Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: yamahaSHO Colordo SHO/SVT members - just an update - 12/08/04 05:36 AM
Hey guys, have not heard from or talked to you guys since the last meeting, so I thought I'd give you an update with my red car. I recently purchased a few items that I've been so anxiously talking about.

I've still got quite a bit more to buy, but since the car is away for the winter, I can take my time. I look forward to bringing it out in the spring!
Lookin good Jason! Can't wait to take a ride in that thing in the spring when you get 'er going. No real new news here, just busy as HE!! with work, as we host tons of Christas parties, so I've been working double shifts, and making a good chunk of dough. But, alas, most of that money is going to tuition and books for next semester.
i wish i had a use for a boost gauge
Posted By: Derk-xB Re: Colordo SHO/SVT members - just an update - 12/08/04 07:09 PM
Hmmm...that looks remarkably similar to this:

Awesome! Can't wait to see it in the spring!
Yeah, I am pretty much mimicking Pat's set up. I have been looking to him for advice and tips on supercharging the car. With the knowledge he already has about supercharging SHO's, this should go rather smoothly in hopes that I do not blow a piston.

Just run a lot of fuel !!! lol Awesome man. I cannot wait for the Canyon run "05", its going to be crazy ! So, is Pat going to help you on the install ? I have been actully thinking about selling my turbo set-up and going with a built 3L with Nitrous Oxide. I am thinking I will take it down to Keyser in AZ and have it all done at once. The motor has 100K miles on it now and I dont really look forward to the engine cost in the near future ! I just dont know how much I could get for the turbo kit ?

Well, just thoughts for now. If the weather is good in Jan. the meeting at G.T. will be on for me. Hope the weather is good. Talk to you all later. -B.

PS: Anyone loking for a black SVT Contour, there is one for sale here in CO Springs, 55k miles for $5,500 Just thought I would let everyone know.
Deamn that's cheap. E0 or E1?
I would never go from boost to nitrous... I have to have power all the time. Notice how I sold my N2O before even using it.
yeah, but the turbo set-up can pay for the engine up grade that I need and then set it up for Nitrous for the added kick and to run it safely. Its just an idea, but I do need the rebuild some time and no $$$ as of right now. My car is smoking more and more at start up, I dont think there is a quick fix any longer, but its part of making a quick car FAST ! lol Who knows, might just sell it and put all the money into the GSX, I know I can get 400 AWD HP out of that. lol Just kicking around ideas.

Plato : Its a 98 CSVT, and it runs good ! Has some major fogging headlights, but looks good over all, well worth the $5,900 in my mind. -B.
Sorry I thought it was $5500, thats what it says on the car here in CO Springs !

Your car is smoking at start-up? How many miles? Sounds like valve stem seals to me. I just replaced Pat's this past weekend.
last year it was mentioned in the early canyon run thread to go to the mustang ralley in steamboat in june. I was born and raised in steamboat, and went to the ralley every year. there are usualy several non mustangs, ie. lightnings, and panteras, gt-40's. I think we should go and show our cars. this is just an idea for a good chance to show some svt/sho's. the drive is great, and beautiful, and partys are abundunt. I am going, maybe some one else might come so it isent me and my buddys sho from the Boat.
Originally posted by yamahaSHO:

Your car is smoking at start-up? How many miles? Sounds like valve stem seals to me. I just replaced Pat's this past weekend.

I have 101K on it right now. Its been boosted since 78K miles. Car still runs well, just leaves people in my dust, I mean cloud ! lol
I dont mind to much (other people do) ! After it warms up it stops. It might be just oil that sits in the turbo and when I start it up, its all fried in there. I dont know at this point, no loss of compression though. -B.
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