Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: auiotour Get together - Sat, Jan 18, 10AM, Auburn WA - 01/08/03 08:25 PM
Anyone want to meet on Jan 18th in the king county area in WA. This is not a big meeting just one to drive our cars and show them off? Well, tell me what you think everyone?

[EDITED by kchin to Change the subject line so no one misses the meet who would otherwise have gone]
Posted By: 95Mike_dup1 Re: Get together - 01/09/03 12:24 AM
I have to work saturdays untill 6pm. If we could get together sunday I could make it. Seattle is a hop-skip-and-a-jump away.
Posted By: shotwell_dup1 Re: Get together - 01/09/03 06:08 AM
Count me in! I have to consult with my wife regarding her work schedule, but I think she has that day off. What did you have in mind?
Posted By: Sadeeq_dup1 Re: Get together - 01/09/03 09:46 AM
hmmm.... I might be able to do something like that.
What do you have in mind?
Posted By: auiotour Re: Get together - 01/09/03 08:41 PM
Originally posted by 95Mike:
I have to work saturdays untill 6pm. If we could get together sunday I could make it. Seattle is a hop-skip-and-a-jump away.

Is their anyway you can get it off, I don't know if the other guys will be able to go sunday, if they can then I guess we can change it to the 19th, but they need to post that they are free. Also, I don't know what I have in mind yet. We will probably get together, show off our cars, talk about cars a bit, and then after a while go for a drive, up the highway in a long line, (making it so people can get between us) It will attract lots of attention, and well sorry to say piss some drivers off cause they can't pass very well. But indeed I think we might be able to get some attention. Also if anyone has any decals for the back passanger windows. I would like to buy them off you when we all meet. I want to get a minimium of 5 people together. I am going to see if Lance is free also since he is in the area. If you guys have any friends with contours, please invite them to join along. The more the merrier. I will be asking my sisters boyfriend to take his old svt that he owned from his brother and drive it with us. (he has absuletly nothing done, but hey its another 20 feet longer in the trail of cars.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Get together - 01/10/03 12:07 AM
I am free that weekend. Tell me where.

I guess I have another reason to wash my car now.
Posted By: auiotour Re: Get together - 01/10/03 01:39 AM
Originally posted by Beowulf:
I am free that weekend. Tell me where.

I guess I have another reason to wash my car now.

LOL I just spent 3 hours detailing my car. I figured it had been almost 3 months since I last washed it.
Posted By: Sadeeq_dup1 Re: Get together - 01/10/03 02:50 AM
Originally posted by 95Mike:
I have to work saturdays untill 6pm.

Sundays are usually better for me too.
Posted By: shotwell_dup1 Re: Get together - 01/10/03 04:16 AM
Well unfortunately if it's changed to Sunday I'm out. My wife has to work that day and I'm not going to bring the three youngins along for a car meeting...they'll be bored out of their minds!

In any case I'm not on board with the long line of cars thing. Pissing off other drivers is the last thing I want to do, especially in Seattle where they drink too much coffee anyway! I'm all for driving somewhere though.
Posted By: auiotour Re: Get together - 01/10/03 05:37 AM
Well saturday is soundlike it will be the better day, so I am thinking about saying the 18th and.... Ahhh [censored] the 18th is final. Now where would we all like to meet.

Following people are going:
Michael Shotwell
Sadeeq Simmons (maybe)

is their anyone else out their?

Sedeeq anyway of getting saturday off, trading days with someone at work. This meetings dont happen that often around here.

We wont piss anyone off besides the people who like to cause accident by speeding/zig zagging through everyone.
Posted By: Outback Gal_dup1 Re: Get together - 01/10/03 05:31 PM
Originally posted by drajen:

We wont piss anyone off besides the people who like to cause accident by speeding/zig zagging through everyone.

Ah, this one has never been on a big contour gathering...keeping the cars together often results in chaos!

=) Christy
Posted By: auiotour Re: Get together - 01/10/03 07:14 PM
Come on everyone who is interested on meeting on the 18th. If you want to email me at Im In!! and tell me what you forum name is on ceg. so I know who is going not just your names. thanks.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: Get together - 01/10/03 09:00 PM
Dude, I already daid I was in! :d
Posted By: Darren_dup1 Re: Get together - 01/11/03 04:04 AM
I'm in as long as the weather is nice. If it is crappy, rainy weather i'm going hunting. Personally i'm hoping for crappy weather. There is only a couple of weeks left to hunt ducks and I want to get as much in as I can.
Posted By: auiotour <-- Saturday the 18th 10:00 AM Auburn WA - 01/13/03 11:54 PM
Okay on the 18th its supposed to be cloudy in south king county, But I had an idea, there is a huge autosale at the Super Mall in Auburn WA, I was thinking we could all meet their. Simple Directions to get their.

