Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: wontgrowup_dup1 7 days to go.... - 03/20/06 04:03 AM
Well, ladies and gents, it's not too much longer before I head out West for the USAF. The cool thing is, those of you who've heard of Kokopellian here on the boards-I have been corresponding with him for quite awhile and will hopefully be meeting up with him in TX after Basic.

For those of you who are interested in "throwing down" one more drink with me before I go, there is a party being arranged at the Double Door in Springfield for Friday evening after 6 PM. It's easy to shares the same building with Hooters Just call my cell#14132199793 and let me know by Thursday if you will be attending.

Linky: Directions to Double Door

Also, for the curious, here is the link to the base where most of my training will be:
Sheppard AFB
Posted By: LUCA_dup1 Re: 7 days to go.... - 03/20/06 09:49 AM
Chris, I wish you all the best!
USAF, very
Posted By: frenchblueC2_dup1 Re: 7 days to go.... - 03/20/06 12:52 PM
good luck, man.
Mike and I will be heading to Montreal for the weekend, so we are unable to attend.
Have a great time on Friday!
Posted By: ElKy Re: 7 days to go.... - 03/20/06 01:18 PM
i will talk to jess and see if she wants to go.

if i cant make it...good luck!
Posted By: Goonz SVT Re: 7 days to go.... - 03/20/06 02:23 PM
good luck man and keep in touch
Posted By: rouar Re: 7 days to go.... - 03/20/06 02:43 PM
Originally posted by wontgrowup:
Well, ladies and gents, it's not too much longer before I head out West for the USAF. The cool thing is, those of you who've heard of Kokopellian here on the boards-I have been corresponding with him for quite awhile and will hopefully be meeting up with him in TX after Basic.

Small world glad you'll be getting to know someone down there already!

I don't know if I'll be able to party on but I can let you know as soon as I figure out my weekend (now that the term has started again it's getting wicked crazy).
Posted By: wontgrowup_dup1 Re: 7 days to go.... - 03/21/06 04:07 AM
Thanks for all of the support!!

I'm more concerned about Colin and Holly(and my cousin Missy and Brother in law Jon who are in Baghdad )who have to "soldier on" alone for six months. Things have been kinda rough here, so this may be a good break. Even the thought of sweating and running around aimlessly actually sounds fun....

Wanna hear something weird?? I tried to get Colin's Social Security card duplicated at the SSI office in Springfield (i need it for insurance and survivor benefits), I was told I couldn't get one.....wanna know why?? Even with his Certified Birth Certificate, I was told that it wasn't an "acceptable form of ID". They gave me a list of "acceptable" ID-i.e.-Driver's license, Military ID, Life Insurance papers....or a school ID. I asked the woman "How old do you think my son is??? Driver's license?!?! He's 12 years old ma'am." Even after giving them a copy of my Service papers/official orders for the USAF, they told me that it didn't matter, I was stuck. I further explained tha the only way to get his school ID was to....bring Colin into the office himself as he has to wear his school ID at all times while in School. No way I'm making him take a half day off so some beauracrat can justify their job. What a bunch of stupid he may not recieve Health Insurance.
Posted By: wontgrowup_dup1 Re: 7 days to go.... - 03/24/06 04:02 AM
Well, I can honestly say that I'm looking forward to getting a fresh start with my career and my life in general....some of the crap I've put up with in the last week has sealed it for me that it's time to move on to something else.

It's literally gotten to the point that a very good "friend" I've known for 25 years+ felt it necessary to call up and give me crap at work for something I may/may have not said to a mutual co-worker we have(almost three weeks ago);he finished his statement with "Don't ever speak to me again!" and slammed down the phone in my ear. What?!?! When did I suddenly go back to High School????

What was more mean spirited was he waited over three weeks to call up and blast me because he thought I was flying out for basic nice of him.... It's definitely time for a change when "friends" start treating you like the Village Idiot.
Posted By: ElKy Re: 7 days to go.... - 03/24/06 12:39 PM
doode that sucks.

and unfortunately we wont be able to make it out there tonight, the little lady has to work first thing in the morning.

Good Luck!
Posted By: wontgrowup_dup1 Re: 7 days to go.... - 03/25/06 03:29 PM all missed a great time...long story short, my little 5'2" wife had to drag my drunk a** to the car to drive me home
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