Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Bike2112 Anything new going on - 10/19/05 10:55 PM
The boards are sleeping again. What's new with everyone.

RT- how is skewl going?
Posted By: RTStabler51_dup1 Re: Anything new going on - 10/20/05 12:50 AM
Its going, time for Mid-terms again. Going to the track on Friday...other wise SOS DD.
Posted By: Bike2112 Re: Anything new going on - 10/20/05 01:24 AM
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Anything new going on - 10/20/05 05:29 PM
Start a new job on Monday and have fairly major oral surgery in two weeks. I need to prep both my car and truck for winter. Car needs all the fluids changed and the truck just needs an oil change and brakes.

Posted By: Quick_SVT Re: Anything new going on - 10/20/05 06:25 PM
Congrats on the new job Andy and good luck with the mid-terms Ryan. I also need to prep my cars for the winter, the only new thing going on for me is home hunting. Hoping to find a new place and be moved in by the end of November at the latest.
Posted By: platinum_drew Re: Anything new going on - 10/20/05 06:39 PM
so much school

so much crappy job

need physics to allow 36/hr days and I'll be peachy
Posted By: Jeb Hoge_dup1 Re: Anything new going on - 10/20/05 07:30 PM
We're plotting a move to Richmond sometime in the next few months. I guess that qualifies as something going on.
Posted By: Antonio Wright_dup1 Re: Anything new going on - 10/20/05 07:32 PM
I am still alive.
Posted By: Bike2112 Re: Anything new going on - 10/20/05 11:57 PM
Originally posted by Antonio Wright:
I am still alive.

Posted By: JeSiZZle Re: Anything new going on - 10/21/05 01:31 PM
Originally posted by Jeb Hoge:
We're plotting a move to Richmond sometime in the next few months. I guess that qualifies as something going on.

sweet, i work in richmond and live 20 mins south. need anything let me know through my email cuz im unable to check to boards as often as i used to.

as for me:
2 jobs, getting school stuff set up, finishing up new garage, getting comp back together after hd crash, body work on the svt...hence why i cant check the boards as much as i used to
Posted By: GTO Pete Re: Anything new going on - 10/21/05 01:42 PM
Started a new full-time job
Still working the part-time job
Continuing w/ wedding plans
Dentist trips every week for the past 6 weeks and more to come

So I've been really, really busy lately.
Posted By: Silversvts Re: Anything new going on - 10/21/05 06:45 PM
Not too much is new with me except that I got a contract to sell my townhouse and i'm praying that closing goes through without any problems. If I don't sell my townhouse i'll have two mortgages next month . Other than that my car is still in the same place that its been in since our CEG meet in August. Its parked and waiting for me to change the spark plugs and wires. Hopefully i'll get to that this weekend.
Posted By: 69Boss302_dup1 Re: Anything new going on - 10/24/05 04:23 PM
I'm back in the Middle East until the first week of November again but when I get back I'll be meeting up with some folks from to get some tuning and transmission work done to the Silverado(I should be in the low 14's after that). New LS6 heads and maybe a Z06 cam are something I'm thinking about right now. I'll be getting a garage at my apartments in Annapolis soon so I can get the SVT out of my dad's shop in SC where's it's been for the most part the last two years. Oh, I've got a date the next weekend after I get back with a new girl I met. I washed my hair today.
Posted By: RTStabler51_dup1 Re: Anything new going on - 10/24/05 04:24 PM
Originally posted by 69Boss302:
I washed my hair today.

That can be quite an accomplishment depending on where you get stuck.

What's your MOS?
Posted By: Silversvts Re: Anything new going on - 10/24/05 05:04 PM
Well I finally got around to changing my spark plugs on Sunday and resetting my computer. I took my car out for a 30 minute spin and my CEL didn't turn on . My car seems to be running normal again and there is no more misfiring. Now I just need to change my plug wires.
Posted By: Tony2005 Re: Anything new going on - 10/24/05 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Silversvts:
Well I finally got around to changing my spark plugs on Sunday and resetting my computer. I took my car out for a 30 minute spin and my CEL didn't turn on . My car seems to be running normal again and there is no more misfiring. Now I just need to change my plug wires.

And it took you only 2 months to do it.

BTW, how was the condition of the plugs?
Posted By: Silversvts Re: Anything new going on - 10/24/05 06:56 PM
They didn't seem too badly worn other than a little carbon build up. One thing that I found strange was that all the old plugs were gapped at .060 - .063 and they are suppposed to be gapped at about .054. I guess that's why I was misfiring.
Posted By: Quick_SVT Re: Anything new going on - 10/25/05 06:02 PM
Glad you finally got her running right! i had a feeling it was just fouled plugs!
Posted By: 69Boss302_dup1 Re: Anything new going on - 10/26/05 07:11 PM
Originally posted by RTStabler51:
Originally posted by 69Boss302:
I washed my hair today.

That can be quite an accomplishment depending on where you get stuck.

What's your MOS?

