Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: GTO Pete Saturday, June 3 - Carlisle - 05/22/06 02:53 PM
All Ford Nationals in Carlisle.

Each vehicle registered is allowed one free guest.
Carlisle in Northeast forum.

Bring something on the list or bring money to contribute.
Carlisle Food List

=Parts to sell/trade/buy=
Thread here

-Confirmed / Tentative-
Pete & Angela
Antonio - needs ride
Jess - needs ride
Posted By: RTStabler51_dup1 Re: Saturday, June 3 - 05/22/06 03:49 PM
If my POS is ready, I'm down...
Posted By: GTO Pete Re: Saturday, June 3 - 05/22/06 04:02 PM
rather than driving 2 hours there in the morning and driving 2 back in the afternoon, I might be staying Saturday night and leaving Sunday afternoon.

Hotels for the event

Let me know if any of you guys are staying Saturday night - gotta book a room!

There are rooms in the $125 range w/ 2 beds. Could do 4-5 in one room to make it ~$25-$30 a person for the night.

=Hotel maybes=
Posted By: GTO Pete Re: Saturday, June 3 - 05/22/06 05:18 PM
FYI: Angela & I will be staying at the Holiday Inn ($125 a night). She wants to go swimming in the pool.

Just found a hotel for $79 a night w/ 2 beds.
4 people = $20 a night.
Posted By: 69Boss302_dup1 Re: Saturday, June 3 - 05/24/06 10:11 PM
I'll be out of the country. Sorry.
Posted By: LUCA_dup1 Re: Saturday, June 3 - 05/28/06 04:02 PM
I'm trying to get an accurate count for the food. Everyone that will be bringing something needs to know how much to bring. If you would please add/delete your name and indicate if you are bring someone I would appreciate it.

* wa2tuff + 1
* Checker'd SVT
* smars
* Luca +1
* BrApple
* richs +1
* Matt R
* Guitarman19853 + 1
* juspifool
* 99 red SVT +1
* getsum111 +1
* brandonsvt99
* that Buddy Palumbo guy +1
* Parkedcar +1
* Joel4Prez +1
* Lars + 1
* I8RICE +1
* Chris06Fusion + 1
* NJSVT576
* GT-Slow Pete + 1
* Antonio
* Jess
* Ryan

Thank you!

Suzie/Matt...I left your name on the list as I wasn't sure if you had registered. I'm trying to keep track of the registered people as well so we have a count for the tent.
Posted By: RTStabler51_dup1 Re: Saturday, June 3 - Carlisle - 05/31/06 10:07 PM
who's going that needs a ride? I'm going saturday, but not staying the night. People can hop a rid in the Liberty if they'd like.
Posted By: GTO Pete Re: Saturday, June 3 - Carlisle - 06/01/06 01:30 AM
Scott & Stabler: Have you registered yet??

I signed everyone up for a $10 donation towards food.

You can drive out to meet me.
We drive out to meet Scott, Jess and Antonio for breakfast.
We all go to Carlisle.

It's a little out of our way, but it's more fun to caravan. Plus it's a little confusing, so letting Scott lead the way is good.
Posted By: RTStabler51_dup1 Re: Saturday, June 3 - Carlisle - 06/01/06 11:44 AM
No, the sight says registration is closed but you can register at the event.

Sounds like Antonio and Jess are riding with Scott?
Posted By: GTO Pete Re: Saturday, June 3 - Carlisle - 06/01/06 12:39 PM
Originally posted by We Todd:
No, the sight says registration is closed but you can register at the event.

Sounds like Antonio and Jess are riding with Scott?

Well tht blows.

You didn't understand my post - Did you want to meet the three of them for breakfast? (It's a little out of our way.) Breakfast and then Jess or Antonio would ride with you and we all caravan.
Posted By: RTStabler51_dup1 Re: Saturday, June 3 - Carlisle - 06/01/06 01:00 PM
thats fine. What time and PM me your addy. I tried calling you yesterday.
Posted By: scottd60_dup1 Re: Saturday, June 3 - Carlisle - 06/01/06 04:51 PM
Yeah I missed the online registration also .

Depending on who is really going Ryan may want to swing by Jesse's house and pick him up and then head to my house. If Antonio is going he may also want ot meat at Jesse's as well. Jesse is about 20-25 min. from my house and kind of on the way. For Pete it is a little out of the way to go to my house but only a few extra miles...the shortest route to Carlisle for Pete would be to head straight up MD-97N (where MD-97 crosses Rt26 is about 4 miles from my house) all the way to Rt15 near Gettysburg and then on to Carlisle. If he wanted to do all highway it would be Rt270 through Frederick to Rt15 and go up through Thurmont. From my house to Carlisle it's 64-73 miles (about 1 1/2 hour drive) depending on which route we take. The shorter is more back roads and will take longer, the longer is more highway and should be quicker time wise. The best route is straight up MD-97N to US-15N near Gettysburg and then US-15N to Carlisle Rd/PA-74. We can all meet at my house and get breakfast at Denny's or Bob Evans and go from there or we can meet up on Rt15 up near Gettysburg. If we meet up on Rt15 then Ryan may want to meet us there with's up to you guys. It may be harder to time out meet on Rt15 then at my house but still is doable. If we do this then Jesse and Antonio should probably meet at my house

You can call me at work to talk some more...send me a PM for my number if you don't have it.

Posted By: RTStabler51_dup1 Re: Saturday, June 3 - Carlisle - 06/01/06 05:11 PM
I don't care. I just want an address and a time!
Posted By: GTO Pete Re: Saturday, June 3 - Carlisle - 06/01/06 05:18 PM
Originally posted by We Todd:
I don't care. I just want an address and a time!


Denny's near Scott's house by 8:30?
Posted By: RTStabler51_dup1 Re: Saturday, June 3 - Carlisle - 06/01/06 05:19 PM
works for me.
Posted By: scottd60_dup1 Re: Saturday, June 3 - Carlisle - 06/01/06 06:54 PM
Whoever is going to Carlisle and want to ride up together meet at my house Saturday morning between 8:00 and 8:30. At 8:30 we will leave and go to Denny's for breakfast about 1 mile from my house on Rt26 (Liberty Road) in Eldersburg.

Who is meeting at my house ?

1. me (scottd60)
2. Pete and Angela
3. Ryan
4. Jesse
5. Antonio

PM for phone numbers and address.

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