have store managenment experience, so I'm prayin' I'll get this. It comes with full benefits...which I need.

So either way, Pray for me!!!

How'd those prayers work out for you? I've been praying all this time wonder how it all turned out.
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