Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: slashdevnull 2000 CSVT: My lost cause - 04/26/06 08:04 PM
My silver 2000 CSVT with spun bearings has been sitting for about a year now, still not fixed. I don't have the time, money or other resources to fix or replace the engine. I'm thinking of selling it as a parts car or a fixer-upper, but figured I'd check with you guys first. Any suggestions as to...

a) whether I should post it on eBay or here?
b) what a good asking price is for a 2000 CSVT in reasonably good condition (other than the blown engine)?

I also have a '98 which is pretty damn screwed, which anyone can just take if they want it. The interior is totally ruined and the engine is probably completely screwed (it was supposed to be my replacement engine for the 2000, until the "mechanics" got their hands on it). The side skirts and wheels might be worth having, but that's pretty much it. Who knows, maybe it has some engine or transmission parts or something that are still good.

I need to get the 2000 out of my friend's driveway, and the '98 out of the parking lot of the place I work. I welcome any direction/advice from the group.
Posted By: dcSVT_dup1 Re: 2000 CSVT: My lost cause - 04/26/06 09:26 PM
no time, no money = no use in saving. try both the classifieds and ebay at the same time.
Posted By: Goonz SVT Re: 2000 CSVT: My lost cause - 04/26/06 09:34 PM
strip it and sell it as a parts car, you'll make more money off of that..
Posted By: CSVT1214 Re: 2000 CSVT: My lost cause - 04/26/06 09:38 PM
Wow, I remember your car. I was wondering what ever happened with that.

How much would you want for the whole car? What exactly does it need? How many miles? Could be a good project car for me.
Posted By: hotdimmes Re: 2000 CSVT: My lost cause - 04/26/06 11:18 PM
Originally posted by slashdevnull:

I also have a '98 which is pretty damn screwed, which anyone can just take if they want it.

does this mean freebies?

Man if I had the spare cash(or any cash), I'd totally be up for that silfro with a 3L transplant.

Keep me posted if you part any of them out as I'm interested in some svt parts on the cheap.
Posted By: ElKy Re: 2000 CSVT: My lost cause - 04/27/06 12:31 PM
wish you were closer...i would take the 98 off your hands.
Posted By: CSVT1214 Re: 2000 CSVT: My lost cause - 04/27/06 01:34 PM
Originally posted by ElKy da Stalker:
wish you were closer...i would take the 98 off your hands.

It's mine, all mine!!!
Posted By: ElKy Re: 2000 CSVT: My lost cause - 04/27/06 01:42 PM
you can have the 2000...i want the 98!
Posted By: CSVT1214 Re: 2000 CSVT: My lost cause - 04/27/06 01:47 PM
Originally posted by ElKy da Stalker:
you can have the 2000...i want the 98!

I need parts off the 98 to fix my car and I want to buy the 2000 for 3L swap.
Posted By: ElKy Re: 2000 CSVT: My lost cause - 04/27/06 03:03 PM
I'll Roschambou you for it...I go first...

i just want some parts is all...
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