Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: ExDelayed_dup1 The joys of the Duratec - 05/15/06 12:55 AM
I just had the pleasure of changing the rear upper O2.
Posted By: KingpinSVT Re: The joys of the Duratec - 05/15/06 02:48 AM
I just did that too before my long trip back east. Its not bad, but I have big hands and it wasnt easy either.
Posted By: Horse_dup1 Re: The joys of the Duratec - 05/15/06 06:33 AM

suck it trebec!
Posted By: Swazo Re: The joys of the Duratec - 05/15/06 05:25 PM
Cut the connector off the old o2 and use a deep socket w/ swivel joint and a small-medium extenstion and it comes out quick and easy. Put some anti-seize on ze new vone and eet goez riiiight in finger tight and finish up with a stubby wrench.

As my russian friend Peter would say, "Iz no beeg deal!"
Posted By: ExDelayed_dup1 Re: The joys of the Duratec - 05/16/06 03:24 AM
The new one is in. I used my O2 socket and a big wrench to remove the old one from the bottom. My arm is small enough to fit between the intermediate shaft, subframe and exhaust.

Though the whole process would probably be easier if its roll resistors were good. Id have that much more room.
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