Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: skunk_dup1 out of commission all messed up. - 06/18/06 12:37 AM
I took a hard fall on some stairs during an ambulance call and messed by back and neck up really bad. I have been having horrible headaches and muscle spazzims(sp?)in my back ever since, this happened on the 5th. I had xrays but they where not clear so now I'm going this wensday to have an mri of my spine then go thursday to boston to see a nurologist.They are almost 100% sure I didn't break my back but most likley damaged some disc's and have swelling around my spinal cord causing the headaches and back pain, the mri will show what is going on. I'm on all kinds of drugs, painkillers, muscle relaxer, and stuff for my headaches. I had a realy bad headache the other day, made me vommit and had to go the emergency room for serious painkillers by iv.

I could hardly sleep or move for atleast 5days, I can move around now but I'm very stiff and it takes me a moment to get moving. If I sit I'm okay until I try to get up. If I move a certian way I get a spazzim(sp?again)in my lower back that will take my breathe away. I drove my car for the first time today and had to get in very slow and couldn't go to far it starts to hurt(dammit!!)and it was a chore to get out.

The worst thing is I may be looking at the end of my career has a firefighter. The doctors are pretty sure I will not be the same and most likely will not be able to perform the duties of my job. I will get a disabiliy retirement from the town if the doctors do find this to be the case. I could be facing surgery, physical theropy and a long rehab.

I'm rambling on here, I'm dam mad&sad at the same time. I'm looking at a long road ahead no matter how I look at it. I won't be doing any meets for awhile but I will post(I'm sure I'll be bored anyway ). I will let you all know whats going on has soon as I find things out.
Posted By: jd2-98s Re: out of commission all messed up. - 06/18/06 12:49 AM
Originally posted by skunk:
I took a hard fall on some stairs during an ambulance call and messed by back and neck up really bad. I have been having horrible headaches and muscle spazzims(sp?)in my back ever since, this happened on the 5th. I had xrays but they where not clear so now I'm going this wensday to have an mri of my spine then go thursday to boston to see a nurologist.They are almost 100% sure I didn't break my back but most likley damaged some disc's and have swelling around my spinal cord causing the headaches and back pain, the mri will show what is going on. I'm on all kinds of drugs, painkillers, muscle relaxer, and stuff for my headaches. I had a realy bad headache the other day, made me vommit and had to go the emergency room for serious painkillers by iv.

I could hardly sleep or move for atleast 5days, I can move around now but I'm very stiff and it takes me a moment to get moving. If I sit I'm okay until I try to get up. If I move a certian way I get a spazzim(sp?again)in my lower back that will take my breathe away. I drove my car for the first time today and had to get in very slow and couldn't go to far it starts to hurt(dammit!!)and it was a chore to get out.

The worst thing is I may be looking at the end of my career has a firefighter. The doctors are pretty sure I will not be the same and most likely will not be able to perform the duties of my job. I will get a disabiliy retirement from the town if the doctors do find this to be the case. I could be facing surgery, physical theropy and a long rehab.

I'm rambling on here, I'm dam mad&sad at the same time. I'm looking at a long road ahead no matter how I look at it. I won't be doing any meets for awhile but I will post(I'm sure I'll be bored anyway ). I will let you all know whats going on has soon as I find things out.

My god, I'm at a loose for words This is the last thing I want to hear happen to a hero. And anyone that risks there life to save others is a hero! I will pray. I'm sorry again to hear this. Man.

Posted By: MAZDASPEED Re: out of commission all messed up. - 06/18/06 01:53 AM
Good lord! I'm really sorry to hear about this Skunk! I wish you a speedy recovery. In the interim, if there's anything you need, know that I'm just up the road in Auburn.

Take care and do what the doctors tell you. As you know the back and neck are too important! I seperated a shoulder in an ambulance call myself and rushed to get back out in the field now it acts up here and there.
Posted By: skunk_dup1 Re: out of commission all messed up. - 06/18/06 02:18 AM
Thanks for the support guy's. I'm not going to rush anything that is for sure. I'm just going to take it easy. I'm sure alot of things will change even more depending on the results of the mri. I'll make sure to keep everyone up to date.
Posted By: Matt R_dup1 Re: out of commission all messed up. - 06/18/06 03:07 AM
That is always the worst thing to hear after an injury if you are in the emergency services. A carrer ending injury sucks, bad. Best of luck to you, and your recovery. You can always be a driver.
Posted By: rouar Re: out of commission all messed up. - 06/18/06 04:01 AM
... oh man, so sorry to hear. At least it's not a slipped disc, those are like stay-on-the-couch-all-week painful (one of my uncles had one). Like Ryan said - I'm around the corner too; should you need anything just call.
Posted By: cruises8_dup1 Re: out of commission all messed up. - 06/18/06 12:23 PM
Sorry to hear. I hope your recovery is quick.
Posted By: BrApple_dup1 Re: out of commission all messed up. - 06/18/06 01:39 PM
Originally posted by cruises8:
Sorry to hear. I hope your recovery is quick.

best of luck, I am sure everythign will turn out fine
Posted By: ElKy Re: out of commission all messed up. - 06/18/06 03:40 PM
Aw man!
sorry to hear this.

just let me know where those stairs are and i will make sure they dont make it to next week!
Posted By: Snipey Re: out of commission all messed up. - 06/18/06 04:57 PM
shitttty. hope everything turns out alright and the recovery is quick
oh my god
that is awful!

hang tough skunk
get well soon!
Posted By: JSmith_dup1 Re: out of commission all messed up. - 06/18/06 09:09 PM
I'm sad to hear this. I'm sure you'll be fine in the end. You have the stength and positive attitude about it so I'm sure you'll have a speedy recovery.

It amazes that as long as you stay positive, don't worry about too much about things and try to relax your body will fix itself and before you know it you'll be fine and back on the prowl.
Posted By: Buddy Palumbo Re: out of commission all messed up. - 06/19/06 03:00 AM
Originally posted by cruises8:
Sorry to hear. I hope your recovery is quick.

Posted By: getsum111 Re: out of commission all messed up. - 06/19/06 01:56 PM
Skunk, don't be too sure that it's the end of your career. I had lots of work doneto my back. Broken vertabre, healed crooked. Years later, while lifting a keg , rebroke the same vertabre, right above the pelvis. Needed a laminectamy (??), bone graft, fusion, and titanium rods and screws. Waited 6 months for the surgery, then 3 months recovery w/ vback brace on ( boy you can feel like a dork at the beach w./ a corset brace on ), then 6 months of Physical thereapy.
About 1 year after all that, I tested for my 2nd degree Black belt in Kung Fu. Doctors said I would be lucky to walk w/o pain, and to give up on the Kung fu. They are not always right.
Do what the docs tell you, work HARD through the therapy (even when it hurts ), and pray. Hopefully, they will fix you up so that you can still be a fireman. If they can't, keep you chin up. Most of the recovery is in the head. That is what my surgeons told me. Hope it all goes well for you.
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