From I-5 North or South, Take the Highway East 18 exit. When you get to the Highway 167 South exit, take it (about 1.5 miles) then the first off ramp for the supermall is about .3 miles and then when you get off the highway stay to the left, and then go east towards the supermall. Turn left at the third stop light And drive into the McDonalds Parking Lot.

From I-90 Go west until you get to the I-5 Junction Go south on I-5 Following it and then take the Highway East 18 exit. When you get to the Highway 167 South exit, take it (about 1.5 miles) then the first off ramp for the supermall is about .3 miles and then when you get off the highway stay to the left, and then go east towards the supermall. Turn left at the third stop light And drive into the McDonalds Parking Lot.

I will be there at 10:00 AM Saturday, we will wait for people till 11:00 AM.
If you get lost at all please give me a call on my cell phone at 253-217-6020.

If you are coming please post your name below and that you are coming! If only 2 or three people say they are coming its gonna suck. Also, bring money for gas and food. I don't know all what we will be doing so come prepared.
Excellent! I'm absolutely going to be there. As far as what we're going to do after we meet, anything is fine with me. Drive, eat, tune, whatever. I'm in. Hey, even if there's only a few of us it can still be cool. My only limitation is that I have to be back in the Portland area the 19th around noon. I expect there will be some discussion before the meet, so I'll be sure and keep checking the boards.

Sounds good. I'm there.
Anyone coming north that wants to meet up and caravan, let me know in this thread.
I'm in Tumwater, WA (just south of Olympia).

ALSO: I've been wanting to bleed my clutch and brakes. If anyone is interested in helping, that'd be cool. My garage is open to everyone.
i have some dissapointing news for those looking forward to me also being there on saturday. I dont know if I will be making it. my grampa died last night in helena mt, and I will be leaving wednesday morning. and probably won't be back till monday or tuesday. my dad and I are taking care of all the funeral plans, because my grampa never arranged any. I will check the board posting when I get there. I am hoping to be back by saturday morning so I can come and hang out as planned but I don't see it as happening. I am sorry, and I hope that you guys will still meet. If not, I would like to reschedule for next weekend or maybe the following weekend. May god be with you all.
Posted By: Beowulf Re: <-- Saturday the 18th 10:00 AM Auburn WA - 01/14/03 07:51 PM
I will be there, the Supermall is minutes away from where I live.

Ok, truth is that I will be there if I can wake up in the morning. I will be out Friday night, so you never know.

drajen, I am sorry to hear about your Grandfather and don't feel bad about not being there...your family needs you.
auburn is like 15 minutes away from me and I'm going to be at work at 10am.
Originally posted by drajen:
i have some dissapointing... my grampa died last night in helena mt.

Sorry to hear that. My condolences.
ill be there... i wasnt at the last one but ill make up for it for this one... ull spot meeh out quick ive got the ass end covered in primer from body work lolz
Sorry to hear that man. I lost my grandma whom I was very close to a few years back. I feel your pain.
Hey guys, I will be leaving friday afternoon to make the 8-10 hours trip back home. unfortnely I have work to do on saturday afternoon, So I will only be joing everyone for 3-4 hours. I have to be at a business appointment at 4, with my new clients. (order 15 computers HELL YEA!!!)

Also, If anyone has installed new guages in their tours, please be down there. I need help fixing my guages. They tell me I am doing 50 in a 25, and 8000 RPM... Damn red line lol. I just need help setting them all to zero. You will also get to see my new guages, not the prototype models but the final version. Hope to see a lot of people down there!

llane rost
Okay, how about a drive to Mt Rainier? The weather's supposed to be awesome, and the roads up are... a thrill.
We could meet at 10 and head up there. Maybe get there around noon for lunch, and return around 3.
I have to be back at my house by 2:45 to at the latest
so we'll have to drive fast?!

I'll have my cell 360 970-3692
Christy and I are up for a trip to Mt. Rainier!!!

Let's do it!

anyone know how many miles it is up there?
Originally posted by Lance Kinley:
Christy and I are up for a trip to Mt. Rainier!!!

Let's do it!


Great!!! It's on!!
... and it will be great to see you guys again!
Posted By: Sadeeq_dup1 Re: Trek to Mt. Rainier - 01/18/03 06:53 AM
The only viable route is Longmire to Paradise.
It looks like about 70 miles, and just under 2 hrs before ascent.
Entry is $10 per car (regardless of occupants).

Here's a link to current conditions
Posted By: auiotour Re: Trek to Mt. Rainier - 01/18/03 08:20 AM
Originally posted by Sadeeq:
The only viable route is Longmire to Paradise.
It looks like about 70 miles, and just under 2 hrs before ascent.
Entry is $10 per car (regardless of occupants).

