Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: SAV Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/16/04 09:38 PM
Just like the last one guys. It's NEVER too early to start minor planning.

Have at it: I'm open to just about any summer date for now. Spring break for me is March 11-20. I don't know exactly when I'll be done with my spring semester in college though. I'll get back to you guys about that.

I'm going after skool is out, whenever that is. Any week should be good for me as long as I have plenty of time to make sure I'm not working and all.
Let me check my schedule for a weekend trip up there. Its open til whenever I die.
I'm going during the week.
If you are planning on March 11-20 there might still be snow on the ground up in the mountains so be prepared to replan.
I think Late April/Early May would be the best time to plan for it. E. Tennessee has had late March snowfalls (the Blizzard of '93 was in the last 2 weeks of March).
Some of us will still be in school. Late May, June, and July are good for me.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/18/04 06:21 PM
I want to go when the weather is cool/brisk but there's no dangerous ice or anything like that on the ground.

It was in the upper 40s here a few nights ago and my car was rippin' fast.
Posted By: Lee_dup2 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/18/04 06:30 PM
Late March would be that time. It also depends, on how the weather in the rest of the area does. We've had alot of late winters in the past few years.
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/18/04 09:12 PM
We need a poll with dates and keep in mind those who are in school, we want another good turnout, BUT want to have as many people staying in the same area this time In the poll, have a vote for "don't care which date" or something to that effect. Then, those votes will go to the more popular votes, kinda like the Nader vote for us (R)'s
<Don't care as long as I'm not in school.
Posted By: Lee_dup2 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/19/04 01:15 AM
I say someone start the poll with the two highest dates being used as meet date and alternate if weather is not good at that time. Likely determined 2 weeks before. This would be needed for that time of year in the mountains.
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/19/04 10:19 PM
I don't have a calender in front of me right now or I would, but if someone does do this, don't forget about the "I don't car what day, I'm flexible" vote
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/19/04 11:37 PM

Spring or Summer?
End March/Beginning April
mid-late April/early May
late May/early June
I don't particularly care, I just want to go!

Ask and you shall receive.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/20/04 02:09 PM
So the poll shows one vote for each month, and two for the "I don't care." choice.

You guys are great at making up your minds.
It doesn't matter to me. I'm a little over an hour away. You guys that have to travel a lot should work out the date. I mean, me, Lee, Josh, Lacy, and Johnathan can be there in a heart beat; it's the foreigner's that need to be pleased.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/20/04 04:36 PM
Eric speaks a valid point.

Although we just got over with the first one. I think the purpose right now is to just gauge interest, though it appears to be there in spades.

Right now I'm working on "timespans". We'll figure out specific numbers after we get the most convenient months out of the way first.
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
It doesn't matter to me. I'm a little over an hour away. You guys that have to travel a lot should work out the date. I mean, me, Lee, Josh, Lacy, and Johnathan can be there in a heart beat; it's the foreigner's that need to be pleased.

Hey!! I resemble that remark!

On topic, I'm up for any time. I missed the Fall Run, but I plan to make up for that Big-Time!
Like I said, any time I'm not in skool. I don't know when my spring break is,,, I don't know how to find out either. I don't know nuthin.
Originally posted by TourDeForce:
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
It doesn't matter to me. I'm a little over an hour away. You guys that have to travel a lot should work out the date. I mean, me, Lee, Josh, Lacy, and Johnathan can be there in a heart beat; it's the foreigner's that need to be pleased.

Hey!! I resemble that remark!

Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/20/04 09:16 PM
I voted for the "I don't care, I just wanna go" but theres one thing to keep in mind, make sure its not the same weekend as SZ05'. I do believe its going to happen and personally, I'd like to do both, yes both. The one thing I wanna see this year is some of you guys from "south of the Mason-Dixon line" I'll be sure to show you guys "Northern hospitality", never heard of it...yeah, me neither FWIW, I may be in the CSVT or in my Dads 01' C5, look out Josh!
I could go to SZ,,, if I had money.
I was planning on going to SZ and the Nat'l Meet last year, but broke parts took my trip money. Maybe this year. Where's SZ gonna be?

Edit: nevermind, I found it. I am so smrt. I hope to see ya'll in IN, unless I manage to break something on the car this year, too.
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/21/04 03:23 AM
Make it in August....I will go.
LMAO you've never been to TN in August.
Originally posted by SVTaslinger:
LMAO you've never been to TN in August.

What happens in August?
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/21/04 04:40 AM
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Originally posted by SVTaslinger:
LMAO you've never been to TN in August.

What happens in August?

Your brain liquifies.
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Originally posted by SVTaslinger:
LMAO you've never been to TN in August.

What happens in August?

Your brain liquifies.

Dood yeah that happened about 5 or 6 augusts ago, hasn't resolidified yet.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/21/04 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Originally posted by SVTaslinger:
LMAO you've never been to TN in August.

What happens in August?

Your brain liquifies.

Dood yeah that happened about 5 or 6 augusts ago, hasn't resolidified yet.

We can't binge when you get down here Saturday then.

Damn you!

On a serious note, anyone else got anything to chime in about where we're gonna stay, or an update on specific dates yet?

I think we should re-sticky the accomodations thread.
As far as accomodations go, Josh made a suggestion of staying in Maryville the next time the meet takes place. The only "good" hotel I can think of in Maryville would be the Airport Hilton. Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge is always an option as well. Pigeon Forge would be a lot of fun to do with Go-Karts, Bungee Jumping, Mini-Golf and even a possible trip to Dollywood. Could even make a trip through Cades Cove if people wanted to go on a nice scenic drive.
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/21/04 09:11 PM
I feel that because the Cherahola starts in Tellico Plains and they have the cool cabin area, restaraunts, etc we should just stay there. I like the "small town" feel of the area and besides, I know how to get there now..."thats the way I grew up, thats the way I'm gonna be!"
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/21/04 09:39 PM
All in vote for Tellico Plains?

