Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Hey, I am looking at a position with PACCAR Winch in Broken Arrow. What can you guys tell me about the area? I have never been there - obviously. I am interested in info on the following type of stuff:
* Weather
* Schools
* Housing
* Stuff to do
* Pest Problems
* Population
* What ever else you might think is useful

I have a family w/ 4 children

Look forward to hearing back from you.
Why the hell would you want to move there? Timmay will just come over all the time with his wife and annoy the crap out of you. I think he lives off 128th street, or some nonsense like that.
Originally posted by Bugzuki:
* Weather

Weather is generally pretty nice. Not super cold in winter, not a lot of snow (especially this year). Doesn't get super hot in summer, can get over 100, but mostly stays in 90's. We do tend to get tornados in late Spring / early Summer.

Originally posted by Bugzuki:
* Schools

Not sure about B.A. Schools, but that's one of the more affluent areas of Tulsa, so I think they'd be pretty good.

Originally posted by Bugzuki:
* Housing

If you're buying, home prices are pretty cheap compared to other parts of the country. If you're renting, I don't really know what prices are like, I haven't rented in about 6 years.

Originally posted by Bugzuki:
* Stuff to do

Well, let's see... Motorsports wise, If you like road racing, there's Hallett. If you like Drags, there's TRP. If you're into AutoX, we have that too. However, we're having a hard time finding (and keeping) a site.

They have recently allowed the Indian Tribes have casinos so there are several of those if you're into gambling.

They have a pretty nice zoo and a brand new Aquarium in Jenks.

There are a lot of lakes in the area.

I can't really comment on "Night Life"... I have a family w/3 children, so I don't get out much.

As far as SC CEG meets are concerned, not much of anything goes on. I'm pretty much the only "regular" poster. There's a couple of trolls, Cody (Static) who used to post a lot here, and Rich (Kung Fu Troll). We get together from time to time (rare). There's also Eric (Pale Horse) but I've never met him and he hasn't posted much lately.

Edit: OH YEAH! Don't forget Timmay!!

All the real action happens down in DFW!

Originally posted by Bugzuki:
* Pest Problems

Termites are a pretty big problem (where are they not?). In the summer, we got a lot of "web worms". Not sure the technical name, but they spin these cottony cocoons in the trees and some of the really infested ones look like the tree is full of white cotton candy. I think it's more a cosmetic issue than anything else, but it just looks gross.

Originally posted by Bugzuki:
* Population

B.A. Population
Tulsa Population

I think the Tulsa area is just the right size. Big enough to have everything you need, but not so big that you feel like you're in a big city. Traffic's not too bad, except everything seems to be under construction right now.

Originally posted by Bugzuki:
I have a family w/ 4 children

Look forward to hearing back from you.

Hope this info helps!
You forgot to mention the crappy beer. I think people in Ok like to bowl and breed. Sounds like you have the latter half taken care of. It looks like a nice place to camp. Oklahoma is a pretty state and you will be close to civilized folk in Texas. Just watch out for Timmay!
Originally posted by Mushu:
You forgot to mention the crappy beer. I think people in Ok like to bowl and breed. Sounds like you have the latter half taken care of. It looks like a nice place to camp. Oklahoma is a pretty state and you will be close to civilized folk in Texas. Just watch out for Timmay!

That's because bowling and breeding are the only things to do.Why do you think the teenage birth rate is so high,seriously.

BTW:i'm not much of a fan of bowling though.
Originally posted by tsSVT:
Why do you think the teenage birth rate is so high,seriously.

The low alcohol in your beer doesn't effect sperm mobility.

Or is it affect?

Bottom line: Oklahoma is full of a bunch of horny heathens with no knowledge of birth control and bad beer.

You don't have any daughters do you?
Originally posted by Mushu:
Originally posted by tsSVT:
Why do you think the teenage birth rate is so high,seriously.

The low alcohol in your beer doesn't effect sperm mobility.

Or is it affect?

Bottom line: Oklahoma is full of a bunch of horny heathens with no knowledge of birth control and bad beer.

You don't have any daughters do you?

I wouldn't go that far,there are ALOT of stupid people in Oklahoma,but I live here I'm allowed to say that.Your from TX right?Just because the beer has less alcohol doesn't make it bad,most beer sucks anyway.The only reason people don't know enough about BC is because Oklahoma is the bible belt of America,and sex is bad so parents and school admin. think that if they tell kids that sex is bad then they won't do it.
No, I do not have any children I understand how to use BC.

BTW:it is affect
Originally posted by tsSVT:
Originally posted by Mushu:
Originally posted by tsSVT:
Why do you think the teenage birth rate is so high,seriously.

The low alcohol in your beer doesn't effect sperm mobility.

Or is it affect?

Bottom line: Oklahoma is full of a bunch of horny heathens with no knowledge of birth control and bad beer.

You don't have any daughters do you?

I wouldn't go that far,there are ALOT of stupid people in Oklahoma,but I live here I'm allowed to say that.Your from TX right?Just because the beer has less alcohol doesn't make it bad,most beer sucks anyway.The only reason people don't know enough about BC is because Oklahoma is the bible belt of America,and sex is bad so parents and school admin. think that if they tell kids that sex is bad then they won't do it.
No, I do not have any children I understand how to use BC.

BTW:it is affect

How cute. You are new. You don't know me yet. I'm an evil smartass. Ask anyone who has a post count over 100.

Dammit! I had affect first!

The daughter question was for the original poster.

Actually I've been looking at this site for probably 4 or 5 years.I was here before the site went to it's new format.I stopped posting for a couple of years when the site got flooded with smartarse jerks and people who didn't give a s*** about the site.So, no I'm not new.

And no that wasn't directed at you.
I have three daughters. So, in other words if we teach our childern well and stay away from the bars we well be fine.

We, do not have a termite problem up here, some dampwood termites.

Sounds like you have a fair amount of stuff to do. I do not really get out that much either, but we do stuff as a family. Lots of lakes sounds good. And with the warm weather the water might not be too bad. Up here the water probably only warms up to about 55 - 60 degrees in the lakes.

I wish that I had time to do more motor sports.
kung fo troll and MY03R6 (AKA tim kirk) live in BA ask them
It's Oklahoma by the way!

Broken Arrow is awesome. The schools are first rate. It's ranked 47th on the safest city in the nation list.
Yes, I'm here but I'm out of the city most of the time. I'm married now so you won't have to worry about your daughters!

The homes average about $100,000 for a very nice house.
I bought a 1300 sq ft house for 82k.

Theres plenty to do, depends on what your into.

Pest problems, Very little probs if you take care of your stuff.

90,000 last census, don't know now. It's growing!

I'd say go for it.
PM me if you wanna know anymore.
Originally posted by MY99SVT:
I'm married now so you won't have to worry about your daughters!

that is the #1 cause of divorce
Hey y'all. Another BA'er here.

I personally love it. I live on a dead end street where it's quiet. The neighbors look out for each other. And I got my house pretty cheap. About the size of Tim's for about 10k less.

Yowza! 666 posts. Ahh.. thats better.

Thanks again for the info. I have looked over the Broken Arrow website a bunch. I like the house prices. I could afford to live near work. Here 45 minutes from work a 1300 square foot house across the street is for sale for $260,000.

I'll see how it goes with the position there.

That is cool that it is the safest city in Oklahoma. How is the area around the Liberty Elementary School?
Very nice actually. My boss just bought a house over there.
Prices are generally higher on houses in that area. But I guarentee it's nice. I want a house over there.
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