Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: KingpinSVT you know you go to CU when. . . - 06/25/04 04:03 AM
friend showed me this today, i thought it was pretty funny. some of you should be able to pick up on the jokes. . .

"College is about accomplisments...CU #1 Party School in America."

You know you go to CU if...

1. Everyone thanks the bus drivers

2. People gasp when you tell them how much your rent is for your crappy house

3. You sit between that hippie girl and the heir to Exxon Oil

4. You're more afraid of running out of alcohol then by being busted by the cops

5. People think it should be a bigger fine to smoke a cigarette than pot

6. You can wear a winter jacket to class one day and a tank top the next

7. You have had AT LEAST one 8 am in either the MATH or the ECON building (whichever is farthest from you)

8. Even the engineers drink

9. You have an antonomyn for drinking for every day of the week (i.e. thirsty thursday, wasted wednesday..etc)

10. Nobody is around Saturday mornings in the fall because they're either hungover or at a football game, nobody is around Saturday mornings in the winter because they're either hungover or skiing/snowboarding

11. You have been in a riot

12. You'd rather beat CSU then get laid

13. You hate Nebraska-everything about it

14. You tell people you know "Chef" from South Park

15. You sometimes almost forget how awesome the flatirons are, ALMOST

16. When you tell people where you go to school, they tell you how lucky you are

17. you swear you know how to make THE BEST jungle juice

18. You consider beer pong a sport

19. You complain that nobody can drive worth [censored]

20. You know the street performers by name

21. You know how important it is to bring/sneak in marshmallows to football games
Posted By: Derk-xB Re: you know you go to CU when. . . - 06/25/04 04:31 AM
Pretty funny! Number 1, 2, & 3 could also apply to Berkeley.

I went to the step-child of CO universities....UNC never got any love, especially in Boulder. CU's campus is beautiful, and so is Boulder. I love Boulder, in fact. (Little to rich for my blood right now... that rent comment is not a lie!) Big schools are not my bag - profs that don't care about teaching (only about getting their research done), all my tuition dollars going to the football coach , etc etc.

Sorry. Rant off.

Go Buffs and Go Bears!
Posted By: lindston Re: you know you go to CU when. . . - 06/25/04 05:45 AM
Yep. That's CU. I can attest to the engineers drinking and holy [censored] no one here can drive... and that list should have one more: "You bottom out your stock height svt at every other god damn intersection if you aren't careful"

'99 silver frost svt
Posted By: Derk-xB Re: you know you go to CU when. . . - 06/25/04 02:29 PM
Speaking of Boulder and SVTs...I saw a T-Red SVT while I was there last weekend. I got a nod and a grin.

***We now return to your regularly scheduled post***

What's with Coloradans thinking they own the left lane? 76mph on the highway DOES NOT justify you being in the "fast" lane!
Posted By: PlatoSVT Re: you know you go to CU when. . . - 06/25/04 03:16 PM
You're telling me.... I hate that about Colorado. More often than not, the "slow", right lane will get you there faster, since everybody seems to want to be in the left lane and hold the speed limit. I'm by no means a speeder around town, but I like to at least cruise around 5 over usually.
Posted By: KingpinSVT Re: you know you go to CU when. . . - 06/25/04 07:30 PM
Originally posted by Derk2000:
Speaking of Boulder and SVTs...I saw a T-Red SVT while I was there last weekend. I got a nod and a grin.

***We now return to your regularly scheduled post***

What's with Coloradans thinking they own the left lane? 76mph on the highway DOES NOT justify you being in the "fast" lane!

i think the guy with the t-red svt is someone on the forums. there is a guy from there with a red svt as his beater, as his "real" car is a built supra. not a bad combo.

i dont know the deal with the left lane. i hate that the most about this state. the speed limit is florida is 70mph, and if your not going AT LEAST 85 in the left lane, you will get run off the road, or at least honked at a bunch and get the international #1 sign. ive been trained that if im not going hella fast, or im not passing anyone, get in the right lane.

if im in the mood to go fast, i just give people the old flash of my lights till people move over. im going to teach coloradians a lesson, one car at a time! its probably the most A-hole thing i do, but it is a really big pet peeve of mine. whats fast enough for you is not fast enough for everyone!

oh, this is my thread, we can talk about whatever we want to
Posted By: Derk-xB Re: you know you go to CU when. . . - 06/25/04 09:23 PM
Originally posted by KingpinSVT:

i think the guy with the t-red svt is someone on the forums. there is a guy from there with a red svt as his beater, as his "real" car is a built supra. not a bad combo.

Yeah, not a bad combo at all.

Originally posted by KingpinSVT:

i dont know the deal with the left lane. i hate that the most about this state. the speed limit is florida is 70mph, and if your not going AT LEAST 85 in the left lane, you will get run off the road, or at least honked at a bunch and get the international #1 sign. ive been trained that if im not going hella fast, or im not passing anyone, get in the right lane.

if im in the mood to go fast, i just give people the old flash of my lights till people move over. im going to teach coloradians a lesson, one car at a time! its probably the most A-hole thing i do, but it is a really big pet peeve of mine. whats fast enough for you is not fast enough for everyone!

I honestly don't think flashing should be interpreted as bad. When I get flashed, I stomp on it and get the F outta the way. No need to get mad, upset, offended etc. I understand that the person behind me wants to go faster. It's simple. Unfortunately, most Americans don't react that way...they get pissed and think you're an a-hole

I think Coloradans hog the left lane for two reasons: 1) they're afraid to pass someone at what might be considered "speeding" speeds. Hence the 77mph left hand lane passes that take 3 minutes to complete. 2) Once passing, Coloradans think, "Well, I might as well pass the next guy, cause if I get out of the left lane now, it'll take a while to get back in the left lane."

Hence the hogging delima is multifactorial, and my patience exponentially decreases.

Derk2000 mad !?!?! I cant see that ! lol I give them the fast run up move. I see them at 70MPH in the left lane and I come in about 80MPH, they move most the time. After I put the hood scoop on, more people move, and a lot more people want to race !
Colorado is bad for slow vehicle passing slow vehicle's. I was coming back from Springs to Pueblo and A RV decided he was going to pass a truck-and-trailer. YEAH at 45mph. I was at 80 ! That one scared me. People need to use there mirrors more often. -B.
Posted By: Derk-xB Re: you know you go to CU when. . . - 06/25/04 09:43 PM
Originally posted by blackwidowSVTT:
Derk2000 mad !?!?! I cant see that ! lol

Yeah, it usually takes about 2:58 of 77mph in the left lane for me to get steamed. Those next two seconds are hell!
Nah, I'm pretty calm 99% of the time. Altough, an RV going 45 would probably scare me and get me peeved.
Hogging the left lane will be a ticketable offense come July 1. The state legislature passed the law in the beginning of the year. The only question is how will it be enforced.

Edit: And if you want to see some drunk engineers, be on the Mines campus the first weekend in April.
Originally posted by Mines SVT:

Edit: And if you want to see some drunk engineers, be on the Mines campus the first weekend in April.

Mother [censored] E-DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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