I'm a Flight Attendant in the Air Force, 1A651. And yes, I'm enlisted, E-5. I usually get the desert trips and alot of third world countries. The travel is awesome for me because I actually like going to these places. The high level dignitaries, both foreign and domestic, I get to meet make the job pretty interesting too. We work alot of long, hard hours and go to dumpy places and I enjoy every minute of it. Maybe one day I'll get around to linking some travel and work pictures in my sig.

Posted By: RTStabler51_dup1 Re: Anything new going on - 10/26/05 07:28 PM
Flight Attendant? That's an MOS in the AF? So, you attached to C-5s or what?
Posted By: Jeb Hoge_dup1 Re: Anything new going on - 10/26/05 09:10 PM
An Air Force flight attendant...not a bad gig, I would imagine, especially if you're riding the SAM aircraft. I see the Gulfstreams heading in and out of Andrews quite often.
Posted By: 69Boss302_dup1 Re: Anything new going on - 10/27/05 10:59 AM
Yeah, I'm on the SAM aircraft. I fly on the Boeing Business Jet 737-700. It's not as cramped as the G3's and G5's but a cozy cramped. I'll be getting certified on this jet in the next month or so after about 11 months of training and then will start on the 757 after that. It's a pretty sweet gig especially since there isn't alot of us and we, at least I am, gone all the time. Since February this year I've been around the world once and been to about 25 or so different countries on 3 different Continents. A big part of my job is cooking which works out really well since I'm wanting to get more into culinary arts. In fact, this trip I'm on now we'll end up doing close to 1,000 meals on our jet. So yeah, I get alot of experience doing stuff that I really enjoy doing.
Posted By: Jeb Hoge_dup1 Re: Anything new going on - 10/27/05 03:32 PM
Awesome. I saw the 757 at the last open's gorgeous. Sounds like a heck of a job.
Posted By: 69Boss302_dup1 Re: Anything new going on - 11/02/05 05:02 AM
It's an awesome job. I've been doing this now for the last year and I still can't believe that this is a job!
For instance, I'm in Islamaabad, Pakistan right now. This last month alone I've been in ~10 countries. China, Japan, South Korea, Mongolia(I have to get some videos hosted of Mongolian throat singing, very cool), Kuwait, Qatar, Ireland, India, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Germany and maybe a few more. I still have a few more places to go to before I get home this weekend.

Maybe I could set up a tour one day for my CAPCEG peeps. I'll have to look into that if anyone's interested.
Posted By: Jeb Hoge_dup1 Re: Anything new going on - 11/02/05 03:50 PM
Originally posted by 69Boss302:
Maybe I could set up a tour one day for my CAPCEG peeps. I'll have to look into that if anyone's interested.

Oh yes oh yes oh yes
Posted By: GTO Pete Re: Anything new going on - 11/02/05 10:07 PM
Originally posted by Jeb Hoge:
Originally posted by 69Boss302:
Maybe I could set up a tour one day for my CAPCEG peeps. I'll have to look into that if anyone's interested.

Oh yes oh yes oh yes

Not an orgasmic "yes" like Jeb, but yes.
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: Anything new going on - 11/02/05 10:36 PM
Jeb's an military aviation nut! Ask him about it, great napping material for some and very interesting for others. LOL!

Posted By: Jeb Hoge_dup1 Re: Anything new going on - 11/03/05 01:58 AM
I'd give the left one for an all-access tour on AF1, no lie.
Posted By: Bike2112 Re: Anything new going on - 11/04/05 09:08 PM
Update in my neck of the woods. Replaced alternator this week. Pain in the a$$ but not too bad. Just took awhile figuring out which bolts and how to get to them...oh, and no directions is always a treat.

My dad is getting inducted into the Gonzaga High School hall of fame tonight in DC so I'm going to that. It should be pretty cool.
Posted By: Tony2005 Re: Anything new going on - 11/04/05 09:14 PM
Originally posted by Bike2112:
.. Replaced alternator this week. Pain in the a$$ but not too bad. Just took awhile figuring out which bolts and how to get to them...oh, and no directions is always a treat.....

"Whatcha talking about Willis?" (Mike)
Posted By: 69Boss302_dup1 Re: Anything new going on - 11/05/05 09:09 AM
I can't even get a tour of AF1. PAG (Presidential airlift group) acts like some huge secret entity. They hire from within the two other squadrons here(mine and my sister sq) and the FA's that they take don't even get to see it until they're hired. I think there's an alien in there they use for the power source or something.
Posted By: Jeb Hoge_dup1 Re: Anything new going on - 11/05/05 03:50 PM
Yeah. I've got a couple of hi-res VC-25A photos that really show off the antenna farm and some of the countermeasures on the eengine pylons, and I'm sure there's a lot more to it.
Posted By: Bike2112 Re: Anything new going on - 11/06/05 11:14 PM
I meant which way to get my hands with the right wrench into the incredibally confined areas the alternator is located.
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