Tellico or Robbinsville. Check out the dragon website, there is a ~6 hour drive that takes you from Robbinsville through GA and SC back to Robbinsville that I think would be very interesting to do. What do ya'll think?
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/22/04 02:10 AM
Originally posted by SVTaslinger:
LMAO you've never been to TN in August.

Yes I have....I have family in TN and MS......a little hot but not too bad. Just gives a better excuse to run the Dragon at night.
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
thats the way I grew up, thats the way I'm gonna be!"

Yeah by god (spits tobacco on floor)
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/22/04 03:33 AM
Originally posted by SVTaslinger:
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
thats the way I grew up, thats the way I'm gonna be!"

Yeah by god (spits tobacco on floor)

You're gonna clean that there mess up now, y'hear?
Originally posted by SVTaslinger:
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
thats the way I grew up, thats the way I'm gonna be!"

Yeah by god (spits tobacco on floor)

umm heat ain't nuthing. south GA gets a lil hizot. And eric sppiittted at the dragon run,, haha jessica rememebrs that.
I still like Sweetwater. The drive to the entry to Chero-Hala gives your car time to warm up, you've got restaurants like Cracker Barrel and Bob's BBQ - not to mention free breakfast at the Best Western.

The cabins are a better bargain, tho...
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/22/04 08:39 PM
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Tellico or Robbinsville. Check out the dragon website, there is a ~6 hour drive that takes you from Robbinsville through GA and SC back to Robbinsville that I think would be very interesting to do. What do ya'll think?

I'd be up for that for sure! This why I like to come down a day or two early to go out and enjoy the rest of the area
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/22/04 09:15 PM
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Tellico or Robbinsville. Check out the dragon website, there is a ~6 hour drive that takes you from Robbinsville through GA and SC back to Robbinsville that I think would be very interesting to do. What do ya'll think?

I'd be up for that for sure! This why I like to come down a day or two early to go out and enjoy the rest of the area

You guys must grow money in your gas tanks to be able to drive that far and then take a 6 hr trip in what is basically one really f'ing big U-turn.

I'm all the way down for attending this trip, but I'll likely have a new car by then. The ZX2 is just a parasite that seems to have permanently latched itself on my bank account.

2005 Kia Spectra SX. $12K and change out the door. I don't care what company you're from, that's damn good. The one on hold for me is named, in deathly amounts of irony, Silver Frost.

We'll see how things work out come Dragon Run time.
Leave the Killed In Action at home and ride with Ross. If you think your 'Scort is a haas, you're gonna be dissappointed.

Suspension fund as of today: $350
yeah dood, kia ain't gonna keep up. Well unless you drive behind hector.

eric, u only need bout $150 more right?
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/23/04 12:05 AM
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
Leave the Killed In Action at home and ride with Ross.

I wish to make it home alive, Eric.

Besides, rowing my own gears I'd make the trip faster than Ross would anyway.
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
Leave the Killed In Action at home and ride with Ross.

I wish to make it home alive, Eric.

Besides, rowing my own gears I'd make the trip faster than Ross would anyway.

If you trying keeping up in that kiaaa, then u won't be making it no where.


Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/23/04 12:45 AM
Car and Driver review on Spectra5.

Originally posted by C&D Article:
...Thus motivated, the Spectra5 reached 60 mph from rest in 8.2 seconds and would have managed it in less time were it not for the need to shift into third at 57 mph. The quarter-mile arrived in 16.5 seconds at 84 mph...

Come back and talk to me when you can make the cut to sixty before you reach double digits on the stopwatch.
Haha 0-60 ain't everything buddy. Remember to call me tomorrow, try getting off work early if you can or something.
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/23/04 12:56 PM
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:
Car and Driver review on Spectra5.

Originally posted by C&D Article:
...Thus motivated, the Spectra5 reached 60 mph from rest in 8.2 seconds and would have managed it in less time were it not for the need to shift into third at 57 mph. The quarter-mile arrived in 16.5 seconds at 84 mph...

Come back and talk to me when you can make the cut to sixty before you reach double digits on the stopwatch.

Ouch.....Ross is pwn3d!
Originally posted by LoCoZs/c:
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:
Car and Driver review on Spectra5.

Originally posted by C&D Article:
...Thus motivated, the Spectra5 reached 60 mph from rest in 8.2 seconds and would have managed it in less time were it not for the need to shift into third at 57 mph. The quarter-mile arrived in 16.5 seconds at 84 mph...

Come back and talk to me when you can make the cut to sixty before you reach double digits on the stopwatch.

Ouch.....Ross is pwn3d!

Werd. Did you hear a bell? Cuz someone's getting schooled.
Posted By: zm830101 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/24/04 02:22 AM

umm heat ain't nuthing. south GA gets a lil hizot. And eric sppiittted at the dragon run,, haha jessica rememebrs that.

????? I'm sorry I didn't get this.
Hey Ross,
This is Jessica. How have you been?
Originally posted by zm830101:

umm heat ain't nuthing. south GA gets a lil hizot. And eric sppiittted at the dragon run,, haha jessica rememebrs that.

????? I'm sorry I didn't get this.
Hey Ross,
This is Jessica. How have you been?

Hahha, remember at the gas station at Eric was talking on the phone and he spittted and it was funny and stuff.

Hey Jessica,
I've been doing good how bout you? This week, our major made us dig a trench. Yes, that's right another trench. We then had to fight the Nazis with our bayonets only because they don't trust us to have bullets.

