Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: joker93 Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/22/05 05:49 AM
Hey fellas, just wanting to know if there are any groups in the area of Austin/San Antonio that get together? I have three other fellas in the Austin area that would like to get together sometime with other CEGers. We all have SVT Contours and love to get out for a cruise sometime. Thanks.
Posted By: TexasRealtor Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/22/05 10:31 PM
Welcome to CEG. I live in New Braunfels.
Posted By: joker93 Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/23/05 06:22 AM
Do you guys ever get together and if so when?
Posted By: TexasRealtor Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/23/05 02:28 PM
Originally posted by joker93:
Do you guys ever get together and if so when?

We actually got a bunch together last fall and took a cruise down devils backbone. Anyone have any pics they can post?
Posted By: Hydramatic Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/25/05 06:44 AM
Oh yeah! A new guy! Welcome to CEG! WOOOOOOO!

Anyway, yeah Me and my friend live here in New Braunfels too. I have a '97 Mystique, and he has a '00 Contour. Both are Zetecs, but he's got the VCT. We'd probably be down to do anything....anytime we get a day off or after 5PM. We cruise down to SA sometimes too. At the moment, we are getting him some wheels and tires, but yeah just contact us, and the 4-cyl brigade will head out!
Posted By: Batmobile_dup1 Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/25/05 01:50 PM
Originally posted by MadMerc97:
Oh yeah! A new guy! Welcome to CEG! WOOOOOOO!

Anyway, yeah Me and my friend live here in New Braunfels too. I have a '97 Mystique, and he has a '00 Contour. Both are Zetecs, but he's got the VCT. We'd probably be down to do anything....anytime we get a day off or after 5PM. We cruise down to SA sometimes too. At the moment, we are getting him some wheels and tires, but yeah just contact us, and the 4-cyl brigade will head out!

Zetec represent!
Posted By: GS474 Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/25/05 08:50 PM
Originally posted by Batmobile:
Originally posted by MadMerc97:
Oh yeah! A new guy! Welcome to CEG! WOOOOOOO!

Anyway, yeah Me and my friend live here in New Braunfels too. I have a '97 Mystique, and he has a '00 Contour. Both are Zetecs, but he's got the VCT. We'd probably be down to do anything....anytime we get a day off or after 5PM. We cruise down to SA sometimes too. At the moment, we are getting him some wheels and tires, but yeah just contact us, and the 4-cyl brigade will head out!

Zetec represent!

wooot woot

yeah i live southside san antonio i visit san marcus / new brantfulls almost every weekend
Posted By: joker93 Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/25/05 11:24 PM
We got together with a couple of guys from the austinsvt club this weekend to go out on a cruise, but then as soon as we got under way the freakin' skies opened up and dumped a crap load of rain. We are going to try this weekend but unfortunitly I won't be there this time but the following weekend I will. If you don't mind cruising around with a bunch of svts let me know.
Posted By: DirtySVT_dup1 Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/26/05 02:05 AM
Im in Noth Central San Antonio but travel to Austin just about every other weekend to see family when I get a day off. Im down for a meets just as long as i get a little notice for work.
Posted By: joker93 Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/26/05 11:00 PM
Daniel its me Mike, black svt contour, I'm the one who posted this subject. When are you coming up for a cruise?
Posted By: Hydramatic Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/27/05 08:04 AM
Originally posted by DirtySVT:
Im in Noth Central San Antonio but travel to Austin just about every other weekend to see family when I get a day off. Im down for a meets just as long as i get a little notice for work.

Ditto. However, as of now my car is at bluebonnet(blechhh) getting the wiring harness replaced. Should be done soon though. It'd be tight if we got a meet going around these parts. maybe even scare all the ricers out of town for a while. i can see it now....

*Civic Steve*-Hey Integra bob, you see that convoy of cars coming

*Integra Bob*-What's that homie? Oh snap! It's a group of domestic four doors! and they have some wicked body kits...except those two cheap lookin ones in the back, struggling up the hill yo. And what's up with that retarded mercury with the whitewall tires? He's gotta be at least 65.

*Eclipse Stan*-and they're running duals too, Gee. That's some phat sedan going by, but we gotta stay strong and ignore them because they are like, totallly non-decal powered like us. Just look annoyed when they go by...
Posted By: Ray_dup1 Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/27/05 02:23 PM
I'm smack in the middle of SA and The Wierd.

Let me know, and I will be down. I have an appt in Austin today (1100, and also 1:30) so I will be along the Ben white and 35 area all day.

Anyway, let's meet up, and see what we can do for some fun.

Posted By: Hydramatic Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/27/05 08:50 PM
Dang it. I work 5:00 to close today, but tommorrow I'm off. Bummer. Plus my car's still up at the dealorship getting the wiring harness done. I want my car back from Bluebonnet already...
Posted By: SVTLAY_dup1 Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/29/05 04:30 AM
I am down for a meet if i know in advance cause of work. I work this weekend but would be able to go for a cruise on sunday the 7th.
Posted By: GS474 Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/29/05 07:53 PM
i been to that blue bonnet dEALERSHIP thats were i saw my first ford gt in person and i saw a roush f-150

i was there with a freind he had to get a crank shaft sensor for his f-150
Posted By: Rogue5_jm Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/30/05 12:25 AM
*MM97's '00 contour buddy*

lol, I'm up for anything, not much to do really. trying to drive this thing around as much as possible to get used to it. Feels great after driving a minivan for 11 months.
Posted By: joker93 Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/30/05 04:47 AM
Alright fellas, looks like we have enough interest to do a cruise. I'll get together with a couple of guys from austinsvt to see if they want to join in. We'll try for Aug. 7. As soon as we get more detail I'll let you guys know.
Posted By: Hydramatic Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/30/05 11:00 PM
The Seventh huh? I'll check my schedule, and hopefully my car will be back by then. I took it in on Monday, and it's saturday now. Does it really take this long to replace a cracked wiring harness? Geez... I thought they were techs...
Posted By: Ray_dup1 Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/30/05 11:16 PM
Its a LONG job.. you are SO lucky to have been within the window to get it done.

Most people would rather not undertake that job...

Posted By: Hydramatic Re: Austin/San Antonio area? - 07/30/05 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Ray:
Its a LONG job.. you are SO lucky to have been within the window to get it done.

Most people would rather not undertake that job...


Yeah, I had(Get this..) 37 miles left on the warranty! That's when I found out about it from CEG. You guys are lifesavers. Unfortunately, I'm not old enough to get a loaner car so I'm stuck at home. I am SOOOOOO bored. And it doesn't help that we have like no food here either. I just read about the flat rate for the techs, and that just plain bites for them, but I would rather not do it myself at cost. You should have seen their faces when I went into the dealorship and told THEM what was wrong, and proceeded to complain about not receiving a notice in the mail. They then told me to shove it unless I was experiencing any DIRECT problems with it. I was about ready to start yelling at them about the dangers of exposed battery, fuel injector, and cooling fan wires when I calmed down and thought of a better Idea. So, I sicced my Mom on them, and things started to happen and all of the sudden EVERYONE was soooo happy to be helping me. She is a VERY strong type of lady. She works as nursing home administrator over in Seguin, where she promptly fired close to 20 people in the first two weeks. She knows how to get things done. Anyways, I hate not driving. It's what I used to do for entertainment.
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