Here's a link to current conditions

If anyone wants to come in my car with my friend and I, you are more then welcome to, As I am running short on money, and already have to wait a week until I can get the guages put out into the final process. If nobody wants to come that is fine. I will have money still. damn 2 hours, it should take that long. going about 65-70 (flow of traffic) it should take about an hour. and its about a 10 minute drive to the top, maybe 15. Sorry, I am just a worry wart, I have new clients and I cant be late. So anyways, I will see you all tomorrow morning. Lets all be there by 10:30 at the latest, so we can get moving on out. I will be bring my Digital Camera, to take pictures of everyones rides. Hope anyone else who has camera(s) will bring their's too!
Posted By: Beowulf Re: <-- Saturday the 18th 10:00 AM Auburn WA - 01/18/03 11:54 AM
It is 4 AM, i just finished 2 hours of work (damn on-call guy better answer his phone next time so I dont have to take calls when I am not on-call!) and I am going to bed now. I will be there, I will be tired and my car will be very dirty, but dont hold it against me...maybe I will have time to run through the Pink Elephant down at the Chevron...I hope. My car is filthy.

See ya
Hey just saying I am out for the drive to Mt Rainer, the weather up here is total [censored], and I am bad at driving in bad weather (if you hadn't already known that, lol). I bust my car/truck up everytime it isnt halfway decent out. I hope the trip is fun, and I will be attending the next get together that is in the west wa. or portland area. Sorry everyone, I was very much looking forward to showing my guages off.
so it looks like we'll be meeting at 10am at the mall, then heading south to Mt Rainier.

I'll be waiting for the following:
  • Shotwell - 98 SVT
  • Lance & Christy - 95 SE
  • Trickraca - 95 gL
  • Beowulf - 2000 SE

    I'll be bringing my wife and exchange student.
    We'll try to be there on time.
    Hopefully we'll be able to get things started on time.

    This should be fun!

    Reach me at 360 970-3692 if needed
  • Originally posted by drajen:
    Hey just saying I am out for the drive to Mt Rainer...

    Leave your worries behind.
    Change your mind!
    We'll have a good time!
    I said it in rhyme!
    Aww, how come the day of the event you guys decide to go to Mt. Rainier??

    I've always wanted to make a run up there. I imagine it to be as spectacular as Mt. St. Helens.

    Oh well, hope to hear about it soon, and see lots of pics.


    Four Tours made the trek.
    It was a good day and a great drive inspite of the traffic.

    Pics soon.
    The route down 7 to 12 and on to I-5 was great! The interstate had a lot of cops though. Thanks for coming everyone. Hope we can do it again in the spring. Maybe we can do one better and caravan to Spring Zing!
    The drive down from the top was great! I got stuck behind the green van for a while, but he pulled over for me (nicely, I wasn't pushing him at all!). Once by, I was going at a pretty good clip. Fun fun fun!

    Here are some pics:

    Christy and I both had a great time! Let's do a Mt. St. Helens run this summer, say late July? Early Aug?

    We're definitely thinking about going to SZ2003 in Omaha, that would be great if we could caravan out there!

    It was great to see everyone, let's do this more often!

    Sounds like you guys had a fun trip, sorry I couldn't come. So who is everyone in the pic, I recognize Lance and Sadeeq, but not the two in the center?

    As far as the Mt. St. Helens run, I'll be up for that. SZ2003, I'll have to pass, I think I'll be taking the 'tour back to SCCA nationals in early September, so I don't think I need to make 2 trips back the the middle of the country.
    Great pics, Lance. Sounds like you all had fun. The roads weren't snowy, right?

    Omaha appears to be about 28 hours away, or 1800 miles. I wonder if a return trip can be done comfortably in 9 days... Looks like 2 hard days of driving in both directions. I'm thinking about it, but it may be too much for me to do as a single driver.

    - Kerry

    That's me next to Sadeeq, with Beowulf next to me. That really was a great drive! Couldn't have been a better day for winter time. Looking forward to spring!
    All I could think about yesterday at work was how much I wanted to be with you guys. Let's make one on a Sunday next time.
    here are my pics from the meet...
    My. Rainier CEG trip

    It was a perfect day for a run to the mountains. The roads were smow and ice fee, but heavily sanded.

    David [Beowulf] got a rock chip in his windshield on one stretch where we had to pass a slow car. Other than that, no casualties.

    The Tours performed beautifully on the windy roads up and down. On the way up, he and Lance showed the power of the Quaiffe... tires yelling with excitement around some of the corners. Mike [Shotwell - Shotdiff] chased me all the way down. My wife exclaimed, "Oh my!", then remained absolutly silent as I took the corners more and more agressively.

    Mt Rainier is a definite #1 destination. We should do it again this summer!
    Originally posted by shotwell:
    That's me next to Sadeeq, with Beowulf next to me. That really was a great drive! Couldn't have been a better day for winter time. Looking forward to spring!