HAhha. We all should get up sometime. Ya'll could gone to savannah today to the mustang show, it was cool. One csvt was showing. Me and chris then hung out. Fun little mini-CEG meets. Lata playas.
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/24/04 02:32 PM
I definitely need to move further south!
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/24/04 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
yeah dood, kia ain't gonna keep up. Well unless you drive behind hector.

eric, u only need bout $150 more right?

I pushed Hector pretty hard on the Dragon when we ran it that Friday afternoon and he did pretty good IMO, so he isn't slow, although I know your just raggin' him

As far as that Kia 5, its actually supposed to be a pretty good handler, well, for a $12K car anyways. If your buying and not leasing, get a good tire/wheel package, you've got enough time IIRC, the "Dream Car Garage" show modded a Kia hatch, although it isn't the Kia 5, its worth looking into what they did As most of us know its more about handling than horsepower out on the Dragon, so the Kia 5 might surprise people like the CSVT/FSVT does to BMW/Mini owners do
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/25/04 03:17 AM
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
yeah dood, kia ain't gonna keep up. Well unless you drive behind hector.

eric, u only need bout $150 more right?

I pushed Hector pretty hard on the Dragon when we ran it that Friday afternoon and he did pretty good IMO, so he isn't slow, although I know your just raggin' him

As far as that Kia 5, its actually supposed to be a pretty good handler, well, for a $12K car anyways. If your buying and not leasing, get a good tire/wheel package, you've got enough time IIRC, the "Dream Car Garage" show modded a Kia hatch, although it isn't the Kia 5, its worth looking into what they did As most of us know its more about handling than horsepower out on the Dragon, so the Kia 5 might surprise people like the CSVT/FSVT does to BMW/Mini owners do

Hopefully next year you will be able to keep up with me......the 2.6 pulley is in and all I got to say is HOT DAYUM!!!! Probably new suspension next year (Koni/GC).....and maybe some more goodies under the hood.
I didn't say anything bout your car. I was talking bout your granny driving.
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/25/04 03:44 AM
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
I didn't say anything bout your car. I was talking bout your granny driving.

Yeah at night...with a sick G/F in the car....I wasn't running a race.....and we were WAY OUT to take Kim back to the hospital so....
Originally posted by LoCoZs/c:
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
I didn't say anything bout your car. I was talking bout your granny driving.

Yeah at night...with a sick G/F in the car....I wasn't running a race.....and we were WAY OUT to take Kim back to the hospital so....

Yeah excuses excuses.

Dude, you kno I'm joking.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/25/04 04:10 AM
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:

As far as that Kia 5, its actually supposed to be a pretty good handler, well, for a $12K car anyways. If your buying and not leasing, get a good tire/wheel package, you've got enough time

It already comes with 16s and a strut tower brace up front. Four wheel power discs...I think I'm set!

We'll see how it goes. I still haven't gone out there and picked it up yet. It could be a while.

Anywho, I'm still just eagerly waiting plans for this DR'05 to get off the ground!
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/26/04 10:58 PM
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:

As far as that Kia 5, its actually supposed to be a pretty good handler, well, for a $12K car anyways. If your buying and not leasing, get a good tire/wheel package, you've got enough time

It already comes with 16s and a strut tower brace up front. Four wheel power discs...I think I'm set!

We'll see how it goes. I still haven't gone out there and picked it up yet. It could be a while.

Anywho, I'm still just eagerly waiting plans for this DR'05 to get off the ground!

Well, it may come with 16's, but the tires gotta suck, so thats what I was sayin' there. Besides, who here keeps there cars stock anyways Hit and lets see what they offer for your Kia, hell for $12K you've gotta have some $$$$ left over
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:

As far as that Kia 5, its actually supposed to be a pretty good handler, well, for a $12K car anyways. If your buying and not leasing, get a good tire/wheel package, you've got enough time

It already comes with 16s and a strut tower brace up front. Four wheel power discs...I think I'm set!

We'll see how it goes. I still haven't gone out there and picked it up yet. It could be a while.

Anywho, I'm still just eagerly waiting plans for this DR'05 to get off the ground!

Well, it may come with 16's, but the tires gotta suck, so thats what I was sayin' there. Besides, who here keeps there cars stock anyways Hit and lets see what they offer for your Kia, hell for $12K you've gotta have some $$$$ left over

Ya, take the rebate back in cash instead of using it as part of a down payment - that's what trade-ins are for.
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/29/04 12:36 AM
I've been thinking. As much as I would LOVE to go again. I need $23k to go to NADC. I'm not so sure I'll be able to make it to the Dragon again for a while.
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/29/04 09:21 PM
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
I've been thinking. As much as I would LOVE to go again. I need $23k to go to NADC. I'm not so sure I'll be able to make it to the Dragon again for a while.

Forgive my ignorance, but whats NADC
nashville auto diesel college
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/30/04 01:12 AM

FWIW, I may be in the CSVT or in my Dads 01' C5, look out Josh!

[Correction]...It very quite possibly may be my 05' Mustang GT when I come down there in the fall, but in the spring, its probably going to be my Dads Vette
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/30/04 01:13 AM
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:

FWIW, I may be in the CSVT or in my Dads 01' C5, look out Josh!

[Correction]...It very quite possibly may be my 05' Mustang GT when I come down there in the fall, but in the spring, its probably going to be my Dads Vette

All y'all and your fancy cars can line up and blow me!

...j.k of course.
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/30/04 02:07 AM
Oh well I will be pimping the Contour......hopefully with fully rebuilt-up engine!
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:

FWIW, I may be in the CSVT or in my Dads 01' C5, look out Josh!

