Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: lunatic Capital Raceway - 03/23/06 08:22 PM
Hello. I'm In Baltimore County, MD and sometimes, I go to Capital Raceway. My best pass there (with Contour)was a 17.3 in 07/05 (high temp and humidity) What are your all's opinions on that track? I think it sucks and that it's probably the slowest track there is on the east coast. I have only raced my Contour at Capital but I have another car,which I've raced at various tracks and it got the slowest times at Capital. What is it about that track? thanks
Posted By: RTStabler51_dup1 Re: Capital Raceway - 03/23/06 09:22 PM
Its refered to as 'Craptial'. I don't think it has the best prep, but you can typically get a decent amount of runs in unlike MIR, which is better prepped.
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Capital Raceway - 03/23/06 10:18 PM
Capital's only virtue is location.

Being in B-more you should check out Cecil County.

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