Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: DDV Portland Meet?? - 08/05/05 04:14 AM
Who showed up and where are the pics??
Posted By: shotwell_dup1 Re: Portland Meet?? - 08/06/05 05:09 AM
We're lazy
Posted By: SleeperZ Re: Portland Meet?? - 08/06/05 04:55 PM
Our posts about meets are alot like the meets themselves, not alot of action.

But it was good meeting everyone.
Posted By: GrooveNerd Re: Portland Meet?? - 08/09/05 06:27 AM
A photo of our humble meet.

Basically, we hung out and talked cars for a while in the hot sun. Then, some people had to go, and the rest of us went into the restaurant and enjoyed some pizza, chased down with various adult or carbonated beverages.

Thanks to everyone who came out! It was good to see the usual suspects again, and meet some newcomers.

Posted By: PDXSVT Re: Portland Meet?? - 08/12/05 02:52 PM
And after the meet, Mike Shotwell and his buddy Chris tore apart and cleaned my UIM/LIMs.

Marty, where's a picture of Mike's Lumina? But yes, I'd rather have pix of Mike fitting in a (packed?) Chevy Metro for his drive to Alaska.
Posted By: shotwell_dup1 Re: Portland Meet?? - 08/14/05 10:36 AM
Oh what fun that was. B12 Chemtool will eat through rubber gloves if you're not careful.

No big loss on the pic of my Malibu. It's not exciting. The trip to Alaska will be though. Speaking of, that stupid Metro is STILL in my garage, STILL not done. I've worked on it almost every day since we spoke last. Now it has a new motor, clutch etc. It runs as of today, just poorly. The fuel pump only makes 5 or 6 psi, but it's supposed to make 13 psi. Going to get a new one tomorrow. After that is brakes. Got to get the bugs worked out of this thing before the long trip!

Wish I could drive my SVT that far in one shot. One of these days I will dammit!
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