[Correction]...It very quite possibly may be my 05' Mustang GT when I come down there in the fall, but in the spring, its probably going to be my Dads Vette

All y'all and your fancy cars can line up and blow by me!

Left a word out, Chris. And yeah, that's a given.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/30/04 06:14 AM
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:

FWIW, I may be in the CSVT or in my Dads 01' C5, look out Josh!

[Correction]...It very quite possibly may be my 05' Mustang GT when I come down there in the fall, but in the spring, its probably going to be my Dads Vette

All y'all and your fancy cars can line up and blow by me!

Left a word out, Chris. And yeah, that's a given.

You think you're funny, huh?

Just wait! Just you all wait! I'm gonna have a 9 second ZX2 with twin turbos, a front mount, dual exhaust, racing seats and carbon fiber everything! Even the sunroof!

And I don't mean 9 seconds to sixty either!

9 sec. kia
Posted By: Lee_dup2 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 10/31/04 04:00 AM
Yeah, I can see it taking 9 Seconds for a KIA and a ZX2 to get to 60MPH.
Maybe 0-60kmh.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/04/04 02:09 PM
Originally posted by Lee:
Yeah, I can see it taking 9 Seconds for a KIA and a ZX2 to get to 60MPH.

Remind me in the near future to tell you that I hate you.
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/04/04 10:02 PM
Its a bit early to hold him to a commitment, but our local Aussie is lookin' to slay a Dragon in the spring with his CSVT, so look out
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/04/04 10:48 PM
WoOt! Turbo Terror in the house!
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
Its a bit early to hold him to a commitment, but our local Aussie is lookin' to slay a Dragon in the spring with his CSVT, so look out

Now I have to go.
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/05/04 03:33 AM
Hopefully I'm many bad things happening lately!
Woot Stazi! That'd be cool. Hector; jus' come on down fer some Southern comfort.
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
Woot Stazi! That'd be cool. Hector; jus' come on down fer some Southern comfort.

Eric, you're gonna scare hector away. Hector, don't worry, if you come down again, I won't let eric "comfort" you.
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
Woot Stazi! That'd be cool. Hector; jus' come on down fer some Southern comfort.

Eric, you're gonna scare hector away. Hector, don't worry, if you come down again, I won't let eric "comfort" you.

EWWWWW!!!! Now I've got that visual scorched in my brain!
Hey Josh, whatever happened to that video of Eric trying to get comfortable with something that nite, but he couldn't get his finger in.

<------------ (* Runs from thread screaming *)

Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Hey Josh, whatever happened to that video of Eric trying to get comfortable with something that nite, but he couldn't get his finger in.

*tried* is the keyword. Hector just wouldn't loosen up.
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
*tried* is the keyword. Hector just wouldn't loosen up.

(* Note to self: Bring daughter's chastity belt to Dragon Run & wear it backwards *)

I've now heard too much about Southern Hospitality.
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/06/04 02:11 AM
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
*tried* is the keyword. Hector just wouldn't loosen up.

You were trying to hard.....I like to be seduced.
Originally posted by LoCoZs/c:
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
*tried* is the keyword. Hector just wouldn't loosen up.

You were trying to hard.....I like to be seduced.


Shoulda bought you a drink first, huh?
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/06/04 05:38 AM
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
Originally posted by LoCoZs/c:
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
*tried* is the keyword. Hector just wouldn't loosen up.

You were trying to hard.....I like to be seduced.


Shoulda bought you a drink first, huh?

Yeah....I like to feel special.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/06/04 06:03 AM
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
*tried* is the keyword. Hector just wouldn't loosen up.

Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wroooooong!!!

Jim and I are going to lay a whuppin' on you if you keep up Eric! Then again, that might excite you and make Hector jealous...

Lemme stop.
Originally posted by TourDeForce:
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
*tried* is the keyword. Hector just wouldn't loosen up.

(* Note to self: Bring daughter's chastity belt to Dragon Run & wear it backwards *)

I've now heard too much about Southern Hospitality.

oooo yeah i wear it on my head. wait naw doood. hahha for real southern hospitality is bout what u want. so whateva u want is cooool. and chris u aint doin nothign wit da kia. hahha chirs. when is next se-ceg meet, u cact like u orgainicng but then not,,, tell me what up! yeahh!!!
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
*tried* is the keyword. Hector just wouldn't loosen up.

Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wroooooong!!!

Jim and I are going to lay a whuppin' on you if you keep up Eric! Then again, that might excite you and make Hector jealous...

Lemme stop.

You ain't finna do nuthin!!!
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/06/04 04:04 PM
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
*tried* is the keyword. Hector just wouldn't loosen up.

Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wroooooong!!!

Jim and I are going to lay a whuppin' on you if you keep up Eric! Then again, that might excite you and make Hector jealous...

Lemme stop.

You ain't finna do nuthin!!!

No no no, you ain't gon finna do nuffin!
Originally posted by LoCoZs/c:
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
*tried* is the keyword. Hector just wouldn't loosen up.

Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wroooooong!!!

Jim and I are going to lay a whuppin' on you if you keep up Eric! Then again, that might excite you and make Hector jealous...

Lemme stop.

You ain't finna do nuthin!!!

No no no, you ain't gon finna do nuffin!