    Ooops, sorry Mike, just didn't realize that. MMMM, yes season!
    Hey sorry i didnt end up going out there with you guys/gals. I wish I could, but hey great news the guy is ordering 17 computers for his small business. I am looking forward to a lot of money.. YEA, finally, he also gave me 3 names of people he had gave my number to and told them I would call them in the next coming week. He said they were also entrapenuers and were looking into great computer deals. So now I will be busy. I bought a small CEG sticker from lance saturday morning before you all left. I am going to get it blown up for my back window. Also anyone who who showed up on saturday, I will take time out of my busy schedule (if you do, to customize your guages for cost) the catch, you have to drive up to auburn (near seatac mall) same wrote as before (almost). If you find a picture you want for the backgroun send me it. PM me if you want more info.
    I really need to get into some closed course racing. I really enjoy cornering! It would be really cool if they closed the Mt Rainer road for a day, like Pike's Peak or something.
    Sounds like it was worth the sacrifice to not go driving with us! Congratulations.
    If you ever need help building PCs...
    Originally posted by shotwell:
    ...It would be really cool if they closed the Mt Rainer road for a day, like Pike's Peak or something.

    I said the same to my wife, and she just laughed.

    Originally posted by shotwell:
    I really need to get into some closed course racing. I really enjoy cornering!

    I'm sure the guys in Portland would welcome yor company. You'll also find that your car is much better suited for running slalom courses than drag racing.
    It is now to be known as the "Rainier Rock Run 2003". I may gotten only one new rock chip in my window, but I was hit many times with lesser rocks that thankfully didnt chip me up. It is OK though, my drive to work everyday has the same insurance company will be coughing up for some windshield repair soon.

    Tailing along behind those SVT's was wonderful, but I was laggin several times...I need MORE POWAH!

    Good thing Lance figured out why his third brake light wasn't working before I ended up climbing up his pretty twin tailpipes.

    When we were leaving the parking area up top, a Ford Escape got between myself and Shotwell, and the Escape was going almighty slow. I flashed him a lot but after he passed the 12th turnout I couldnt take it anymore...I didnt catch up to the group until after Longmire. Oh, and when that green Space Van saw me rushing up behind, he moved his ass over right quick...I gave him a wave...he could teach the Escape driver a thing or two.

    Fun run indeed. Lotsa traffic!
    Yes, the green "space van" who pulled over for Sadeeq but not for me! Maybe I didn't give him enough time, but I managed a pass that wasn't too dangerous. I hope I didn't chip his windshield too (doh!) Good to see that the "official CEG beater" (lol) got a good workout as well. Probably cleaned out those secondaries on the way down. Beowulf, if you want some more power I understand that the non-SVT engine benefits from a aftermarket chip much more than the SVT. You said you're already running premium gas, so a little spark advance wouldn't hurt. Maybe we can even arrange an SVT or 3.0 engine swap! Remember, I've got access to a shop, heh heh.
    P.S. to Shotwell...thanks for the CD, the first track was perfect for after I got past that stinking Escape.
    I think i am going to concentrate on getting my damn loan paid off before I do anything. I do want to talk to you about a tune up though...I am at 61K, and need to get it done. I just dont trust anyone around here...even the independent shops suck.

    Was that your taillights I saw in front of the Silocrap on the corner of that long straightaway before you got back into the twisties? No wonder he pulled over so fast for me! That was the last I saw of any of you until I came up behind Lance after Longmire....hey! I really want to know what you guys did on that section of road!

    I am running premium when the weather is good, but I occassional switch to the lower grades when I am trying to be thrifty. Since I go through a tank every 3 or 4 days, it is no biggie. Come summer, it will be all premium, all of the time.

    That's understandable. I still owe WAY more than it's worth on the market. I don't really care about the market because I plan on keeping the car forever, but you know what I mean. As for the twisties down the mountain, I cannot confirm or deny, or have any recollection of any spirited driving. For the record I went 25MPH all the way down the hill, heh heh. Can't get this thread locked!
    Well, it took me so long to catch up to you guys becuase I was doing 15 all of the way down then!

    I plan on keeping mine too, I just wouldn't mind saving several thousand over the next few years by paying it off faster...gotta pay for a 3.0 and Paxton somehow.

    With my interest rate, over 6 years, the car payments would be almost double the $8700 the car was "purchased" for from the dealer.

    What is good is that I went there actually expecting it to be over a grand more...gotta love buying a car with a manual tranny. Dealers hate 'em, but the money I am saving from them not being able to get it off the lot is good.

    P.S. The "3.0 and Paxton" thing is not my plan...I dont really know what I will do after wheels, struts, springs and big brakes. The future is WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE open...just like secondaries are meant to be.
    The nice thing about Mt. Rainier is that at 25mph you feel like you're wizzing by at record speeds.
    Umm...sure, Sadeeq.