Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
i normally leave my car at the garage in my office building, but last night i had a date with this chic so i drove to my apartment at 13th and Mass Ave. i have done this MANY of nights, mostly on the weekends. so there we are about 1:30am in bed and i hear this "WUMP" noise. i say to her, "damn, someone's car just got busted into. sucks for them". evidently i should have said sucks for me b/c at 8am when i come out, i have no rear passenger window. a guy in building says he saw some homeless P.O.S. throw a brick at my car TWICE and then he goes through it. the guy yells and chases him for a minute but lost him in an alley. he comes in and tells the front desk and they file a report yada yada yada. all that was taken was the emergency roadside kit. NOT the radio, NOT the 140 CD's, NOT the money in the middle part and NOT my iPod. so this P.O.S. dirtbag is going to make me have to get my door replaced b/c he was to f'ed up to correctly throw the brick through the window on the first try. here are some pics:

Posted By: DanG Re: i love homeless people in DC *56K careful* - 04/19/06 03:03 PM
Originally posted by cliffjohnson:
i had a date with this chic so i drove to my apartment... 1:30am in bed... i say to her,

Sounds like overall it was a good night!!!

Sucks though... Some freakin' people... Good that your money and iPod are safe...
Originally posted by DanG:
Originally posted by cliffjohnson:
i had a date with this chic so i drove to my apartment... 1:30am in bed... i say to her,

Sounds like overall it was a good night!!!

Yeah but was she worth it?
dude that blows
You would look crazy running after a guy a hump in your
back and a woody
Originally posted by moxnix:
Originally posted by DanG:
Originally posted by cliffjohnson:
i had a date with this chic so i drove to my apartment... 1:30am in bed... i say to her,

Sounds like overall it was a good night!!!

Yeah but was she worth it?

of course, i wouldn't have brought her home if she wasn't.......wait, who am i kidding? i still would have brought her home if she wasn't. be she is a really cool chic so yeah i would say it was worth it.
Originally posted by DanG:
Originally posted by cliffjohnson:
i had a date with this chic so i drove to my apartment... 1:30am in bed... i say to her,

Sounds like overall it was a good night!!!

Ohhh, funny funny Dan. That made me laugh.
That sucks, man. Same thing happened to my old Caprice downtown. I can only imagine how pissed I'd be if it happened to my SVT.
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