Not right now with a broken EGR bolt stuck in the UIM. If I had the money, that whole thing would hit the trash and there'd be a SVT UIM/TB on there.
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/07/04 03:43 PM
I know its still WAY early, but I think we need to stay in the cabins I stayed in back in 03', those were nicer, larger bathroom/showers and the TV's worked This time, keeping everyone together will be alot better for everyone. I forgot the name of them, but they're right down 360 about 2-3 miles on the right.
Roger, was it Caney Creek?
I believe it was Caney Creek about 5 miles down 360.
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/08/04 03:21 AM
When is this meet....I am going!
when i s t his meet, i be goin 2.
To celebrate the return of MarshlMathrs, he would like to have a Dragon Run in December. I suggest New Years weekend. Anybody up for it??
That sounds good. I know my family is going up to see mo' fam in Louisville after Christmas; but I don't know when. I'll have to wait til closer time to know for sure.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/08/04 05:45 PM
Originally posted by TourDeForce:
To celebrate the return of MarshlMathrs, he would like to have a Dragon Run in December. I suggest New Years weekend. Anybody up for it??

New Year's Day is my father's birthday. I wouldn't be able to go.

I'm all for a December Dragon Run, as long as it's before the biggie holidays.
Then that puts me out cuz I work at a toy store; I won't have any days off until after Christmas.
Originally posted by TourDeForce:
To celebrate the return of MarshlMathrs, he would like to have a Dragon Run in December. I suggest New Years weekend. Anybody up for it??

I thought there is chance of it being closed in the cold.... anyways, I won't be able to make it.
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/08/04 09:15 PM
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
Roger, was it Caney Creek?

Good job Eric, it must be all the memory in that hat of yours The thing about this meet is we'll have more people from up here..."knock on wood"
I doubt there is any chance of a December Dragon run considering its only gonna be in the 40s here in the valley next week. Good chance for snow to start up in the Mtns.
I'll run in the snow; I ain't skeerred.
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
I'll run in the snow; I ain't skeerred.

I'z borned & raised in Maine. By God I eat snow! Drivin' in it ain't nuttin' but MORE fun!
December Run won't happen I can pretty much guarantee. It's already starting to get into the 30s here in the Valley at night and it's just gonna get colder. The only feasible time I could see you doing a December run would be the very first week of December and that's if we get a warm front moving through to heat things up a bit. I know the Park Rangers are already closing a lot of roads and campgrounds the third week of November. Even if you wanted to run the Dragon in the snow, you couldn't get your car up there due to road closures.
Oh yeah.
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/10/04 09:08 PM
I can't imagine a Dragon Run in the snow unless you had an AWD car with studded tires and balls the size of bowling balls
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
I can't imagine a Dragon Run in the snow unless you had an AWD car with studded tires and balls the size of bowling balls

If you're an old Maine-iac like me, AWD & studded tires are for girls! My balls are the size of church bells, thank you.
Originally posted by TourDeForce:
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
I can't imagine a Dragon Run in the snow unless you had an AWD car with studded tires and balls the size of bowling balls

If you're an old Maine-iac like me, AWD & studded tires are for girls! My balls are the size of church bells, thank you.

Ya know that big globe at Universal Studios? Yeah, got two of 'em.
As little as you are Eric, they have to be the size of green peas.
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/11/04 12:44 AM
Originally posted by SVTaslinger:
As little as you are Eric, they have to be the size of green peas.

Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/11/04 02:03 AM
Originally posted by SVTaslinger:
As little as you are Eric, they have to be the size of green peas.

And the crowd goes wild!
Posted By: Lee_dup2 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/11/04 02:31 AM
Watch it guys. Insulting the size of a mans balls IS pushing it. Funny....But pushing it.
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/11/04 02:55 AM
Originally posted by Lee:
Watch it guys. Insulting the size of a mans balls IS pushing it. Funny....But pushing it.

Eric weighs like a buck five......I am bigger.....more than twice as big.
WRONG! Try buck twenny.
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/11/04 03:21 AM
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
WRONG! Try buck twenny.

Still twice your size.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/11/04 04:55 AM
So about this meet...
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/11/04 09:32 PM
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
WRONG! Try buck twenny.

Its fidy
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
WRONG! Try buck twenny.

Its fidy

Don't know who you're thinkin of.

Anyway, [Cameo]What's the word? Ah, word up?[/Cameo]
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/12/04 08:33 PM
Whut? Tree fidy?!?!
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/12/04 10:03 PM
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:
Whut? Tree fidy?!?!

...widt a fow bolt
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/29/04 07:27 PM
I know there was a poll listed in here, but I'm too lazy to look for it. Once its found, can we post the date, unthumbtack this one, and start a new one with the new date
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
I know there was a poll listed in here, but I'm too lazy to look for it. Once its found, can we post the date, unthumbtack this one, and start a new one with the new date

Originally posted by TourDeForce:
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
I know there was a poll listed in here, but I'm too lazy to look for it. Once its found, can we post the date, unthumbtack this one, and start a new one with the new date


SE forum, not gonna happen.
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Originally posted by TourDeForce:
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
I know there was a poll listed in here, but I'm too lazy to look for it. Once its found, can we post the date, unthumbtack this one, and start a new one with the new date


SE forum, not gonna happen.

What he said. On a completely unrelated note, I got me a new R/C truck for Christmas today.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 11/30/04 07:37 PM
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
I know there was a poll listed in here, but I'm too lazy to look for it. Once its found, can we post the date, unthumbtack this one, and start a new one with the new date

Unthumbtack MY thread?!

Are you crazy?

FWIW, the poll was on page two, created by yours truly. Time frames were established long ago: Mid/late May- early June. Again, I don't mind when really, as long as it is between May 30 and June 19.

I'll agree with Jim though...we need to keep the jibberish to a minimum.

Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:

I'll agree with Jim though...we need to keep the jibberish to a minimum.


Don't make me get drunk... I'll show you some jibberish.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 12/01/04 12:26 AM
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:

I'll agree with Jim though...we need to keep the jibberish to a minimum.


Don't make me get drunk... I'll show you some jibberish.

