Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: 95Mike_dup1 Roll Call August 9th/info - 07/30/03 05:10 PM
OK guys, let's post to see who can make it.

I was thinking about just meeting at the Auburn Supermall and then all caravaning to my house from there.

I5 South - Go south to the Kent/Willis street exit (about five minutes south of Southcenter Mall). Take a left at the light and follow it down the hill and through the valley. Take a right on the 167 south on-ramp (towards Puyallup) and continue on until the Auburn Supermall exit. You can see the mall from the freeway and it should be pretty easy to get there at this point.

I5 North - Go north on I5 passed Fort Lewis Army Base. Take the 512 Mt. Rainier/Puyallup exit onto 512. Continue pass the South Hill Mall and the Western Washington Fairgrounds until it merges with 167. Stay in the right lane and go 167 North until you get to the Auburn Supermall exit.

As far as everything to bring, I guess just bring what you want to eat. We should get a head count and find out what everyone wants, then maybe divide up who brings what or however you guys want to do it. Also, if anyone has any ideas for things to do throw them out. I have a spare th fix if anyone hasn't done it yet. I don't think we will be short on things to do if there is a decent turnout. As far as time goes, I was thinking:

a) around noon or 1pm meeting up then having an early dinner.
b) around 10am and having lunch.

Whatever you guys would like, throw it on the table.
Posted By: LuckySVT Re: Roll Call August 9th/info - 07/30/03 09:34 PM
Well i live alll the way down here in Eugene,OR so a) sounds best to me, but if everyone is down with b) that is fine too, i will just get to bed early the night before.
Posted By: Lance Kinley_dup1 Re: Roll Call August 9th/info - 07/31/03 12:52 AM
Christy (Outback Gal) and I vote for option a). I think an afternoon/evening gathering will work best.

Posted By: auiotour Re: Roll Call August 9th/info - 07/31/03 01:12 AM
I can do either but prefer b, cause the 9th is my birthday and my girl has stuff planned, and i dont want to ditch it lol. So whatever you want is cool with me.
Posted By: Woogieman Re: Roll Call August 9th/info - 07/31/03 04:10 AM
I will be able to make it. I will be bringing my wife & son. I would prefer (b), but like Toby I can probably make either time. I think we will set up a spot for the Oregon folks to meet up at & then caravan together. I also like the idea of meeting up at the Auburn Mall & then following you. I will bring a couple of football's & frisbies(sp) just incase.
Posted By: 1slo30 Re: Roll Call August 9th/info - 07/31/03 11:56 PM
im down with (A),i think itll work better for our oregon & canadian friends,i dont think my wife or son will make it though(friends baby shower) so it will just be myself and possibly a friend of mine
btw-what size grill is it so i know how big of steaks and stuff to bring

B <-------(my sons helping me type )
Posted By: LuckySVT Re: Roll Call August 9th/info - 08/01/03 07:00 AM
Ok, got some new info on my part, I live in Eugene, OR but i will not be able to caravan on up to the meet with my fellow oregonians . Sorry woogieman and whoever else goes. But the scoop is, im going to visit my bros in Anacortes, WA and my family is going so i will go with them(me drivin) and then i will come down south to the meet. But anyways id thought id let the oregonian people know that i wont be able to caravan with them but i WILL be at the meet. Also isnt there someone who lives in Anacortes,WA who is goin to the upcoming meet? PM whoever does. Maybe we can caravan down to the meet.
Anyways, see yall at the meet!
Posted By: 95Mike_dup1 Re: Roll Call August 9th/info - 08/01/03 04:52 PM
I will probably bring my grill as well as use my dad's. Any size steak (besides the one John Candy couldn't finish) should be fine.
Posted By: 95Mike_dup1 Re: Roll Call August 9th/info - 08/01/03 04:56 PM
js139 - Where are you? You haven't posted in over a month and would like to see you here.
Posted By: Sadeeq_dup1 Re: Roll Call August 9th/info - 08/01/03 07:24 PM
Sounds cool.
Noon sounds like a good time.
Posted By: Lance Kinley_dup1 Re: Roll Call August 9th/info - 08/01/03 09:56 PM
Yay, Sadeeq just woke up from his nap!

Posted By: 1slo30 Re: Roll Call August 9th/info - 08/01/03 10:44 PM
hey lucky, thats me, i would caravan but the issue is i dont get out of my(unexpected)CWI class till about 3:00pm on sat.,which brings me to my question can someone meet me at the supermall at about 5pm?,or kinda push the meet back to a little bit later start time so i dont miss alot?(and still meet me at 5), I apologize for this but with all the probs with the refinery lately they want to make sure we are up on everything in the event there is a serious issue or we get audited

thanks all

btw-when will you be here lucky, maybe we can hook up before the 9th and bs- gotta big house and alot of barley sodas
Posted By: LuckySVT Re: Roll Call August 9th/info - 08/02/03 12:16 AM
1slo30, i am not quite sure yet when i will be up there, i think friday to tuesday. My brother lives in the hills when you get into anacortes. I believe there is a church located somewhere up there? Anyways he and his wife work at the Cap Sante Marina part shop. Sorry, i just started talkin lol. Anyways ya thatd be cool, we will see when i will know for sure when i will be up there.
Posted By: auiotour Re: Roll Call August 9th/info - 08/02/03 04:20 AM
Well, as of today plan a or b will be fine, since I am no longer doing anything for my bday. js139, is that jeremy, if so I have his cell number, I could call him.
Posted By: LuckySVT Re: Roll Call August 9th/info - 08/02/03 09:27 PM
Hey Rob, u gunna make it to this meet? Also anyone else besides me and woogieman that are from oregon, gunna be able to make it?
Posted By: 95Mike_dup1 Re: Roll Call August 9th/info - 08/02/03 10:56 PM
OK, there has been a change in plans. My parents have had some issues come up with next weekend so we won't be able to host the meet there. I suppose we'll just have to have it at my place. Everything else is the same.

I was also thinking about maybe having the barbeque itself at game farm park if it is not raining. There's a lot of parking, lots of room and I could haul my grill down there pretty easily. Just something to think about. Also, I was wondering if anyone wanted to go for a drive if the weather permits? I've got that great one out 410 I've mentioned in the past. Let me know.
Posted By: GrooveNerd Re: Roll Call August 9th/info - 08/03/03 01:11 AM
I'm still not sure if I'm gonna make it. I'd prefer the earlier option, as I may be busy that night. I'm in for the convoy up if I go, though.

Posted By: shotwell_dup1 Re: Roll Call August 9th/info - 08/03/03 03:24 AM
Just as I was about to post yesterday that I was going to make it (I'm back in town by the way), work called and I'm flying out on the 7th. Can't believe I'm going to miss another meet! Not only that, but I have two general admission tickets to Metallica on the 7th in Seattle. I'll post a seperate thread about that though. I'll catch you guys later in the summer or fall I guess!
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