Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: CSVT.UA.SHO Car Show July 2nd - 06/18/06 06:22 AM
There will be a car show at Powell High School, on july 2nd. regestration starts at 2:00 and is free.

I'm going along with a buddy. so let me know if your going so we could park together!

Posted By: icysvt Re: Car Show July 2nd - 06/18/06 01:24 PM
brian!!! i'll be there count me in!!!!!! Just give me a call sometime. You should have made the dragon run it was a blast
Posted By: CSVT.UA.SHO Re: Car Show July 2nd - 06/20/06 05:06 AM
Sweet....but i don't think i want to park next to you, mainly bc your freakin awesome stereo setup. (jk about not parking next to you)

Yea, thats what i have heard. I really will be making the fall run...period!

Posted By: Nightwolf Re: Car Show July 2nd - 06/20/06 02:24 PM
is it a funrasier for the band or something? Kristy and i will be there. we graduted from powell-know it well.
Posted By: pokat302_dup1 Re: Car Show July 2nd - 06/20/06 02:40 PM
There was a car show for the PHS Band my senior year in 2001 - but I didn't have any part of it because the seniors didn't have to work it. (The band was going to the Fiesta Bowl in Arizona the following year - we'd be graduated). It was a huge deal a great turnout! I remember Whethermans bringing his Silver CSVT and coming home with several trophies. I had yet to realize there was, but I *knew* exactly what a CSVT was, and I parked my Tempo-driving butt next to the CSVT and drooled for like an hour. Now, looking back on my senior year scrapbook, I have a picture of Whtherman's CSVT and a little caption "I WANT this car!" I would never imagined in a few short years I would honestly have one! [bad disney reference] lol, dreams do come true. [/bad disney reference]
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