The past eight pages are a result of your binge drinking habits. The least you could do is invite me.

Don't spread lies, I invited you plenty of times and other times you know you're invited even if not explicivlavbly written. I recall just a week or two ago IM'n you saying come up here and you whined because it was 1am or something.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 12/01/04 02:53 AM
Oh don't be so cold.

BTW, it's "expressly". "Explicivlavbly" sounds like you just made up your own word. Patent it before somebody else does and you can make millions.

FWIW, the girl is going out of town this weekend on some camping trip. With my luck she'll be teabagged by the old bastard of a Biology teacher [sigh], so I need to get out this weekend while I have the chance.

dood mt qoqoeqwordsa nwcwenermidDW UP ,,, aso xcome up here this weekend we hparty out hwho care if she gets teabagged, i teagabg bunches dojnt matter. woprd. come on up biiia biaaa we throw down at bar or dorem or part y house, dont matter, u pick, say what u what say how many u got ,we do da dam thang. word.
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:
Oh don't be so cold.

BTW, it's "expressly". "Explicivlavbly" sounds like you just made up your own word. Patent it before somebody else does and you can make millions.

FWIW, the girl is going out of town this weekend on some camping trip. With my luck she'll be teabagged by the old bastard of a Biology teacher [sigh], so I need to get out this weekend while I have the chance.


update. get down here tomorrow nite if u can. some partys going on... sure some saturday too probably but tomooroow i will be sooo gonne u will be down from the moon and call me names and i float back up and u'll see it.
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 12/04/04 10:29 PM
Spring or Summer? (Total Votes: 11)
End March/Beginning April
1 09%

mid-late April/early May
2 18%

late May/early June
2 18%

I don't particularly care, I just want to go!
6 54%

Yeah, that narrows it down some

Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 12/05/04 01:33 AM

All you mailbox humpers wanna sit there and complain that there's no definite date!??!!!!!?!!?!!!1111oneoneoneone

I'm setting it for June 10th - 13th. Tenth through thirteenth. 06.10-06.13. Diez - trece.


Is that clear?

Ya'll have fun, be careful.
whre r joooo?
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 12/05/04 05:26 AM
Can't do it then....too close to SZ05.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 12/05/04 03:25 PM
Originally posted by LoCoZs/c:
Can't do it then....too close to SZ05.

Well what would be the better deal?

Bringing it more towards May or pushing it back a bit more?

Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 12/05/04 03:47 PM
I suggest pushing it back a little.
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:
Originally posted by LoCoZs/c:
Can't do it then....too close to SZ05.

Well what would be the better deal?

Bringing it more towards May or pushing it back a bit more?


Early May.
True dat, but has SZ been set in stone? Last time I ventured through that thread, it was a toss up with FFW.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 12/09/04 03:48 AM

As far as I'm concerned, if we set ours in stone then SZ will just have to adapt.

In all circumstances, if the turnout to SZ this year is a mirror of the disappointment last year then I'm just going to go to the Dragon instead.

Yeah really. I had an excuse; my car quit running. Hopefully SZ and this Dragon Run will both be very sucessful; and on different dates. I'd like to attend both.
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 12/14/04 10:14 PM
Yeah, lets see when SZ is because we want as many out of towners (like myself) to attend this Dragon Run. Seeing that we have alot of time, this shouldn't be a problem anyways
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 12/21/04 10:13 PM
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:

As far as I'm concerned, if we set ours in stone then SZ will just have to adapt.

In all circumstances, if the turnout to SZ this year is a mirror of the disappointment last year then I'm just going to go to the Dragon instead.


Our Dragon Run isn't big enough to push any SZ's back...YET
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 01/10/05 09:25 PM
Looks like SZ05' is going to be about a month before our run, so it should be all good
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 01/11/05 07:53 AM
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
Looks like SZ05' is going to be about a month before our run, so it should be all good

See, Roger...look at that.

And you thought Dragon wasn't big enough to push around an SZ. Showed you!

When is it gonna be? I might stop drinking and save that ~$20 a week I waste at bars. It's a BIG might though. Like HUGE. GIGANTIC. MONSTEROUS. ENORMOUS. VERY VERY VERY LARGE.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 01/30/05 04:46 AM
Step one: See the signature.
Step two: Copy/paste it into your signature.
Solution: We'll never have this problem again.

When the time comes, and it is still far away, if you need some financial assistance, I'll throw down for ya man. We can split a cabin or a hotel room with the others so it won't be so expensive.

# June 8 - 12 DCSportbikes.COM makes a triumph tent return to the gap. CLICK HERE FOR INFO
# June 10-11 The FZ1OA Gang returns to Fontana Village for their annual rally CLICK HERE FOR INFO
# June 10-14 Two Wheel Tours leads a group to the Dragon CLICK HERE FOR INFO
# June 11 Cherohala Challenge Bicycle Ride Some 500 riders on a 115-mile loop over the Dragon and Cherohala .... WOW
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 01/30/05 07:01 AM
I picked that weekend for a reason...

Run over bicyclists and pull off often for sports bikes? ... Seriously though I doubt it will be too bad. Maybe the resort will be hard to park at, but we don't have to stop there. There is a gas station a little ways down 28, and also the bridges and what not to stop at.
Naw, pick another weekend mangh. Just cuz you ain't got a phat whip like Ross's doesn't mean you can make us all want to sit behind a bunch of fat chicks on Hayabusa's.

