Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
There are four events in September/October with Central PA SCCA. We can meet on/near campus with the PSU car club and drive to the event, autocross/BS all day, and then do dinner/drinks.

It's a great site for newbies because they take you on a low-speed drive-through and provide instruction, and they are good courses. It's also a good site to hang out because they have real bathrooms and concessions (great burgers!) and a place to sit inside if you want.

If you haven't autocrossed before, don't be scared. I can ride along with you in your car, and co-drives may be arranged in my car if you really can't/don't want to run your Contique. I will say that pretty much any Contique just needs the front tire pressures jacked up and loose items cleaned out of the interior to be ready to rock.

This is a very friendly, low-key region, so please don't come because you don't want to risk looking silly or slow. Contours tend to make everyone look like a hero anyway! Even if you really, really don't want to autocross, just come hang out. There are cool cars and national level drivers to watch, and we'll have fun after the event as well.

This is a fairly central location for NE region people - lets have a big event! Schedule now, make it part of another trip, bring a friend, drive to State College with other local CEGers, etc. There are PSU home games before the Sept 17 and Oct 1 dates if you're a fan.

Sept 10 and 17 and Oct 1 and 8th are the choices. Vote now! Post up as well about alternate dates, things you'd like to do, etc.

What day works for you?
Sept 10
Sept 17
Oct 1
Oct 8

More info on the area:
PSU car club forums - stop in and say hi! :
CPR SCCA webpage:
Info on sporting events at PSU:
Visitor's guide for PSU:
Newbie guide for autocross:
I'm sure I could make it to at least one of those days. However, I never know what my schedule will look like, so I can't pick one for sure right now. My wife got a 2000 Miata a couple months ago and would probably want to run it around the course. I've never done an autocross before, so having someone else there to explain things would be great.
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