Seriously though, check around that weekend. June is a good time for just about everyone; not just us; so expect it to be very very crowded. BUT we did learn one thing at the last Run - solo runs at night are the sh!t. No traffic, no lights, no radio, just cracked windows, full heat defrost, stuck in 2nd, and 6000rpm's of Duratec blowin out an SVT exhaust. Ross liked it so much, he couldn't keep up with me.
I couldn't keep up at first cuz I wasn't used to it. I let you get way ahead, hit my high beams, and had a good time.
I know, I'm just pickin on ya. You got new brakes, right? Riiiiiight???
Why would I want new brakes? I think these produce the best smoke on the market.
And flakes of rotor for severe tire damage!
If I win the lottery (which I don't play so I'm not sure how that'll happen) by summer time, then I'll get new brakes, tires, and redo the suspension. Then I'll turbo the engine, get a lentech transmission, and work on the interior. I'll also get new wheels. Maybe nitrous as well. Then I'll sell the car and buy a viper. See ya'll at the dragon!
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 02/05/05 03:00 PM
So are we keeping it for that weekend? The reason I ask is because I wanna get my cabin early so I don't get left out in the cold, or in the Hardees parking lot as it were
You all know I will be there. I'm gonna talk to the g/f and see if she wants to get a cabin. I'm sure I could talk a few local Suby buddies in to going as well if you guys want the company.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 02/05/05 04:42 PM
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
So are we keeping it for that weekend?

As far as I know. I don't see a legitimate reason to change it.

Besides the extra traffic from the bike groups, they may also take up many of the cabins/hotel rooms that some people on here may have wanted.
And food!!! What if the Hardee's runs out of bacon!?!?!? What will I eat!?!?
What if the daycare in robbinsville runs out of food!?
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 02/05/05 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Besides the extra traffic from the bike groups, they may also take up many of the cabins/hotel rooms that some people on here may have wanted.

That's why you book your hotel room now instead of procrastinating like a bunch of college students.


PS: Wait a minute...
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
What if the daycare in robbinsville runs out of food!?

Then we eat the babies. Two birds with stone.
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 02/21/05 10:25 PM
With the selling of my CSVT, the purchasing of the new ride and SZ05' right around then, I don't think I'll be making it down there for the spring run. In addtion to that, Hector and Kim are moving into their new place, so that rules them out for the June run too. I'm really sorry, but I can only extend myself so far, but I AM GOING IN THE FALL This year will make THREE years in a row, where you at SEMI CEG
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 02/21/05 11:03 PM
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
With the selling of my CSVT, the purchasing of the new ride and SZ05' right around then, I don't think I'll be making it down there for the spring run. In addtion to that, Hector and Kim are moving into their new place, so that rules them out for the June run too. I'm really sorry, but I can only extend myself so far, but I AM GOING IN THE FALL This year will make THREE years in a row, where you at SEMI CEG

That is when I plan on going.
You're selling your car, Roger!?!?!?! Whaddya gettin? Can't wait to trash whatever it is in November.
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 02/22/05 03:43 AM
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
You're selling your car, Roger!?!?!?! Whaddya gettin? Can't wait to trash whatever it is in November.

05 Mustang GT!
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 02/22/05 05:33 AM
Man, y'all are bummin' me out.

Roger's selling the CSVT, at least to LilRedRocket, another CEG'er...Hector's moving around and stuff.

I wonder if Jim, Josh, Ross and Eric are at least still going.

I'm going on this f'ing trip, be damned with the rest of you.

Don't get too bummed Chris. Somebody will be there. The wife & I have not made a commitment at this point, but we've been talking about it.

All else fails, there is still the fall run. This year I make the fall Dragon Run, hurricanes be damned!
Chris, I live an hour away, I go up there all the time already. I will see you there.
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 02/24/05 09:06 PM
Originally posted by SAV:
Man, y'all are bummin' me out.

Roger's selling the CSVT, at least to LilRedRocket, another CEG'er...Hector's moving around and stuff.

I wonder if Jim, Josh, Ross and Eric are at least still going.

I'm going on this f'ing trip, be damned with the rest of you.


Don't worry SAV, I WILL BE THERE IN THE FALL, bank on it I plan on making this a yearly ritual, I enjoy it that much!
You ain't got a car right now. How you know for sure you going?
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 02/24/05 11:47 PM
It's February. DR is in June.

I have 3 months to manage.


EDIT: Most of you guys plan on making the fall one, but the rest of us student people will have class again. That's why I'm so eager about the Spring one instead of the Fall one.
I had classes during the last fall one, well not during it, but same time there. It's on a weekend. I ain't got no classes on weekends.
my girlfriend was asking about the Dragon Run so she read about it and she wants to go so as long as i keep those days off i will be there....

Cool. I don't know what my job situation will be at the time. I hope/plan to go.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 02/25/05 01:36 AM
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
I had classes during the last fall one, well not during it, but same time there. It's on a weekend. I ain't got no classes on weekends.

If I drive 6-8 hours, I plan on staying more than one f'ing day.
Hmm, I didn't stay one day.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 02/25/05 01:40 AM
I'm still going. And my car is shinier.
so what is the official attendace list:

what is the official might attend list:
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 02/25/05 02:18 AM
List of real attendance:

1. SAV

Feel free to add from here.

Originally posted by carrot_top:
my girlfriend was asking about the Dragon Run so she read about it and she wants to go so as long as i keep those days off i will be there....

She'll like it. Here's a link to some pix of my visit in 2003. Fall is definately the time to go...

Vacation Pix
Originally posted by SAV:
I'm still going. And my car is shinier.

Again, you don't have a car.
1. SAV
2. Ross (If I'm not working and if Chris doesn't come )
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 02/25/05 07:09 PM
What a funny guy!

I'm going just to see how Eric exercises the big guns on your forehead.

I plan on being there if you guys don't mind a slow Scooby tagging along.

The National Scooby Meet is on the 1-5th so June is going to be a fun time for me at the Dragon.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 02/26/05 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Wthermans:
I plan on being there if you guys don't mind a slow Scooby tagging along.

Meh, we would so toast you.

Originally posted by SAV:
Originally posted by Wthermans:
I plan on being there if you guys don't mind a slow Scooby tagging along.

Meh, we would so toast you.


Yeah, your Sedona will hose Gib's STI.

Do you even have to ask if I'll be there?
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 03/04/05 03:20 AM
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
Originally posted by SAV:
Originally posted by Wthermans:
I plan on being there if you guys don't mind a slow Scooby tagging along.

Meh, we would so toast you.


Yeah, your Sedona will hose Gib's STI.

No lie, you otta see her throw her fat around corners like nobody's biz. Makes a load of noise doin' it too.

She has a tendency to fall over when we start to dance real groovy though.

Yeah, you gotta romance them fat chicks around the room; can't toss 'em like a real lady.
What is happening with this. I took the time off work already and are booking a hotel this Friday when i get paid.

I'll TRY to make it but, I have to get a second job when I get home, and I know I can get off work from my current job, but I have no idea if where ever else I start working will let me off. We'll see. I may stay in a friend's cabin in north georgia or pay one of ya'll a few bucks to sleep on your floor. I'm broke.
Well I hope that this does not die just like all the other meet we schedule. I for one make the effort and attend to the ones that I can even if its 2 or 3 hrs dont let this die, we need to have a decent meet and get that stigma of SECEG beign no shows and all the other harsh words we have been called

anyway, see you all there,

You know I'm pretty into making it to meets. That was a ~4 hour drive to Ocala and I was extremely hungover.
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 04/07/05 01:31 AM
Seriously, this is well past six months and I would hate everyone's guts (including my own) if I had to see it die.

Like I said, if it comes down to it, I'll be going by myself.

Taking the van?
I live so close, I have to go. If anyone wants to hit up some gravel roads as well, I know a few fun places

Maybe I'll bring my 14"s and see if I can shred some tires. I know Eric will be up for gravel roads.
Who has reserved a hotel room already?
Originally posted by carrot_top:

Sorry I haven't been cluttering the threads recently. 50-hour work weeks in El Daltano, GA, is kinda rough; coupled with the 45 minute one-way drive.

Anyway, gravel roads are sweet, I might postpone the suspension install. Hotel? Nope. It's not too far from me. Actually, I'm going to be moving further south to the TN/GA line (on the TN side ) and that puts me right by I-75, so I'm just an hour away from Tellico Plains.
We may come to Maryville, or where ever you guys starting point is at, but I don't think we'll actually do the Dragon.
Originally posted by pokat302:
We may come to Maryville, or where ever you guys starting point is at, but I don't think we'll actually do the Dragon.

It's not that much farther from Maryville and you don't have to drive hard to have a good time. It's a very enjoyable road even if you take it at an easy pace.
Posted By: csvtjohnga Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 04/21/05 01:41 AM
how was far is the dragon from middle ga? 1-3 hrs?
Originally posted by csvtjohnga:
how was far is the dragon from middle ga? 1-3 hrs?
Under 3 hours.
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 04/30/05 02:21 AM
Although I can't make the summer run, rest asured I'll be there in the fall. As some of you know or may not know, the wait on the 05' Mustang has come to an end for me, just couldn't wait till late Oct/Nov for the car I ordered in mid February, so I tried to test drive a GTO, but they wouldn't let me, so I checked out the Crossfire and was VERY impressed by it. This car is made for the Dragon...light weight (a hair over 3,000 lbs), RWD, 6 spd and a 230 ft/lbs of torque V6, not to mention sticky Michelin Pilots. Now I just need to get some practice before I head down there. Worse case senario, my Dad and I bring his 01' Vette
Wow, sucks to be you, Roger.
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 05/09/05 11:33 PM
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
Wow, sucks to be you, Roger.

Do you say that because I don't use Zaino Eric? BTW, I've just about switched over to Griots Garage, times change, cars change and my wax choice has changed! I do have a couple of Meguiars products (hand polish and NXT), but everything else is Griots (thank God I've been working overtime because its a bit more money ) For example, the car wash soap I bought by the gallon and its $40.00. They just came out with this Paint sealant and its supposed to last a year and I believe its synthetic, hmm, sounds like Zaino and NXT to me, oh well, atleast they can change with the time As far as the Dragon fall run goes, I'm leaning on the Crossfire right now and am planning a trip to WV for some "practice"
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 05/14/05 10:19 PM
I'm going to try and get out of working that weekend and bring my Dad down to this Dragon Run. We have this "sceduled weekend" work scedule and I as fait would have it, I'm working that weekend, but we will see as I try to "convince" someone to cover for me. As far as the fall run goes, I'm thinking the weekend of Oct 12th as I'm not sceduled then, what do you guys think about that? I know its a bit early to think about it, but not really
Posted By: SAV Re: Official Spring/Summer Dragon Run '05 - 05/24/05 05:13 AM
I'm getting the itchy feeling that this Run might be on the "cancel" form.

I'll leave it up in case and I will leave my "request off" permission in at work so I'll have the weekend off even if we all don't go, but if this falls through, then I won't be terribly surprised. Not a lot of activity has gone on planning it and we're only sixteen days out.

I'm going to start a thread for the fall run. If Mod Chris would be so nice as to tack it, it would be greatly appreciated.

Awyeah! This is comin up with the quicks. So who has pu$$ied out? Who's gonna be up there in a couple weeks? I wanna walk a Sedona.
If anyone at all is going, I'll most likely be there. There is a BIG Suby meet up there this weekend as well so June is going to be a Dragon-y month.
I'll be up there Friday I reckon.
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